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Speaking of TV

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You will have to excuse me, Mission, as i really have been out of the TV loop for about 9 years (see earlier post).

But I can't help but wonder, what shows have been on TV since 2000 that you think are good?

No really, this is not meant as a slam or nuthin', but I am curious what you like.

Personally, Medical shows bore me, I never was (or will be) a Trekkie as i never really "got" star trek nor cared about any of its iterations. Cop shows are the same thing over and over (to me) and Reality TV is a show about people that I could care less about (so, I care less).....

24 was interesting. It was a roller coaster ride, but season one was enough and I never looked back.

What, in your opinion, have I been missing?

no... really.

Thanks in advance.



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You will have to excuse me, Mission, as i really have been out of the TV loop for about 9 years (see earlier post).

But I can't help but wonder, what shows have been on TV since 2000 that you think are good?

No really, this is not meant as a slam or nuthin', but I am curious what you like.

Personally, Medical shows bore me, I never was (or will be) a Trekkie as i never really "got" star trek nor cared about any of its iterations.  Cop shows are the same thing over and over (to me) and Reality TV is a show about people that I could care less about (so, I care less).....

24 was interesting.  It was a roller coaster ride, but season one was enough and I never looked back.

What, in your opinion, have I been missing?

no... really.

Thanks in advance.



(Note: Mission = Caraccioli)

I am the worst possible judge for TV shows in that I don't even have TV reception. I concur with most of your statements above. When I did have it, I mostly watched Cartoon Network, AMC and random stuff on The History Channel so that doesn't help much. I mostly watch old shows based on the recommendations of Netflix, Duchess and my sister Kristine.

Good shows...well, I really liked the first season of The Pretender as mentioned. Um...Power Puff Girls is fun. Kim Possible has some merit. Er, um...Cowboy Bebop had a good story arc. Samurai Seven was particularly good, even if it was just a Anime reworking of Kurosawa's Seven Samurai. (Hard to go wrong with that story.) Do you see a theme here? Wonderfalls was magnificent. Ah...other than that, I've been watching Hogan's Heroes. That's a little older than 2000, though. I haven't watched 24 because I'm afraid I'll get hooked.

[Edit] Perceiver is an MBTI term. (A personality test.) Perceivers like things open-ended. Judgers (which I'm) like things finished and complete. Both traits have merit.

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Just a quick asside..... I wonder how many people on this forum Don't watch TV ?

I'd guess not very many, judging by all the post about the Mythbusters show....

But my TV is only set-up for vidios.... At about $45.00 per month for cable...for that money, I buy DVds or Vidios, of what I want to watch, and choose when I want to watch them.......

When My TV was last hooked-up, I only watched the History Channel, Discovery Channel or BBC America...... and the Twin Towers burning.... tells you how long ago I had cable......

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I've never lived in a house with any kind of assisted television (cable, satellite etc) and for the last ten years I haven't had any kind of tv reception at all. My large television is for watching movies and playing video games. If a show is good enough eventually friends will reccomend it to me and it will come out on DVD.

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Ok, this is a little weird, but I split these out of the Firefly thread as the topic is completely mutant, yet highly appropriate for a separate thread. I think we used to have a TV show thread that Christine started, but it appears to have been wiped out in the Beyond Pyracy Thread Massacre of 2005. Anyhow, a new topic arises. "Sorry about the mess."

In addition to the TV shows I mentioned, here are some other cool TV shows:

F-Troop - a much beloved favorite TV show of mine...Corporal Agarn B)

Freakazoid - a cartoon that was canceled far before it's time...

The Avengers - particularly the ones with Emma Peel. (Emma Peel. M - Appeal. Man Appeal. No kidding, that's how they came up with the name! Wherefore art thou, Emma Peel?)

McLeod's Daughters - (forgot that one above)

Jeeves & Wooster - Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry giving us P.G. Wodehouse's classic lines from the books. Absolutely priceless.

Police Squad - Frank Drebin :D

The Saint - Roger Moore doing what he was born to do.

Quantum Leap - 'Nuff said

Pinky & the Brain - (minus Elmyra) - "Why? What are we going to do tomorrow night, Brain?" The Brainstem Song :D

The Looney Tunes - in whatever incarnation they assumed. They shaped my life, those shows did. Them and Mad Magazine.

Some also rans:

The Dukes of Hazzard - Yah, it's stupid, it has one storyline, etc. But it's still pretty watchable regardless. It also benefits from the dewy glow of being on when I was in the prime of my TV viewing life...

The A-Team - see The Dukes of Hazzard...

Magnum P.I. - see The A-Team

McGyver - give the guy some bubble gum, bailing wire and a nuclear particle accelerator and...

Mike Hammer - a good, gritty cop show. One of the few I liked.

Batman - Oh, but it was cheesy. Oh, but I never missed it when it was on in re-runs in the afternoon after school.

The Young Indy Chronicles - very well made and entertaining

Tales of the Gold Monkey - Put them on video for chrissakes!

Mycroft: "My brother has the brain of a scientist or a philosopher, yet he elects to be a detective. What might we deduce about his heart?"

John: "I don't know."

Mycroft: "Neither do I. But initially he wanted to be a pirate."


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Iv'e gotten into old re-runs of "Rifleman"

funny thing... the irony of "being a righteous guy"

and still justifiing killing nearly every episode.... B)

Hangin at Execution dock awaits. May yer Life be a long and joyous adventure in gettin there!
As he was about to face the gallows there, the pirate is said to have tossed a sheaf of papers into the crowd, taunting his audience with these final words:

"My treasure to he who can understand."

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In addition to the TV shows I mentioned, here are some other cool TV shows:

OK, so we can establish that I can watch TV quite happily with you. Fabulous list. It's going to take me a while to think of anything I'd add.

I just caught Jeeves & Wooster on PBS the other night. Totally forgotten how fun that show is.

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog

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I wonder how you get the news then. I could not live without my cable service, even though it is expensive and they keep dropping networks to push you to get digital cable (I am holding out! I hate my cable company I think they are robbers for doing that).

AMC and Turner Classic Movies (TCM) are good except they took TCM

Animal Planet was good except they took that.

History Channel and the Discovery channel are good for documentaries and educational shows. I love "Dirty Jobs".

I cruise through CNN, MSNBC, CNN Headline News, Court TV, Fox News for news that is around the states and globe, never hurts to be informed.

Cartoon Network - 'adult swim' can be interesting!

(Bring back MTV's liquid tv I say...I miss Aeon Flux type of anime)

~~~~Sailing Westward Bound~~~~

Lady Alyx


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I wonder how you get the news then.

I don't know about anyone else but I'm blissfully unaware & quite happy without "news".

But don't forget, there was new long before there was television B)

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog

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Oh, yes. I used to watch TMC. I used to love when they did all the Oscar-winning movies during the month before the Oscars.

For the most part, I never listen to/watch news. (Not having TV reception helps. Like Duchess and Patrick, I only watch DVDs on my TV. Unlike Duchess, I steer clear of video games. It's that getting hooked thing I was talking about before.) I do read selected parts of the editorial pages of Investor's Business Daily, but they're so slanted that it's more like entertainment than it is news...

"You're supposed to be dead!"

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Oh anyone remember the old show from the 60's from down under called "SKIPPY"....we had flipper the ozzies had skippy lol

skippy was a roo


Yeah, except Skippy the Bush Kangaroo was shot in the 80's not the 60's B) I've seen the entire series thanks to Netflix & the little swab. I think I even mentioned here when the theme song was running rampant through my head.

"Skippy, skippy, skippy the bush kangaroo. Skippy skippy skippy, the bush kangaroo"

Great! Now I'm never going to get that back out of my head!!

"If part of the goods be plundered by a pirate the proprietor or shipmaster is not entitled to any contribution." An introduction to merchandize, Robert Hamilton, 1777

Slightly Obsessed, an 18th Century reenacting blog

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We haven't had TV at our house for about 13 years. We're too far out to get cable, and we won't pay the fee for a satelite dish. However, we do have an HDTV and surround sound for watching DVD's.

On the rare occations where we're at a motel, we'll watch either the history channel or the Sci-Fi channel.

I liked the old days in So. Calif. where we could get a zillion channels with just a pair of rabbit ear antanea. :( Watched a lot of PBS - Fawlty Towers, Mystery, Masterpiece Theater, Are You Being Served, etc. Loved that stuff. Oh, and the Thanksgiving Day all-day Twilight Zone episodes, and New Years Day all-day Godzilla, Rodan, Gamera movies. :(

...schooners, islands, and maroons

and buccaneers and buried gold...


You can do everything right, strictly according to procedure, on the ocean, and it'll still kill you. But if you're a good navigator, a least you'll know where you were when you died.......From The Ship Killer by Justin Scott.

"Well, that's just maddeningly unhelpful."....Captain Jack Sparrow

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I liked the old days in So. Calif. where we could get a zillion channels with just a pair of rabbit ear antanea.

All I can get off an antenea in the mountains, is the Spanish channel.....

I really don't miss not having cable.... I find other things to do to waste my time, and as far as not watching the "news".... it's all the same stuff as it was when I had cable anyway....

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Permit me to rant. (Or skip the rest of this post. :D )

What does the news do for you anyway? Since they've discovered that bad news raises ratings, they focus on negative events. Just yesterday I heard a group old women tsk-tsking over the the torso of some woman they found in a dumpster. I don't really want to know about this. You could argue that I need to know because of the threat of some lunatic dumping women's torsos in dumpsters, but this sort of stuff has been going on for eons, we just didn't have the lightning fast services of armies of reporters competing for ratings and sales to deliver it to our doorstep in the past. Besides, this sort of behavior is by far the exception, not the rule. The news would have you believe this is happening everywhere when it's not. Look at the (least biased) statistics some time. For more on the culture of fear engendered by news, I highly recommend the books The Culture of Fear: Why Americans Are Afraid of the Wrong Things by Barry Glassner and Culture of Fear by Frank Furedi.

Plus, you can't do anything about 90% of it. If it's really important everyone will be talking about it and you'll get to (or have to) hear about it anyway. It clutters your mind with mostly useless facts and ideas. There is a definite bias in the reporting of any event that is dependent on the agenda of the media source and/or the reporter. By the time they have you worked up over one horrible thing, they have to move onto the next horrible thing to keep you hooked. The information is, for the most part, completely useless (Quick, name me the 5 biggest news items from March 2006 (other than the war which is one on-going news event festivity). Bet you can't do it without cheating. Heck, name me the 5 biggest events from September 2006. Bet you can't do that either.)

At best it gives you something to tsk-tsk about around the coffee machine. I'd rather talk about something else, myself.

News. Blah. Useless, mind- and time-wasting data for the most part. And don't even get me started on weather reports...

"You're supposed to be dead!"

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Yeah, except Skippy the Bush Kangaroo was shot in the 80's not the 60's :ph34r: I've seen the entire series thanks to Netflix & the little swab. I think I even mentioned here when the theme song was running rampant through my head.

"Skippy, skippy, skippy the bush kangaroo. Skippy skippy skippy, the bush kangaroo"

Great! Now I'm never going to get that back out of my head!!

Skippy hit the airwaves in the States in 1966 or so. I remember it well--it was part of that dreadful plague of friendly critter TeeVee shows of the 60's. I was in my thirties and in gradual school in the 1980s, so I don't remember much from that decade.

Rember Flipper? (talk about an annoying ear-worm theme song!)

Then there was Lassie (i know--it predated the 60's but it ran forever)

Gentle Ben--co starring Clint Howard (Opie's brother) and a black bear in the Florida everglades.

And Doktari, the adventures of an animal doctor befriending all Africa's wildlife.

Never give up--Never surrender!

Remember -- A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...BUT a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn...that was fun!"

Live while yer alive--an' when yore dead be done with it!

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I like Mission's/Carracioli's list. I love old (1960s) tv... Hogan's Heroes and that kind of thing. Actually, my wife and I got stupidly hooked on... get this... watching reruns of Matchgame, with Gene Rayburn, and usually Richard Dawson and/or Nispy Russell, Betty White, Fannie Flag, Charles Nelson Riley... you get the picture. Classic 70s tv... it's funny to hear them talk about streakers and stuff like that. It's like some very, very, twisted history lesson.

Current shows. I don't watch much tv these days. Stuff I really like that I have seen, stuff that I think has exceptional writing and/or stories - Firefly, which we have mentioned. The new Battlestar Galactica which kicks some serious but if you like military SF, or even SF. Hell, Lisa likes it, and she's not much of one for military stuff. My current favorite, and this is only based on the first season (and Jim Hawk(in)s tells me season 2 is even better) is LOST! That show is way cool. If I was going to write tv, it would probably be like that!

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Then there was Lassie (i know--it predated the 60's but it ran forever)

sshhhhhhh... don't tell anyone, but when I was but a wee nipper, Lassie always made be cry. Actually, I think it was more the theme music than the show itself. Weird flashback memories. I don't know, I guess I saw something tragically poignant in the whole thing.

aaaahhhh... another favorite!

Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom!!!

And yes, they do:


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blackjohn - I used to watch Wild Kingdom back in the day with other shows on PBS (pre-Discovery channel days). I like to occasionally watch episodes of Meerkat Manor. Sean Astin's narrations keep me glued to the saga of the survival of several meerkat tribes, and they're just so darned cute.

I watch a few shows these days, but don't aim to catch them every week. The Dresden Files is probably the only one I watch semi-regularly. I like Scrubs, and tend to watch that when it pops up on Comedy Central.

Old favorites - Dracula: The Series, The A-Team, Erie Indiana, Stephen Spielberg's Amazing Stories. Watched alot of classic movies from AMC and TMC. Most of my favorites, including the newer shows (Firefly, Buffy) are in my dvd collection.

I did watch a few shows in years past from PBS that were akin to The Real World, but set in "the past" in log home villages, a late 19th century home or posh 18th century manor. It was interesting watching the dynamics of the participants lives as they took on roles and responsibilities from yesteryear.

Perhaps we'll meet again under better circumstances. ---(---(@

Dead Men...Tell No Tales.

Welcome, Foolish Mortals...

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Dude! Great show that one! Loved it!

For obtuse comedy, I always loved SCTV!

Take off you hoser!


And my favorite, Monster Chiller Horror Theatre!

"Would you like some more... pancakes?!?!"



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