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Lady Bassett

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Everything posted by Lady Bassett

  1. I haven't checked to see if any of the above make the Haiku cut... I'm certain mine dont. It's more SpamHaiku coming from me.
  2. Avast Sailor! Am I even me? Who's my daddy? Argh.
  3. FedEx man commeth Avast! no address Parcel sails into the abyss
  4. What size? enormous brain cavity metric or inch Seadogs bark
  5. Deadlines fade ribbons flutter in the breeze I think of a gift Argh
  6. In the garden I bent to pick a rose The thorn drew blood Avast
  7. Oh, don't pay any attention to me, Lad. I just wax philosophical sometimes. Go on about your business or write some Haiku or plunder and pillage... something piratical. Here's another one: June bug Caught in my hair Dammit
  8. I do Haiku. Sort of. Here's something inspired. Avast You're so unkind to blow my mind then say 'It wasn't me' Argh
  9. How very interesting. I did find my family name among the list (with a slight and common misspelling that still occurs to this day), and it appears it was on this ship:
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