Redd Oktober Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Greetin's all. Let me explain myself. I work for a game developer in Northern California. We are in the earliest stages of proposing a video game for the DVD market. This would be a mixture of live action and CGI. Guess who's in charge of the first proposal? Guess what the theme of the game is? You GUESSED RIGHT! Here's me many of you would be interested in appearing in a game (as actors)? How many would be willing to be costume makers or prop suppliers? Set builders (if yer a Nor Cal local)?...You get the point. I'm sorry, I can't go into too much detail right now...but I needed to see if there was an interest among my pyratical brethren. More information will be posted as soon as I am allowed to give it. -Redd YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"
Paisley Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 keep me posted : ) if you don't mind me being on the east coast! "This calls for a particularly subtle blend of psychology & extereme violence." -Vivian, The Young Ones
Lady Seahawke Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 tis in the southern cali area, but might be able to assist a bit.... Lady Cassandra Seahawke Captain of SIREN'S RESURRECTION, Her fleet JAGUAR'S SPIRIT, ROARING LION , SEA WITCH AND RED VIXEN For she, her captains and their crews are.... ...Amazon by Blood... ...... Warrior by Nature...... ............Pirate by Trade............ If'n ye hear ta Trill ye sure to know tat yer end be near...
Captain Jack Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Aye! Me be keepin' a weather eye out fer future posts mate! ~ Jack Bartholemew
Cap'n Coyote Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Writing or researching! Or Beta Testing!!! (Beta'd Diablo II) Rumors of my death were right on the money.
Coastie04 Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Oooh, beta testing. Unfortunately they don't let me out much, so any more than playing a game and makin' suggestions wouldn't be possible. However, I'd love t' do whate'er I can. Coastie She was bigger and faster when under full sail With a gale on the beam and the seas o'er the rail
Captain Vale Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 I believe some aspect of me checkered... I mean diverse path may suit yer needs. You be sure ta let ole Vale know when ye be looking for an assist. Vale
captweaver65 Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 DAMN! that sounds fun...but I live too far away ta be of much help... if there's anything I can do from oregon,ya know how ta reach me. :) Capt Weaver "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into a jail; for being in a ship is being in a jail, with the chance of being drowned. A man in jail has more room, better food, and commonly better company. " Dr. Samuel Johnson Capt Weaver's Pirate Perversions
Scupper Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 I'd be willing to apear as well as build sets. Dobe both for Independent films. Scupper "That's the navy for you. Rum in the scuppers today. Blood in the scuppers tomorrow."Thrist is a shameless disease. So here's to a shameful cure!"Loyalty, honesty and directness are traits I admire. Insecurity, snipes and disrespect I will not tolerate in the least."
Black Deacon Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Let me know if I can help. Lloyd's Resume -------------- "Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty well preserved piece without an even a kiss your hand, but to skid across the line broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, smelling of powder, shouting ARRRG!!"
Red Maria Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Sure I'm game! Just let me know how I may be of assistance. :)
Bilgemunky Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 I'm definitely interested - look forward to hearing more details when the time is ripe! I AM BILGEMUNKY
Cracked Carrie Posted November 6, 2003 Posted November 6, 2003 Redd Oktober said: Here's me many of you would be interested in appearing in a game (as actors)? How many would be willing to be costume makers or prop suppliers? Set builders (if yer a Nor Cal local)?...You get the point. My garb sucks at the moment, but I am SO THERE if you need an extra. And I'm reasonably local! If I had other skills, I'd offer 'em, but unless you need artwork, and hell, you can do that and so can yer company, I think my only use would be to stand around and look pretty.
Redd Oktober Posted November 24, 2003 Author Posted November 24, 2003 ALRIGHT! I be back! Tis been a while since ol' Redd has been posting infermation upon this subject...but I'll give ye an update! First..the game is still in the works, so please keep yer ears open fer the latest! I'm in negotiations currently (kinda playin' the role of writer, designer, producer at the moment), but they (the plans) could move ahead very rapidly, as my company would like to get the first game of this kind out mid-summer next year...but that's all up ter the swabs holdin' the doubloons! Anything else can't be said at this secret, and VERY I'll be around if ye have any questions or suggestions! Keep yer salty chins up! -Redd YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"
Cracked Carrie Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 Redd Oktober said: Anything else can't be said at this secret, and VERY I'll be around if ye have any questions or suggestions!Keep yer salty chins up! -Redd ...and no matter what they say, Big is Good. Lookin' forward to your next post, Redd!
Saucy Kate Posted November 24, 2003 Posted November 24, 2003 I'm not far from No. Cali, keep me posted! I've not been cast in anything fer a while, so I'm free (How could a lusty, full-bodied wench like me get cast in a quiet, pensive piece wi' lots of pauses? But it's happened before! *mystified*) Saucy Kate
moricktowain Posted December 1, 2003 Posted December 1, 2003 I may live in Texas, but would be interested in participating in this. I've done some acting recently.....although it was just being an extra in the movie Strangeheart. I've also done plenty of beta testing, and I've even made a few games crash while testing them. :-P Morick Towain Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas Morick Towain IBoRP #116 Captain of the Pirate Brethren of Texas
Redd Oktober Posted December 2, 2003 Author Posted December 2, 2003 AHOY THAR!!! Let me give ye a brief update. This bein' flu season complicates matters (that and Turkey Day...BLAST THEM PURITANS AND THAR CRANBERRY LOGS....BLAST 'EM.....ahem...). So our neogtiations are a little slow...but I expect them to pick up quickly. I'm currently meeting with a production company, and I've been scouting locations...including Treasure Island (that little bit o' landfill beneath San Francisco's Bay Bridge....not the playground of ol' Long John Silver)! I'm the Senior Concept Artist that means I have to be on seven projects at once, sometimes. The magistrates with doubloons are raisin' thar eyebrows an' sayin', "We should do this thing..." wit' all seriousness. You know me...I'll be keepin' ye all well informed! -Redd YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"
Captain Emerald Shaunassey Posted December 3, 2003 Posted December 3, 2003 Ahoy Redd, Like Morick Towain, I'm stuck in the middle of the country, Oklahoma to be precise but, am willing to aid ya. I'm one of those amateur actresses, minor stage stuff back in school and several years as an improv actress on ren faire circuit. Let me know if'n I can assist ya in your endevors in any way. Respects, Captain Emerald Captain Emerald Shaunassey O' The Salty Kiss
the Royaliste Posted December 3, 2003 Posted December 3, 2003 :) Fresh Paint on alla the deck guns, so when we shootin'? Hmm, better terrain and beaches on Angel Island... ..Old piers an' stuff upstream at China Camp... An' then there's Drake's Bay......
Redd Oktober Posted December 3, 2003 Author Posted December 3, 2003 Quote Fresh Paint on alla the deck guns, so when we shootin'? Hmm, better terrain and beaches on Angel Island... ..Old piers an' stuff upstream at China Camp... An' then there's Drake's Bay...... What? No more blood all over Hellava? Thanks for the suggestions on the locations, Captain. Drake's Bay was always on me list....but I never thought o' China Camp and Angel Island. Arrr! That's what I get fer bein' an East Bay pirate...I gets landlocked too often. YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"
Redd Oktober Posted December 5, 2003 Author Posted December 5, 2003 AAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrr!!! Things just went inter high gear! I'll be posting any castin' calls here...and soonish! Can't tell ye more, except...KEEP A WEATHER EYE OPEN! -Redd YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"
El Pirata Posted December 5, 2003 Posted December 5, 2003 I'm north of North Carolina is that close enough? Pushing the limits means getting out of my comfort zone and giving more when I don't think I have any left.
Cracked Carrie Posted December 5, 2003 Posted December 5, 2003 Redd Oktober said: AAAAAAArrrrrrrrrrr!!!Things just went inter high gear! I'll be posting any castin' calls here...and soonish! Ah, now THAT be good news, it does! Will ye be in the parade, then, Redd?
Redd Oktober Posted December 6, 2003 Author Posted December 6, 2003 Unfortunately not, Carrie. Wanted ter make it...but don't think I can. Hope ye had fun with yer kinfolk! I just got a promotion at me company! I'm actually going to be running the Concept Department all by me lonesome! I need to hold wot's called a "Bagels and Lox" meetin' with the higher-ups o' me company...EARLY next year. Could any of you do me a favor, and tell me if ye would be interested in playin' an interactive Pirate game like about if it were POTC related? Would ye be interested in a syndeecated television show? Let me know...your opinions are appreciated and could help me out greatly...and you all back in return! ARRRRRRRR!!!! YARRR! The Oktober be silent now! Just call me "REDD!"
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