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Everything posted by Misery

  1. depends... 1. either it means no bringing your own alchol wich is typical of socal's faire (unless your in an encampment) this is probably the more likely of the 2 2. or it is possible but not likely that this park was thier last choice and had to ake it even though there will be no beer booths and the like wich due to the long lines is one of the best way to meet new ppl at faire Ill be there the weekend of the 13th if anyone plansto be there from the pub let me know id like to meet some of the crew even if the pleasure faire has become a truely "dry site" or not I can assure you it is an event to go to. Ive been going since i lived in california as a child and has been one of my most awaited times of year. I first went at probably 3 years old and every year after that untill I was 11 and moved to las vegas and have only been able to make it 6 times in the past 11 years
  2. Nice work there thought about doing em myself at a time. but no longer have the space. I miss my garage ill have to see if i can fit one more item on my belt
  3. deffinatly jacket
  4. christine i have recently bought a jas. townsend & son hat blank and couldnt be happier and added my own trim and am having it shaped at a western store to pass the fuss to someone else. i definately recomend them they will have it to you within a week of ordering and any western store will shape for roughly $5- 10
  5. Ill do the same as soon as i got to my friends to take pics on his digital
  6. temp tats are ok But nothing beats the real thing Ill be getting my jack rackham before the year is out
  7. No it didnt but i would have thrown it away anyways. Im blessed to have a master leather worker as a father and a seamstress as a mother. Still kinda wondering how a gear head like me came from those two.
  8. whenchin, building hotrods, wenching racing, wenching, drinking, wenching, fighting, wenching, pirateing, oh did i mention wenching! Sorry I had to. and wheres the wenches talking about rougeing
  9. When I cleaned my blade i used automotive metal pollishes from work and left out the last polish so it like hawkins said is a nice satin finish. I too have that button. mirror finish is wrong and most replicas depict pirate scenes on the guard which is way off because most of them were stolen of merchant or naval vessels. Cascabel thankyou for your insight i was alredy contimplating that as its already poked me once and Ive recently put 150 to 175 into a new coat (mostly expensive a** trim) so i need to keep my investment protected. Ill have to take it to work and have our body guy tinker with that guard point a bit. or mabey it wont be so bad on the baldric since i wont be hanging it from my belt
  10. HUH Really buena i never wold have guessed you to be a local . we'll have to meet sometime . mabey .. oh i dont know.... this weekend like we already had planned.
  11. Ive done the same with the cuffs. this patterns problem is its a costue not period clothing so my cuff has been done 2 layer as to remove those nasty edges. and as far as atention to detail goes ive spent about $175 of my hard earned booty on it already. Mostly on the trim for the cuffs and body opening and the flat braid for the fo-pockets and chest button hole area wich i did on both sides unlike the patern. there must be 15-18 yards of trim and braid on it. But thats what happens when you want it just so. still in finishing process i will have pictures within the next week.
  12. MAC if you do get one i should have warned you will need some time an metal polish because the plant in india is using the wrong oil or something and it came to me with a alot of lightsurface rust but a good metal polish and anhour will do wonders trust me
  13. You can also find em at small antiue shops or estate sales for good ones
  14. Just an odd thought how about using hat pins. I know many women used to use them to keep thier hats on in wind. your mother/grandmother probably has one if you cant find em in stores. mabey you could add a skull on it and volla your hat stays on with no visual diffrences to your hat
  15. Ive had that vry same problem because im blending medium for my thin frame and large because im 6'3" and need the length but those sleves need to be altered and so do the armholes on the body of the coat. ill be going to my mothers/seamstress' today to do some fiting on the coat and ill ask her how she got around it. Mine should be done with in a week and a half ill post picturs when its finished
  16. aye I finally got a pig sticker of my very own. I wanted a cutlass that looked more realistic than most of those gold and silver ones that depict a pirate ship or a skull because HOW OFTEN DID A PIRATE GET HIS SWORD MADE? almost never! it was stolen of a merchant or miltary vessel and therefore would be very plain. any ways enough gab heres the store i got it from http://www.iloveswords.com/PIR_cutlass.html Now if only my flintlock wasn't on backorder
  17. Cmon ppl lets hear it for angus and bloody buckets! HUZZAH!
  18. thanks for the heads up ill do a small purchace first. if i cant contact them for the prices
  19. Ive found A great site for fabrics specificly set up to sell to reenactors and anyone who's looking for period fabrics. funny enough thats the name of the website. period fabric and if you go to the gotta go now area they have great deals on fabrics if you dont mind it being wrinkled(who cares if its cheap ) or slight shading diffrences or streaks. if your looking for inexpensive sunforger tent canvas thier great, they have one lot of 10-12oz 58in. wide sunforger canvas thiers 50 yards of it at a price of $100 that im lookin at but thiers roughly 20 other large canvas lots availible Happy Plundering!
  20. not that i could afford it(dies a little inside) . But what engines in the mustang? It is funnt to see one posted here though seing as ive wanted to do a jolly roger themed mustang gt convertible.
  21. I havent been on in a goodly while and was planning on posting this pattern as soon as i had m ine finished. Im already starting the outfitt sot that itll be ready for las vegas ren faire. Im doing the jacket in a red/rust corderroy and the vest in a colonial era print that looks embroidered from a distance. but i will say to be careful on the price of your buttons due to the jacket needin 28 to finish it off. good thing i Have decent funding at the moment cause im gonna kill my recent plunder on the buttons and trim Ill have it pics posted when im done
  22. If you go to ebay's stores theirs one called grenels cave that has cutlass' they also have one thier that is low priced and without much addornent on it. I myself planget one of those so i can customise it myself.
  23. julius27 got a link for thier site?
  24. issabella I dont know where your located but in nevada and califronia as long as you have proof you are in a re-enactment group (such as a membership card for the sca) and are on your way to an event or home they cant do anything more than hassle you.
  25. i was wondering if anyone knows of some websites for good pirate accesories such as spyglass, compass, belaying pins, gold coin medallions, lapel pins, and whatever other little bits and bobs that every pirate should have http://www.bradleycompanyofthefox.com/ http://www.smoke-fire.com/ http://www.jastown.com/
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