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Andre LeClerc

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Everything posted by Andre LeClerc

  1. Hi Captain Morgan--still awaiting your vessel in the Persian Gulf, too help me scuttle these treasure ships. Since you scurvy dogs and dawgettes, love ghost stories, let me raise the hair on your necks tonight. Been in Najaf for two weeks now, supporting the dog teams sent here too clear the areas in front of the troops, Marines on our flanks---Natl Guard MP's moving with our dog teams. This area is seven kilometers big, covered with Islamic cyrpts, chapels, gravestones, etc---each night rather than give back to Haji, the area we cleared, we would bed down in the perimeter---each night, our dogs would take forever too calm down, and would lie close too our handlers, ears up, eyes open---alert. They have taken too jumping up and barking loudly after the sun goes down, with many of them, moving closer too the handlers for protection. Needless to say, things go bump in the night---and we have not had much rest and relaxation. The devices and air support have opened up some of the graves, exposing long dead---which spooks the crap out of one and all--- Never again in my old age, will I doubt the power of death, or the ways of the afterlife. Hope all is well with the crews of No Quarter Given---raise the grog, pinch the maidens---count the dead mans gold, and live life too the fullest------ Andre LeClerc damn site more humble captain of the St. Vitas Dance. PS: I moved back too the rear with our teams, so I can type, relax and wait for the supposed next truce, LOL
  2. My best, all time greatest find from the isle of ebay, was an auction that my third wife, started bidding on, a repo grimsley saddle, she contacted the seller and they stated there was an older saddle tree under the new leather, etc, etc, etc. Well, we got it for a fair price, and when it arrived we discovered that it in fact, was an orginal Grimsley tree, worth way more than what we paid for it. Wooo Hoooo. I also obtained a much desired, RCMP buffalo coat in pristine condition, which I still love to this day. She bought many, many orginal period dresses off of ebay, that were treasures at the various enactments we toured. Oh well, like Dumpster Diving, one man/womens garbage is another persons treasure, Andre LeClerc master for the moment of the St. Vitas Dance
  3. Hey, we dont need no fancy pants writers, why just look at this prose? "Slowly his hand creep up her white skined thighs?" Opps, sorry, that be from me famous "Motel Madness" script for www.hairyleggedbosniancheerleader.com dialogue. Sorry, sometimes it just pops out? Andre LeClerc silver typing master of the St. Vitas Dance
  4. Had to have been the HMS Surprise, as he said it was from "Master and Commander", Thank you very much, Tales, that helped---man, she was a beautiful lady in the pictures, wooo hoooo Andre LeClerc
  5. Ok, you west coast brethren, A mate of mine works at Old Town in San Diego and toured a tall ship there, I know you dawgs and dawgettes can tell me who is there? I want to sail away into the western sky, with the wind in my face, and salt in me slops, Ohhh, I am envious of him now??? Andre LeClerc stomp his feet master of the St. Vitas Dance
  6. Parrot's oratory stuns scientists By Alex Kirby BBC News Online environment correspondent Feathered prodigy: N'kisi leads the field The finding of a parrot with an almost unparalleled power to communicate with people has brought scientists up short. The bird, a captive African grey called N'kisi, has a vocabulary of 950 words, and shows signs of a sense of humour. He invents his own words and phrases if he is confronted with novel ideas with which his existing repertoire cannot cope - just as a human child would do. N'kisi's remarkable abilities, which are said to include telepathy, feature in the latest BBC Wildlife Magazine. N'kisi is believed to be one of the most advanced users of human language in the animal world. About 100 words are needed for half of all reading in English, so if N'kisi could read he would be able to cope witha wide range of material. Polished wordsmith He uses words in context, with past, present and future tenses, and is often inventive. One N'kisi-ism was "flied" for "flew", and another "pretty smell medicine" to describe the aromatherapy oils used by his owner, an artist based in New York. When he first met Dr Jane Goodall, the renowned chimpanzee expert, after seeing her in a picture with apes, N'kisi said: "Got a chimp?" School's in: He is a willing learner He appears to fancy himself as a humourist. When another parrot hung upside down from its perch, he commented: "You got to put this bird on the camera." Dr Goodall says N'kisi's verbal fireworks are an "outstanding example of interspecies communication". In an experiment, the bird and his owner were put in separate rooms and filmed as the artist opened random envelopes containing picture cards. Analysis showed the parrot had used appropriate keywords three times more often than would be likely by chance. Captives' frustrations This was despite the researchers discounting responses like "What ya doing on the phone?" when N'kisi saw a card of a man with a telephone, and "Can I give you a hug?" with one of a couple embracing. Professor Donald Broom, of the University of Cambridge's School of Veterinary Medicine, said: "The more we look at the cognitive abilities of animals, the more advanced they appear, and the biggest leap of all has been with parrots." Alison Hales, of the World Parrot Trust, told BBC News Online: "N'kisi's amazing vocabulary and sense of humour should make everyone who has a pet parrot consider whether they are meeting its needs. "They may not be able to ask directly, but parrots are long-lived, and a bit of research now could mean an improved quality of life for years."
  7. Ok, brethren- I have looked at the Old Domion Forge, but need more sources for a repo boarding axe----seems the boys do not want me too use the real one I have had for years.... Gracie Andre LeClerc semi-elected master of the St. Vitas Dance
  8. Ok, so ears dont count---and I have not been brave enough to let any of the ex wives hammer a hole in my ???? well, you get the idea. So here is the ink. I have some ink designs of a pyrate nature that I am going to have inked in in the coming year-----Pyrates forever, Forever Pyrates, Andre LeClerc never even asked my mommie for permission, master of the St. Vitas Dance
  9. Bon sori, Master Hawkyns, Their school is put on by the school of artillery at Ft. Sill, or in our case, we get them too Ft. Gibson to work with our crews----what you cant see is that most of us are 1st Dragoons, C and E company---in which we were all cross trained as cannoners--- Like you said, finding a school that is worth it's salt is like, well salt, hard to find---some good, some bad, some downright dangerous. This is not a NPS certification----I will get you the information if you so deem it---or if you want call our Captain of Dragoons, Mike (Mik) Bradley, at 918-478-4088, he is the coordinator of volunteers for Ft. Gibson Historical Site in Ft. Gibson Oklahoma---dont let that British accent bother u, we is trying to get him to speak proper merican english, LOL--- We are going to hold two school this year for cannons---and will have normally six to eight guns in attendance--- Like you, we have schooled under some very, very good instructors from some very different organizations---the one thing the Oklahoma Historicial Society demands is safety, safety, safety----so I quess that sums it up. If you call Mik, tell him Skillet send you---he will laugh and ask if I am still making love to dogs, etc, LOL----I will see him this weekend, and let him know you may call---I will get his correct email at the fort for you, that might be easier. ---since you mention the color gray---in the two shots we are facing eight Reb cannons at the top of the hill, about a mile away---damn funny them Rebs can field more brass than we can, ROFLMAO Regards, Andre LeClerc
  10. Just remember what I tell all my crews- If you're in control it's a cannon. If the gun's in control, it's a pipe bomb. Hawkyns Master Gunner Thought you might like two pictures of six pounders at work--I am posting them here--(hope they are not too big for the forum?)---both pictures are of a crew I work at Ft. Gibson Oklahoma, the oldest military post in Oklahoma, founded in 1824---the crew on the left in this shot is the gun crew from Ft. Sill Oklahoma, active duty military that devote their time and schooling to us less fortunate members of the population--lol We currently have six guns in our inventory---three dated barrels from 1852---a naval barrel from 1858---one from 1864---a dragoon cannon we had made named Little Sister----and a six pounder that was made and bought sometime ago with a neferious background---- Our crews must all attend at least one school a year to stay current with our certifications (for safety reasons), with me having crewed all positions----in these shots I am in number four position. We are repairing the 1852 barrel as it was spiked in the touch hole by Reb troops as they left their camp across the river in the present town of Muskogee Oklahoma---but it should be up and thundering this year--- Hope you guys and gals like these---I will take pictures this weekend at a big Christmas event we have, of the Little Sister. Fair winds and aim for the riggin------------ Andre LeClerc
  11. Been watchin this plander for THE events to mark on the calender for 2004--and it seems from all aboard that is is a MUST DO?? Same time I gather, and bring plunder and a thirst? If we brace off now, with this old decrepit frigate--me thinks the St. Vitas Dance might make it with time to spare. And other recommendations from the brethren on THE MUST DO events for 2004---and being a damn fine certified safe six pound gunner---any needing spare crew too man the riggin, or just add color, let hail, Andre LeClerc willing and able seamen of the St. Vitas Dance
  12. Ahoy brethren, This may have been posted already, if so, chalk it up to LeClerc having too much iquana for Turkey Day, and large amounts of rum to wash it down? From secret brethren in the behemoth in Bentonville, it seems only 1600 Wal-Mart stores in the US, was given the special POTC medallion coins, and that the store managers have the ability to hand them out. I am not in the States, so you salt dogs might plunder and make them walk the plank, but that number of Super Centers got the special coins, Fair plundering, and take no prisoners. Andre LeClerc fat and sassy master of the St. Vitas Dance
  13. Hmm, 200 per day is not bad pay for reenactor pay--or did you go in as extras? I worked with Riley Flynn before he died on most of his horse films including Ride with the Devil--Two for Texas-Rough Riders--Postman--etc, and the most we made was on the Postman, and hell, we was in the saddle for damn near five months around the country, I think our pay that time was 200 per day, 75 for horse and equipment, and stunt bumps were 50 dollars, if I remember---so for a pirate film and grub, 200 was not bad? Seen Master and Commander, and havin been a Partrick O'Brian book fan for years, I liked all the hang me down set dressing on the set---once you got past the fact that the screen play covered two books and parts of others, but hey, what the hell, it was a great sea story---and it seems the equipment was correct? I have a friend in Old Towne in Califonia, and was parts of the scenes on the Star of India? He was telling me how they built three separate sections of the Surprise and used each part in differents setups? Until later, a good Maturin/Aubrey film. Andre LeClerc semi-elected master of the St. Vitas Dance
  14. Hmm, very interestin conversation goin on here about POTC2---like all here, sure hope it gets to post production---LOL Havin lived in my other life for a year and a half in Haiti and then later Ochio Rios, I was unaware of the power of voudou until being around the believers, now I am a full blown, egg plantin under the bed believer, after all, what can it hurt, I can always use the egg later to cure my rum hangovers? Besides one of my ports was Nouvelle Orleans, and you cant be there without being under Baron Samedi's power? Until then, hopin they need a well seasoned gunners mate on the Black Pearl---where is Riley Flynn when I need him? Andre LeClerc damn fine six pounder gunner of the St. Vitas Dance
  15. Captn, I must confess, I have a boarding axe, but don't carry it when I go to fandango's---came by and orginal, (or so they said) from another fellow collector---he and I have discussed dang near everything on shipboard, and military from 1500 to Present day---and about the only thing we can figure out, is them axes was used for cutting cordage loose, etc. He being British, argued that they might have been used for fighting, and this one is just a little larger than a standard size hawk--so could be---dont really have the consumante answer. Kind of like the elusive 1832 Dragoon saddle, we know was used, but none seems to have survived the long trek to California. Besides, me rapier pulls me pantaloons down as it is, so I dont need another hang me down, to hang me down? LOL Andre LeClerc Another week as the semi disputed master of the St. Vitas Dance
  16. And this be me wearin them fancy topped boots in a fandango we braced the St. Vitas at this year---I think it was this year, hell, I stayed drunk the whole time?
  17. Second shot across her bow with the bow chaser? Oh wait, I am postin pictures right now? Andre (by god getting good at this) LeClerc Bona fide HTML master of the St. Vitas Dance
  18. Ok, lets try this then Andre (some captain you are, cant even make a picture work?***shut up, quartermaster, and go flog somebody? ) Dont you just love it when a plan coming together? Andre LeClerc master of the HTML SS Angelfire
  19. Avast, here goes an attempt at postin these hear boots of mine? An that be me wearin them boots at a port we braced in early this year---at least I think it was this year---the crew stayed drunk the whole time. Andre LeClerc Well worn master of the St. Vitas Dance Well, that didnt work, LOL On to port side Plan B? Andre LeClerc trying to figure out this HTML master of the St. Vitas Dance
  20. Avast, here goes an attempt at postin these hear boots of mine? An that be me wearin them boots at a port we braced in early this year---at least I think it was this year---the crew stayed drunk the whole time. Andre LeClerc Well worn master of the St. Vitas Dance
  21. Mousier Tudor, Indeed I can take one of them new fangled things called a lithograph, but bein that I be uneducated and havin been in the third grade twice---I might need a bit of help posting them, do I need to have the shots on a website of mine, and can I post the pictures here, or do they need to be in the pub picture area. Any of my years of plunder, I am glad to share pictures of--just need that (I am stupid with puter help) advice, LOL Andre LeClerc somewhat ignorant master of the St. Vitas Dance.
  22. Didnt really know where to jump into this forae about boots, but I been wearin a pair of boots from a company called Buffalo Runner, out of Henyretta Texas, for fifteen years now----two sets of soles and an addition lately of a pair of hang me down cuffs, and they is still the best boots I have even had---cost is around one ninety, or two hundred, black or brown----I think they have a website, I think--who knows I become old in the time since I bought them. I also have a pair of fugawee shoes, with buckles that I love----cost is a lot cheaper, but they make do with the high sock and shoe look. Just thought I would throw that out---I aint got stock in any of them companies, LOL Ren boots I have seen, for me are two silly looking, two thin leather, or just plain hurt me feet. but then again---it is hard fitting the one leg, since it be a whale bone, hehehe Andre LeClerc Certainly fighting to keep the master of the St. Vitas Dance
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