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Raphael Misson

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Everything posted by Raphael Misson

  1. Celebrity? I'm more like a loquacious board noise maker... Alas, Lockhouse isn't on the menu for me. Que sera, sera.
  2. Hey, did you guys upload the photos on the little pink camera of Jessica's? I took some shots of Becky being dressed that I'd really like to use on my webpage, but I can't find any of the photos I took in your collection. Thanks!!
  3. Happy birthday to trix_rabbit22, who is 19 and lives in Chicago and may be either male or female or something in between. Now I admit that trix_rabbit22 isn't quite as cool a name as skullwench, but it does feature rabbits, which seems to have almost accidentally become something of an obsession. My sister used to have a monstrous black rabbit named Amoeba whose sole function in life was to defecate as near as I can tell. This in no way reflects on trix, however. (If you cut off a black rabbit's foot does the good luck of the foot counteract the bad luck of the black rabbit? You know what they say, "Never walk under a black rabbit at midnight on Hallowe'en.' At least, I'm sure someone says that...)
  4. Writing for Story by Jon Franklin and Chuck Jones: Conversations by Maurine Furniss.
  5. Tusk! by Fleetwood Mac Tusk! (I love MST3K.)
  6. Yeah, I'm just not dedicated enough to the cause...I still haven't managed to meet the three people I decided I most wanted to meet after a years or so of being on the board. (Back in 2005)
  7. They have done studies that prove this. I forget the Doctor of Psychology (not BA of BS) who did the study, but it was basically that they told participants to apply shocks, the amount of which they could select, to disguised victims and then did the same with victims that they could see. The amount of shock chosen to be given to the white garbed victims was statistically more significant than to those who were visible. (Psychology studies are performed with with rigid scientific controls. Dismissing them because you disagree with the results is fine, but you're most likely making a much greater mistake than they are.)
  8. Ok, is this from PiP? Who took it?
  9. Nobody needs to steal your hat. You said you'd sell your own mother - God bless her soul- for $20. (I remember.)
  10. OK, everyone ~ Check out the Farmers Hat. Suspiciously like the Surgeons Hat, no? Well, it is a planter's hat as told to me by the estimable Patrick who made it. Thus it would have been worn by what sums up to be period farmers. It's purpose is to keep the sun off your face while spreading seeds and raking and hoeing, spreading manure and whatever the heck else it is that farmers do. It looks like the sort of thing a slightly superior captured ship's surgeon would wear amongst pirates to me. As if to say, "I'm too important to get burned by the sun." (I think it is perfect for my character.)
  11. I may use that if you don't mind. Hmmm use it ... how? Put it on my web page version of the journal. With credit, naturally. I haven't decided how much of this I'm going to do yet. Probably not too much. I do plan to use M.A. d'Dogges description of winning the Walk the Plank contest since it's vintage MD and I wasn't there. (Come to think of it... M.A. dDogge, do you mind if I use your description of winning the Walk the Plank contest? With credit, of course.)
  12. I am not talking about the what would go into the act of killing someone, I am speaking to the after-effects of doing so. I believe there would be doubt and remorse in nearly all cases. (This can be bred out to some degree by repetition of the act from what I've read.) I would suggest that in the cases where there was no remorse after the first killing someone committed, that person would be considered psychologically unstable in some way. This may also account for the 2%. (They currently figure 25% of the population would qualify as having a psychological illness, but most of these people wouldn't have the extreme sort of illness that would produce this sort of outcome.) That's just my opinion from my psychology studies to date.
  13. Last photo album to look through! Whew, took a lot longer than I thought! These are from Lily's Pictures: Sunday night at the Hide before the chaos began: And then after: My guess is that this is about 2am... (I notice Stynky is not there. Maybe that's why this pic looks fairly sedate.) The Prize! Patrick's Locks for Love (Twins - tepid smile, unsure): The Prize! Lily's Locks for Love (Edward - small smile, relieved he didn't screw it up): The Prize! M.A. d'Dogge's Locks for Love (Spike - great smile, hoping he screwed it up):
  14. Very interesting. I was just writing about how a person would be bothered by killing someone. This pretty well sums up my conclusion. (And I suggest the 2% are more bothered than they care to admit. The trouble with self-reported surveys is that they tend to cause the surveyed to alter their opinion in accordance with either what they think the interviewer wants to here or the image they want to project. This problem could work both ways in this case, of course.)
  15. I spun you around? Wow, I must have been trashed to be so bold. (Jessi called it "coming out of my shell" but it sounds more like jumping out the shell and stomping on it.) Although the blackberry thing does strike a chord... This is from Madame Grace's photos that Dutch just posted a link to: This is one of those photos you should just frame: Patrick washing his hair for the Locks for Love thing! (As much work as it is sorting through photos, I am always amazed by the moments different people are able to capture.) A nice one of the (mostly) Archangel encampment: This one just strikes me amusing: "In me you get all the good rolled into one. I am fifty percent pointer. Dere it is! Dere it is! Dere it is! Fifty percent boxer. (spars) Fifty percent setter. (Sits). Irish setter (puts pipe in mouth upside down) Fifty percent watch dog. (Pulls out pocket watch) Fifty percent spitz. (spits) Fifty percent doberman pincer." "Ow! Ouch! Ow!" "But mostly I'm all Laborador retriever." "Oh, yu-yu-you are not a Laborador retriever." "I'm not?" "N-N-No." "Look if you doubt my word, get me a Laborador and I'll retrieve it for ya. That's fair isn't it?" "A La-La-Laborador? Why sure, I-I-I'll..." "Have ya got a Laborador?" "N-N-No." "Know where ya can get a Laborador?" "N-N-No." "Then shaddap!" (This is not a comment on Lilly, it is a joke about the pipe. You have to have seen the cartoon...in fact you can at You Tube here.) This is an awesome shot of Silkie, but it's sideways so I didn't post it here. Just beautiful: This is a nice Mercury group shot from the flag procession: The Fam: Another nice one of Ashley/Isabelle/Isabella:
  16. I believe there are several shots of her firing in the Callahan's photos. I wish I could tell you where they are, but after searching everything on their site related to the Journal my mind is still wobbling. (In one of the dozen or so folders, I think they have more photos than all the rest of us took combined!)
  17. Oh, I see Brig in here. I almost put this in the last one, but since she showed up, I'll put it in here: Damn, I'm good! (I just wish I could remember this moment, even a little. Don't tell Jack!) (Brig! Brig! Hit refresh!) Say, who's hat am I wearing? Meanwhile...back at the Hide...Stynky the evil sorcerer with his potent elixer. (Say, what happened to your hat?) Jessi, Profile, Mission's Hat, Monday Morning, 3am, drunken photographer, crappy non-working flash:
  18. It does tend to cause you to lose half the sounds going on around you, doesn't it? On the other hand, if you tilt your head just right, you can hear conversations going on 100 feet away... you just sort of look like your neck's broken or something...
  19. I...have a cunning plan! (You'll see.) Does it involve a fleem or leeches? A bone saw? Some bleeding of some type? No, it's much funnier than that. You'll have to wait, soon all will be revealed. (Sorry, I'm keeping mum till it's ready.)
  20. Some other stuff from my photos with Mary's Camera: Harry Toasting. (What they heck happened to that mug?) Micheal wants to be the Mercury Surgeon. (It's that hat that does it. "I must get that hat back! Think nasty, think nasty, think nasty!") Why's the mead gone? (And who's hat is this? Is it worth $20?) Where did Greg come from? How'd he get mead...and the hat? Notice how Diosa smiles so nice? She probably had been there awhile... Oh, was that your wounded foot? My favorite shot from Sunday night taken when I was leaving and 80% mentally unconscious. It's the moon....or a lamp...or a car's head lights...or a ghost. Yellow fever! AIEEEEE! Why do I remember nothing whatsoever of this moment? And why is Stynky in the shot?
  21. I...have a cunning plan! (You'll see.)
  22. Now we come to those photos taken by that drunk guy with a borrowed camera...Ok, now everyone hum the Mexican Hat Dance... Good lord...the hat passing nonsense. I have Jessi's hat and Michael has Stynky's (Guard it well. That hat's worth $20 at any Tijuana mead vendor, my friend.) I look way more drunk that Michael. But don't be fooled by his calm exterior! Michael's pickled too! (Would you let this man date your daughter? I think not...) This is a cute one of Jessi. Anyone have any idea whose hat she has on in this pic? I think Edward is pissed that he missed out on the game (or the mead): But fear not, Edward! There's more! Want some? (Have you got $20?) Kate wondering what she's doing here with these weirdos and their strange hat fetish (Whose hat is that?): And, of course, no strange drinking PiP event is complete without M.A. d'Dogge in some article of women's clothing: This guy did have $20! (I'm pretty sure he's buying his/Stynky's mead. Maybe not, but even if you were there you really weren't all there so I can say he's doing whatever I want.)
  23. Yeah, we have wayyy more fun than the spectators.
  24. That does look very interesting! I may have to get me a copy of it... [edit] In fact, I did. Thanks for the heads up Jon! Gasp! You mean Kate didn't make you read those before now? That's actually pretty good fiction - I read the last book in one sitting!
  25. Except for really bad fiction, which I rarely read any more, I always take notes on the things I read. Even when I decide not to, I tend to pencil notes into the margins and bracket stuff for easier later retrieval. I have many notebooks filled with random notes on the stuff I've read. (And the surgeon's notes I'm typing into my laptop are currently 460 pages long...)
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