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Ahoy all ye scalliwags.....The Capt. wants to know what would you take with you if...... you went back then ( say around 1650 thru 1750 ) and you are of course from now....... And please leave out phone. I mean, who are you going to call if you have the only phone? The idea is to think of something to take back with you that you think would be of great use. Not something that would get you branded as a witch. Also, remember, that whatever it is you take, you have the only one

For me, it has to be... asprin. I mean, yeah air conditioning would be great, but, no electric. High powered rifles and modern weapons are good, but, no modern ammo to use... and visa versa.... Yes this list is limited to ONE ( 1 ) item only. So you cannot say modern medicine as a bulk answer. I think asprin would be great. It would help with most ailments especially jungle fever etc.....Anyhow, let me know what you think. Fair winds and rich plunder....... The Capt.

... fast is good, but, accuracy is better........ Wyatt Earrp

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Awright, one o' us wenches has to say it: tampons! :huh:

Melusine de la Mer

"Well behaved women rarely make history." - Laurel Thatcher Ulrich


I'd take a big roll of toilet paper!

(A good reminder to those empty portapotties at events that run out quickly)



**I'd rather be training cabin boys**


LOL....Astroglide. Hah! :lol: Hmmm....what would I take back....

I know! I'd take a modern 20th century blonde bombshell pinup chick like Pamela Anderson with flawless skin, white teeth, clean hair and all her fingers and toes. Then I'd set her up in a tent in Port Royal and charge the buccaneers one piece of eight per peep show. In a matter or weeks I'd be the richest guy on the island and I could live like a king. Those dirty 17th century scrubs would go BONKERS to see a lady like that in such a violent, dirty world! :)

I'd also bring along a truckload of TP, cigarettes, lite beer, Slim Jims and 20th century smut to peddle off to the riffraff. :huh:


I'd take a steamship. Obviously, it would be revolutionary technology for back then and make me rich. At the same time, the major necessities that make it run (water and fuel) would also be available. Imagine how easy it would be plyin' the doldrums for prey.


She was bigger and faster when under full sail

With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail



I'd want mosquito repellant -- give me lots of DEET!

In "Memoirs of a Buccaneer" by Le Golif, there's a great part where he gets married to one of the French girls the governor had shipped in to Tortuga to help "tame" the buccaneers (it's a hilarious story) -- afterward the wedding feast, he takes his new bride up to the room he's rented for the night at the local tavern. But the mosquitos drive her nuts so she's not willing to take her clothes off. Out of desparation he takes her in the shore boat out to his ship for an evening of romance, because the mosquitos don't go out over the ocean.

Fair wyndes, safe harbors and sleeping sentries,

--Jamaica Rose

"Sometimes yer th' ship's hull ... sometimes yer th' cannonball!"

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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  Rumpir said:
Me Rum and a song in my heart! :lol::huh::lol:

Well, laddie, doncha know, they had rum back then, at least startin' in the early 17th century. The French and English colonists learned right quick you could ferment the molasses that was left over from extractin' sugar from the sugar cane.

So ya don't need to go bringin' it back from the 21st century, lessen' ya want something special like Cap'n Morgan's Parrot Bay or even better Sanger's Coconut Rum.

And I bet you coulda had a song in yer heart back then as well, ... no need to import that either.

Blackheartedly yrs,

--Jamaica Rose

"RUM -- not just fer breakfast anymore!"

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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Actually on second thought perhaps I'd bring one of those hats with a solar powered fan in the brim. And if it had the beer can holders on th' side I could put me grog in thar!


okay. I see that some of you... Joshua Red, have a hard time understanding what one item means. But, thats okay. Coastie... your imagination will be the death of you. Rumpir..... I think Jamaica Rose said it best, so I will leave it at that. Booga... YOUR DOG? YOUR DOG?.. okay, I'm confused. Are you afraid you will be lonely or get very hungry?

Angus.... I'll just say this..... Your answer confuses the daylights out of me. But, because of the answer, I really hope you don't explain why.

Keep em coming gang........ aarrgghhhhh The Capt.

  Capt. Flint said:
Booga... YOUR DOG?  YOUR DOG?.. okay, I'm confused. Are you afraid you will be lonely or get very hungry?

Obviously you´ve never been a crustpunk ;)

My dog is the only one who understands me...


My first thought was to bring penecillan or some type antibiotic but then I have to bring a hyperdermic needle (so that is 2 items possibly?) So barring that one, the one thing that might make most voyages more tolerable would be some food preservative - I don't like the idea of moldy food. If that is no good, I opt for some dramamine as I tend to get a little sick on the water. Lastly I might bring just "RID" with me as I don't enjoy the idea of all those bugs hopping on me either!



Arr, ye swabs,

Oi'd take a book of cocktail recipes, an open a coctail bar in Port Royal. Oi bet them swabs back in them days would love a change from rum gin an warm beer. :D

Cap'n Redbeard


Piratical Union of Buccaneers Corsairs and Associated Trades


eh dere Captin Luigi, I be rememberin da last time you be doin that dere twister game on da crew dere... been keepin da pasta outta dere when ever I been thinkin yous been lurkin...

I been givin dis topic a'lot o' thought dere an da best ting I thought would be helpin da pirate crew dere would have been da battleship dere, baring dat mayhaps some o' dose geneticelly engeinerred sheep dere you be likin so much dere captin'


This be a tougher question than first it seem at a glance. First I was a thinkin' Duct Tape, but then I figgered mayhaps a history book ta keep me away from the places I dinna want ta be and to the places it's be best ta be. Then it came ta me in a flash...

me trusty MODERN! Queen Anne flintlock! With the low # of misfires she's given me and the streangth o' the modern steel, I figger me survivability would go way up.

Evil Tiny

I'm not really evil...oh wait...yes I am!

Discipline is on the severe side of harsh, and I likes it that way.


I am slightly modifying my earlier answer of mosquito repellant with DEET. I was thinkin' it might be better to take some Skin So Soft from Avon. For some reason, it's a great mosquite repellant even though it doesn't have DEET. It also works for ticks I hear (you know, those dreaded red-spotted jungle ticks), plus it would keep my skin nice and supple - my hands get especially dry when I'm out on the salt seas. <_<

Blue skies,

--Jamaica Rose

"Damnation seize my soul if I give quarters or take any!"

-- Edward Teach

--Jamaica Rose

Editor of No Quarter Given - since 1993


"Bringing a little pirate history into everyone's life"

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  • 1 month later...

A friend and I were talking and this subject came up. Thought I would share another possible idea. Tanactin...... think about it. It will relieve athletes foot as well as another somewhat more personal problem. With life on board a ship full of men; this item would make you very popular.... Just a thought............ The Capt. :ph34r:


Thought of this one at work tonight. how do you think a ship full of pirates would react to rubberbands? I would love to hear what you say about this.

The Capt. :ph34r:


Rubberbands? I'll go you one further and say let's give 'em a roll of bubble-wrap. Better yet, give the bubble-wrap to the Spanish Navy - they'll be so mesmerized popping the stuff that we could just waltz on aboard and help ourselves to the plunder :ph34r:


  • 2 weeks later...

ok, so I was thinking about what I'd bring with me. At first I thought asperine too, but then willow bark tea works almost as well. And well, a book of holistic healing might be looked at oddly so I thought about it some more.

Then I came up with it. Velcro.

No more wet knots to undo while at sea, you can use it for everything and when you get bored it becomes a most lovely musical instrument. *nod nod nod*

then since the technology is relativly simple folks could make it, and sell it and then become wealthy and what not.

yeah... velcro. *purrs*

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