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Everything posted by JoshuaRed
Aye, I've been playing and enjoying Port Royale for a few months now. It is rather addicting!
Sleepy Hollow Nosferatu Bram Stoker's Dracula Vincent Price stuff like House of Wax and Pit & The Pendulum, etc. The old classics, the Hammer films.... I'm getting the restored version of the Exorcist this week from Netflix....haven't seen it for ten years...still not sure if I dare watch it again.
Aye mate, the score be full o' low, creeping Barbossa music as well as mighty Jack Sparrow adventurin' music!
I'm listening to the POTC score again....this thing is SO DAMN FREAKIN' GOOD. Rousing beyond belief! I'm listening to it daily now...helps get me thru those long office afternoons. Oh sure, it may look like I'm perched in front of a Mac, but my mind is a thousand miles and three hundred years away, engaged in a riotous high-seas battle!
El Pirata, I'd suggest ye scull o'er to www.ascaron.com and take a looksee at "Tortuga", due to be released on 10-24. Looks GREAT. I have Port Royale and also strongly recommend that.
"We Were Buccaneers" by Hoyt Axton. GREAT tune. "Shiver Me Timbers" & "Singapore" by Tom Waits "The Pirate Bride" by Sting "The Gibbeted Captain Kidd" by Scissorfight "I'm A Rover" by Great Big Sea (also check out their cover of Drunken Sailor with the Chieftains) "Barrett's Privateers" by Schooner Fare "Sun, Sea & Piracy" by BowWowWow (not really piratey) "Redemption Song" by Bob Marley & The Wailers "Pirates" by Tori Amos ...I've got a bunch more, this is just off th' top o' me noggin. Stay tuned! :)
OMG this is too funny! I happened to run into Michael's today during lunchbreak to get some odds and ends, and saw this same rockin' pirate galleon! I was all set to buy it until I saw the 50.00 tag. Guess I'll wait till after Halloween too when it's 25.00. Course Michael's always has good coupons for 40% off or more in the paper.....
Try www.gogamer.com ---> 14.90! They sell games on the cheap. CT is a terrific game, I've probably played it more than any other over the years. It is buggy though, so once you get it, make sure you get the patch (version 7) which fixes most problems.
Sorry ye can't find it....got mine at Border's.
Gotcha! Thanks fer the tip Royaliste! That's quite impressive that a fast vessel rigged fore and aft could get from Port Royal to Tortuga in 1-2 days. Very cool!
What I've read on travel in the age of sail is that Jamaica to Tortuga would generally be a four day sail, give or take one depending on the wind. But I'm thinking that a month could easily pass in that time PLUS the time spent mustering the crew, preparing for the voyage, and chasing down Barbossa, eh?
Picked up the film score today....I can't recommend it enough. It's outstanding! Just as fun to listen to as the movie is to watch, and just as adrenaline-inducing. So go out and pillage it, ye swabbies! :)
Funny and true! The Black Pearl does well with holey sails as she is a damned ship, crewed by the cursed lot. It's black magic, matey! She glides along on an unholy breeze. That's how she was able to catch the Interceptor during the chase despite the Interceptor being renknowned as "the fastest ship in the Caribbean". As for the constant presence of the moon, it's a little iffy, but no biggie. I take it perhaps that the movie covers about 1 month of real time. In the beginning when the Pearl sacks Port Royal, it's a full moon. It then takes about 3 weeks for Jack and Will to get to Tortuga, round up the crew, etc.
http://www.etonline.com/reuters/N16178201.htm :) Life is GOOD for us pirates! The rest of the world is finally catchin' on.
Aye, I knows that... What I meant was that they should have shown the pirates plunderin' a Spaniard or two...or mebbe sackin' an unsuspectin' French town. After all, I think most moviegoers today are sophisteecated enuff ta handle the soit of sum nasty pirates actually PIRATING SOMETHING!
The best pirate films in order: Pirates of the Caribbean TNT's Treasure Island The Black Pirate Captain Blood
Yes, I'm enjoying the game very much. So far I'm most impressed with the sailing & the gorgeous water along with the towns -- they look wonderful! Much more authentic than the first game. Some problems, but nothing that can't be modded or patched....(i hope)
Everything makes much much more sense the second time around...so everyone go see it again!
SPOILER WARNING read on at yer discretion... > > > > > > Yeah, Jack the monkey is terrific! The whole damn movie is terrific! Just saw it a 2nd time with my wife (her 1st time). She loved it! And I loved it even MORE the second time around as I caught a bunch of key dialogue I missed the first time, now it all makes perfect sense to me. I hope the sequel shows a good flashback to show how Jack came across the compass and the story of this island. My opinion after a second viewing is that the next one will pick up more or less immediately after this one, with Jack taking the BP back to Islad de la Muerta to scoop up the remaining non-cursed treasure...where my bet is he'll run into one angry monkey and one really angry Barbossa! :) Now my only question is....just why is it they needed Turner blood specifically? Was Bootstrap the one who first partook of the gold?
SPOILER WARNING read on at yer discretion... > > > > > > Yeah, Jack the monkey is terrific! The whole damn movie is terrific! Just saw it a 2nd time with my wife (her 1st time). She loved it! And I loved it even MORE the second time around as I caught a bunch of key dialogue I missed the first time, now it all makes perfect sense to me. I hope the sequel shows a good flashback to show how Jack came across the compass and the story of this island. My opinion after a second viewing is that the next one will pick up more or less immediately after this one, with Jack taking the BP back to Islad de la Muerta to scoop up the remaining non-cursed treasure...where my bet is he'll run into one angry monkey and one really angry Barbossa! :) Now my only question is....just why is it they needed Turner blood specifically? Was Bootstrap the one who first partook of the gold?
I've heard it's extremely stable, but yer pc has ta have enough wind in it's sails to handle this beast of a game. I have it, but haven't installed it yet. Will do so tonight and report back. Cheers!
While the movie was being filmed, it did sound like it was to be set after the Golden Age, circa 1740. But since then, everything I've read places it squarely in the late 1600's. At one point in the film some of Barbossa's henchmen mention something about Bootstrap sailing under Henry Morgan or something to that effect. So if these pirates are of the proper age to have sailed with Morgan it would have to be the late 1600's. HOWEVER....at one point Sparrow tells Barbossa if they combine their ships they could form the last real pirate threat in the Caribbean....which would mean post-1725. Damn this is confusing!
Excellent, many thanks. Some of that stuff I missed, probaby when sitting there awestruck by the amazing effects and score. I can't believe I didn't pick up on Jack rubbing the curse on himself by snaking the piece of gold....jeez!! Where is my head! Too much rum.....
First off let me state again how AMAZING this film is, what a landmark achievement it is, and how proud as hell I am of the cast and crew. I tip me hat to ya! So I'm sitting here in the office, mulling over the movie, replaying it in my head, yearning to see it again asap. Maybe it's just me, maybe I missed some key dialogue...I dunno. Check these out: What happened to the defeated pirate crew once the curse was lifted? I assume they were hung, but it's not shown. What happened to the treasure Jack made off with from the cave? One minute he's rowing back to the Dauntless with Will and Liz, draped in gold. Next scene he's on the gallows. Did he give it to Will so he could become a gentleman pirate? How did Jack get cursed if he wasn’t with the crew when they took the cursed treasure? They marooned him on the way to the island, right? How did Jack come to learn of Isla De Muerta? And if he knew he was cursed, why wouldn't he be magically drawn to the gold just like the Black Pearl crew? Or is that why he showed up in Port Royal in the first place? How could he get drunk on rum if he was cursed? It was made pretty clear that all they could do was sail the sea tracking down the gold.... Where are the other inhabitants of the Caribbean? Spanish? French? If they can’t die, and Bootstrap Bill was cursed too, shouldn't he be sitting at the bottom of the sea somewhere chained to a cannonball, bored as hell? Course soon as the curse is lifted, he'd drown I guess.... Port Royal is supposed to be "the wickedest city on earth"…where is everyone? How could Jack sail a brig with just Will who’s all lubber? Anyway, if anyone who was involved with the production, or seen it enough times to know the answers could throw me a bone on these, I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm really not trying to nitpick such a great movie that I instantly fell in love with....I just don't like loose ends!
Aye! Well said indeed! Just got back from it meself and LOVED it!! I thought some parts were surprisingly accurate while other areas took liberties. No matter, it's all in good fun. Depp has singlehandedly redifined the action hero. Oh and the cinematography is STUNNING. It made all the difference in the world being shot IN the Caribbean. I would have liked to see more shots of "daily life" in the film...people going about their colonial business in the background, etc. When you see the film, and see what a romping tribute it is to the greatest ride attraction ever built, it all makes sense. You love it for what it is. And it does actually follow the loose story of the ride, although there are some holes. What else....oh - The underwater rowboat scene? Straight out of The Crimson Pirate, and just as funny here, 50 or so years later! One little nitpick...if this was supposed to be the 1600's, would Port Royal be a lot more raucous, and wouldn't the ships be steered with tillers, not wheels? Oh well. Still one of the coolest, most unique films I've seen in ages. Great as it is, I gotta ask...WHEN will we get a pirate movie that actually shows pirates ROB and STEAL their treasure/loot off merchant ships??? All the bubblegum kiddies out there will think that treasure just grows in caves and waits to be found! One tip --- keep yer arse IN yer seat throught allll the credits....thar be a sweet lil' teaser leadin' into a sequel, aye!