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Capt Sadie Dread

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Ah, I shoulda preordered mine on the web. *grins* I hardly ever do that, though -- I know several friends who have preordered books (like the Harry Potter ones) and movies from the web, and then don't actually GET what they ordered until several days after the book or film was released in actual stores. I certainly wasn't about to risk getting PotC <b>late</b> . . . so I'll have to be content and wait for two more days.

But only two more! :D

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)
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I be orderin mine directly from Disney, thinking I might be gettin some benefit from that. Guessin Disney still kinda screwed it in the POTC marketing department as I'm still awaitin mine. :D


Like any unmanned ship, a novice sailor will eventually steer into the wind and then in circles.

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I pre-ordered mine though Amzon.com in sept. I hope it comes on the 2nd or even sooner. I got my Harry Potter on time so I shouldn't be worried... :D

'Do not be afraid to dream, for out of such fragile things come miracles'

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Har, ye may've gotten it just now, but I've had it since Wednesday! :lol: Me neighbor owns a DVD shoppe, so 'e gets the discs in early and'll tell me about 'em. I rang him up and begged fer a PotC DVD when he got it, and I got home last Wednesday to see it in me own box. Only $21.00, too... huzzah for DVD-store owning neighbors!

Anyway, it's a grea' DVD set, with 10 hours of extra stuff. My favorites are some of the Making Of specials and the deleted scenes. There's more of Jack's past, kinda, in a few of the scenes. Norrington's character is completely differen' now, with the stuff they cut out. Actually, most of the scenes are only extended versions of certain scenes with about a minute added. Still, they're wonderful, and I'm glad they have 'em. The blooper reel is the same 'un tha' was posted in another thread and found online.

Grea' DVD, I be confident that ye all will enjoy it when ye get 'em. :lol:

Captain Wolfy Wench

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Got mine first thing when FYE opened.

Wasn't going to chance it for lunch I wasn't. Oh no.

*hugs to her chest*



"Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Hate me because I am robbing you, tossing you overboard, and stealing your ship!"

-the only thing more dangerous than her.. is her needle-

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Well... I had picked my copy up at Wal Mart just at midnight... cheaper than I thought... around $16. Very cool.

DVD is VERY well worth it! I LOVED watching the Diary of a Ship! I awaited watching that. :lol: Very grand there.

As well as with Mr. Arenberg. He made it seem SO fun.. hard work obviously, but very, very, very fun!

The special features are just grand! Love 'em!

As to the gold that was sold at Wal Mart.. which a good majority did not sell since they were not open in some areas around the country. A few other places.. well... lost the gold. I got lucky... I guess if that is what you call it... to get the gold. It's a gold doubloon.. & by the looks of it, possibly one of those from the set. :: shrugs:: I could be mistaken.

Alas... not the cursed Aztec gold coin. Which a good amount of people was hoping for. Though, I am resigned to have the gold doubloon. But.. hopefully, someday... will get the Aztec cursed gold coin. :)



Tempt Fate! an' toss 't all t' Hell!"

"I'm completely innocent of whatever crime I've committed."

The one, the only,... the infamous!

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Got mine yesterday -- I got to Coconuts exactly seven minutes after they opened and was picking up my reserved DVD then; got to watch it with my best college pal yesterday evening. And OOOH, am I thrilled. Been waitin' for five months to finally be able to have PotC for my very own . . . and finally, yay, I _do_!!

(I gotta agree, I hate the acursed widescreen format that is so dang popular on DVDs . . . but still, I own PotC now and can watch it whenever I want -- homework permitting, of course, sigh -- so I can't REALLY complain, can I? *grins* And at least I'm not missing a second of Jack Sparrow, since no part of the screen had to be cut away . . . :lol: )

Didn't watch all of the extras yet by a long shot, but I saw some of 'em. I really enjoyed the Diary of a Pirate by Pintel's actor (Lee something-or-other, am I getting his name right at all?). I also watched the deleted scenes -- and WHOA momma, were some of 'em shocking!

[spoilerS ahead for the deleted scenes; if you haven't seen 'em yet and want to be surprised, skip the rest o' this.]

Anyone else have their eyeballs bloody near roll out of their heads when Jack pulled back his sleeve to illustrate the reality of his life to Elizabeth? I dang near fell off the couch. M' college pal and I were discussing it, and really, the only way he could have gotten scars _quite_ like that would have been torture -- too many thin lines over too concentrated an area. It was pretty dang chilling.

And you know, I'm really, really, *really* glad they took it out of the film. It's a great "what-if"/deleted scene, but if they left it in -- seriously, I think it would have changed the whole tone of the movie, because it changes Jack's character so drastically. It takes away something of his (to quote Johnny Depp) "bizarrely optimistic" outlook on life -- the film the way it _is_ seems to suggest that Jack Sparrow's life has been hard and rough but mostly fun for him along the way -- put in that scene, and most of that impression goes completely down the tubes. In some ways, odd as this sounds, I think it takes away from the _innocence_ of his character; Jack Sparrow seems world-weary in a few ways, but put in that scene and it makes him downright exhausted and disguisted by it. Jack is telling Elizabeth that none of the stories about him are true -- and that knocks down some of his mythos, somehow.

So, if anyone is still reading after THAT big huge rant . . . that's why I'm so very, very, VERY glad they took it out. GOOD choice, Mr. Verbinski. (Though I wonder if Johnny Depp wishes they left it in -- for a couple reasons, I have a sneaking suspicion that it may have been his idea to put it in, in the first place.)

Other than that . . . my friend's roommate kept talking through the deleted scenes with Norrington, so I'll have to rewatch them today to see -- but someone here said they completely change Norrington's character by replacing the deleted scenes with what went into the actual movie, so it'll be interesting to see how his character progressed. And I am so VERY glad they got rid of the scene where Jack lifts his own curse at the end -- because it would have made the curse no longer make any sense. ALL the pieces have to be back before the curse can be lifted, that was the whole point of Barbossa going after Bootstrap's child and the last coin. So that would have messed up EVERYthing. Kudos to whoever caught that plothole in the movie-making process.

I can't wait to see the Lady Washington diary; and my "reward" to myself for surviving this school semester will be to watch PotC with the audio commentary with Gore Verbinski and Johnny Depp (!), so I can't wait for THAT. A week and a half more, and the term'll be done . . . I can make it, right? ;-) 'Til then, I'm bound to watch PotC here and there a few more times . . . which definitely makes me happy. :lol:

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)
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MIne finally arrived yesterday. I distinctly looked for something on the outside that said "don't deliver until Dec 2nd" but didn't find anything. Guess it was just luck that it arrived the day they went on sale.

Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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Didn't watch all of the extras yet by a long shot, but I saw some of 'em. I really enjoyed the Diary of a Pirate by Pintel's actor (Lee something-or-other, am I getting his name right at all?). I also watched the deleted scenes -- and WHOA momma, were some of 'em shocking! 

Lee Arnberg. Nice fellow. I have to wait for payday to pick-up mine. :ph34r:

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I really enjoyed the Diary of a Pirate by Pintel's actor (Lee something-or-other, am I getting his name right at all?). I also watched the deleted scenes -- and WHOA momma, were some of 'em shocking!


Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.

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Picked up my copy of POTC DVD for $14.99..... Target was having a release date special so I took full advantage of it. When I finally got to Target after work, they were down to 4 VHS copies and 3 DVD copies. From what the sales guy said they had about 200 copies that morning but they disappeared from the shelves very quickly.

The Gates of Hell are flung open.....

from the firey mist steps forth....The Legend....

The woman everyone warned you about....

They didn't exaggerate!


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"Inventors of mayonnaise."

"I like mayonnaise."

Heh heh . . . LOVED it. Also the bit about humiliated grapes -- right outta "Benny & Joon," alright!!!! :ph34r:

I am now "Captain Charlotte Savvy." Sorry for any confusion -- I'll only be making this user-name change this once! :)
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I hate amzon.com! I still havn't gotten mine. you would think if you ordered it in sept. that they could get it on time! I sware it is torture! I want mine so bad... did anyone else get it from amzon.com? :ph34r:

'Do not be afraid to dream, for out of such fragile things come miracles'

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