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Raphael Misson

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Everything posted by Raphael Misson

  1. Remember when there were 4 period campers? (I don't. )
  2. It's not. Some of the instruments are stainless and the scissor handles are wrong for period. I'd say it's 19th c. Edit: Looking at the auction they mention that some of the handles are ebony. Those seem to have been popular starting around the civil war period. Definitely 19th c. Plus I think that's kind of expensive for that kit...I notice no one has bought it.
  3. And now for some thoughts on bloodletting from the ancient master of venesection himself, Galen. (From the book Galen on Bloodletting by Peter Brain) “Parts in the region of the throat and trachea which are much inflamed are greatly benefited at the beginning by venesection [opening a vein] at the elbow, but after the beginning by letting blood from the tongue; both the veins in it are cut. So too cutting the vein alongside the greater canthus [the place where the upper and lower eyelids meet] is good for the crusts on the eyes that remain after inflammations. Similarly when a vein in the forehead is cut, heaviness of the head and pains that have become chronic as a result of the plethos [an excess of blood] are usually noticeably relieved; but when they are starting, or are at their height, revulsion [diversion of blood from an affected part to a distant one] at the neck by means of a cupping glass relieves them, sometimes by itself, sometimes when used in combination with scarifications [making multiple small cuts to let blood from the skin]. The whole body should be evacuated in advance. In the same way pains in the back of the head, whether incipient or already established, are relieved by cutting the vein in the forehead. When fluxions [flows of humours] are beginning, one should preferably effect revulsion in combination with evacuation; but when, for instance, inflammatory conditions have gone on to induration [hardness], evacuate through the affected parts, or adjacent ones." (Brain, p. 94)
  4. Duchess has a whole assortment of guns as I understand it. (Including some she made for herself. (Like Tuco in TGtB&tU?)) No takers on the quote? It's based on a book (loosely). The next two lines are: "Shame...we barely got to know each other..." *gun clicks on empty cartridge* "I know where you keep your gun. I 'spose that's something." "True. How did he die?" "Your contact? Not well."
  5. Which version? Ah, the new one...but I'm afraid it doesn't matter, they're both wrong. (So sorry.) This was a very popular movie - it had also been made twice.
  6. Note: despite the last spate of previous posts there are actually rules to this game. They're pretty simple. 1. If you guess a quote correctly, you can post another. 2. If not, you can't....unless... 3. If a quote has gone unguessed for more than two weeks or so (I think), you can hijack the post like I'm. So you have to guess the current quote before you can post a quote unless the thread dies. And if a few days pass with no guesses...feel free to give hints. So, since it's been a long time since we had this thing posted to...I am (as predicted) hijacking the thread. (Duchess...dear pal-o-mine...amiga muy buenas...you are specifically excluded from this quote because I suspect it will just be too damned simple for you. Sorry. (Not really. ) ) Now, no cheatin' and using Google, y'all. (Not that it will help.) Hint: Fairly recent movie. "Shame...we barely got to know each other..." *gun clicks on empty cartridge* "I know where you keep your gun. I 'spose that's something." "True."
  7. Perhaps you should ally with Stynky. (Make sure you bring a lockable chest to keep your belongings in.)
  8. It usually takes me weeks to finish a book (partially because I read several at once), but I finished the last Harry Potter book in one sitting.
  9. I think it really comes down to wanting to emulate what we think of as the Golden Age of Piracy (early 18th c). And I think that comes from the romanticized Hollywood representation of the GAoP, which was really hyped in the 50s (along with cowboys). And that probably comes from a fascination with romantic pirate fiction from before that time. (Howard Pyle, Rafael Sabbatini, R.L. Stevenson, etc.) And that comes from the romanticized stories in The General History. It's been exaggerated to the point where it strikes that chord in people - independent freedom fighters railing against unjust persecutors and making a handy packet on the side. Besides, they flaunted the rules, which appeals to the thirteen year old boy in all of us. (Even the women.) What's really funny is that many of us are trying to deconstruct the romanticism by adhering to as many 17th/18th c. facts as we can get without losing the romantic angle that interested us in the first place. Personally, I became interested because of the Disney POTC skeleton models form the 70s. Pirates - Skeletons, the link is undeniable. (Thanks to Disney.)
  10. The local library doesn't have them, nor does the inter-library loan seem to want to give me access to them. I must admit I'm not quite interested enough to pay for them on tape since 1) I'll only listen to them once (because they're fiction) and 2) I'd rather not confuse factual medical concepts with fictional ones (even if they are drawn from factual ones.) Maybe some day...
  11. That was kind of what I was wondering about the period book on fishing. Admittedly, I didn't get very far into it, but it seemed to be more of a sportsman's guide than something an average sailor would have recourse to. (Provided the sailor could even read, of course.) Somewhere in the back of my mind is the notion that one of the reasons the Catholic church forbade meat on Fridays was to boost the market for fish. A rather cursory internet search turned up this, "You could buy better fish and vegetables, but the point is that you could eat without money if you were poor. So meat was rich people's food and fish was poor people's food. That is why the most common form of fasting was to omit meat and eat fish." This sort of aligns with the idea that fish would not be the preferred meat. A final bit of info to toss out there - I recently came across was in the Galen book I am reading that says meat is an important element in creating blood (the "best" humour) while other provender (vegetables and fruits) where of little or no value in this regard. (Sorry, I don't have the actual quote handy.) It doesn't say whether fish was better or worse for generating this best of humors, but I could easily understand an argument that would favor red meat over white in the creation of blood. (Note that none of these points are necessarily tied to period thinking. It's more like rambling than PC thinking.)
  12. Galen is pretty fiesty! He goes after this other surgeon Erasistratus's theories with the gloves off. (None of which is useful to me, but it's sort of entertaining.) Of course, I have found the same thing in many of the period books, especially as it relates to disease theory and certain treatments. These guys would argue with each other using their books as weapons. All of which tells me I chose an excellent character to portray.
  13. Not as Mission said, as sailor Edward Coxere said in his journal. (Seriously, go read that thread I quoted starting with the bits highlighted about the seine. There is a lot of info on fishing during period. For example, one source notes that fish were not preferred by sailors.)
  14. I know they used a net (called a seine). Dutch and I discussed fishing starting about here in the food sailors ate thread. There is also a period description of fishhooks out of nails in there, although it doesn't specify the technical details.
  15. Strangely, I've owned the book Master & Commander for almost ten years and have never managed to get through it. I've tried three times - once when I bought it, once about a year after the movie (upon noticing that I owned it) and a third time before PiP in '07 when I was thinking about how to do my surgeon character. I just can't seem to get through it for some reason... According to my bookmark, I made it to page 130 on the last attempt. I think it's because the text is too descriptive and ponderous for me. I believe William Red Wake suggested I get it on tape and listen to it instead, but I haven't done that. Still, as a result, I don't have an preconceived notions about how Maturin should be played. Perhaps that's why I like the way Bettany and the movie script portray him.
  16. Galen on Bloodletting by Peter Brain.
  17. You can - look at the lower left of the screen. At the very bottom in the wee grey lettering: "Mark board as read". I think he wants to just mark each particular forum as read as opposed to the whole board. It seems to me that we used to be able to do that in the old software.
  18. I spent a great deal of time choosing a given name for the surname Mission; it has to do with the meaning of the name in French. See, Misson is French (my namesake), but I've always thought of my surgeon character as English. (No one wants to hear me play at being French. Trust me. Even Pepe le Pew would be appalled at how I would mangle that.) So basically it just comes down to the fact that there is a disconnect between my username and my character name - I prefer to just be called 'Mission' when in character. The username has existed since 2002 when I joined another pirate board and misspelled the name I really wanted. The character was created in 2007 for PiP. BTW, I didn't change my name; I just added a given name. (This all has to do with getting 1000 posts under each username - that it when your icon becomes the skull. I like the skull. So at this rate I'll have to come up with another username in 6 or 8 months when this username gets 1000 posts. But I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.) If you really want to confuse Grace, you can explain that my username has changed from Mission to Misson to Caraciolli to Rapheal Mission. (There is actually logic to that progression.)
  19. You think Bettany is good-looking? I'm no expert judge, but I'd say he's sort of awkward-looking. He is a great actor. He was the best part of A Knight's Tale. His portrayal as a surgeon in M&C was a small part of the reason I chose that role for my character.
  20. Yeah, fine, Russell Crowe, etc. etc. The real question is whether they can get Paul Bettany back. (At least, that's my real question.) He made that movie.
  21. First Stynky has to get a hat... You wouldn't have any blue or black/grey feathers, would you? I lost the blue and black/grey feathers in my Planter's hat and I have no clue where to get natural feathers.
  22. The Flounder. "What is my Delta Tau Chi name?" "Dorfman, I've thought long and hard about this. Your Delta Tau Chi name is... Flounder." "Flounder?"
  23. Are we playing "Just how weird is Mission?" This reminds me of another story (I may have told this one recently...it seems to me I have...but here goes.) When I was in my teens my dad found a dead brown bat in the barn at his business. He brought it home to show me (because - naturally - I like bats too) and I decided to perform taxidermy on it. With the help of my sister (who has always been a scientist...even then) we cut the little thing open and stuffed him with cotton, formaldehyde and some other things I have since forgotten that are required for this operation. I stretched out his wings using cardboard and paper clips so they would dry in the open position. Then I hung him from the light in my room. My cousin eventually got tired of him (we had bunk beds and he slept in the top bunk...to close to the bat for comfort, I think ) and made me take him down. I still have him, although his wings are in pretty rough shape. They're made of skin and as they dried, it contracted and tore.
  24. Whaddaya' think about maybe moving the "Toss My Cookies" selection text over to the right side of the bottom of the screen? It's too near the "Mark Board as Read" selection text for comfort. I can just see myself accidentally clicking the wrong thing and wiping out my stored info. (Who the heck even wants such a function, anyhow? If you want to delete your cookies, you can just go into the cookies folder and wipe them out.)
  25. Yeah, an it's cool. (Well, I think it's cool.) I have this prop that's named Uncle Zeke that was the real reason I wanted to start doing Haunted Houses back in '92. (I wanted an excuse to spend a $100 on this thing...) Anyhow, I still lived at home when I bought him and we used to dress him up for each holiday and stick him in the living room. Until my mom put a stop to it, that is. (We got all the way from Hallowe'en to St. Patrick's day with that gig, believe it or not.) Alas, I have no photos of holiday Zeke. (It never occurred to me to take them for some reason.) I'd post a photo of him without the costumes, but I don't even have a good photo of plain ol' Zeke. This is odd, because he appeared in at least 6 or 7 of my Haunted House room designs. Here's a shot of him made up for a black light room. He has tape on him that's been painted with glow paint to pick up the light. The prop is far more detailed than you can see in this photo. (I know you're all just dying to see this...er, so to speak): He's a rigid poly-foam half-body prop. One arm has been been cut off and the other looks like it was ripped off. He also appears to have been hit in the head with a shovel or a pick-axe or something... My particular prop is grey skinned, although Gag Studios made him other colors as well. I should really get a decent photo of Zeke on my site so everyone can enjoy his lovely visage... Oh, he's also in the hole in the skeleton tree, if you want to play Where's Waldo (He's awful hard to see there): http://www.markck.com/images/Haunted%20House%20Pages/Rooms_Skeleton%20Tree.htm Well, this one isn't too bad...
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