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Everything posted by JoshuaRed

  1. Saturday we will be. The movers are here as we speak, packing up our wordly possessions. Can't wait for it to be done!
  2. LOL. I remembered to remind you all about it, but promptly forgot to watch it myself. :)
  3. I saw a promo for the tonight's (5-25) ABC Evening News and they are doing a piece on the QAR. FYI. Fire up those Tivos!
  4. Kung Pao Chicken, Mongolian Chicken, Sweet N' Sour Chicken....do the Mooshu!!
  5. Now THAT is mighty sweet, Foxe! Thanks for posting. One thing that it illustrates remarkably well is just how much of a sitting duck small boat boarders could be if they lost the element of surprise before getting safely on deck. One blunderbuss aimed over the side at point blank range and you're shark food.
  6. I don't think they are. I looked for a long time. Now there IS one site that has scanned pages from an early edition of his book. So you can read him online, but unless you have a good broadband connection it's impossible, and even with broadband it's tedious at best, because the page images are scanned so large at hi-res. But I enjoyed it for the first ten pages or so, then I headed to abebooks.com to buy them. Here is the online site: Dampier Text Like I said, it's not easy going, but it will give you a taste of the action.
  7. One of my favorite books! Period sensationalism at its best! I love it. Next up you should try William Dampier's works.
  8. Boarding Axe 101: Option A: Embed 'er in their hull and hoist yerself up wit' it. Option B: Ember 'er in their heads until they strikes colors. Option C: Throw it really hard at 'em and hide in the hold till it's over!
  9. Not yet...I think it's due this Sept. or thereabouts.
  10. Yeah, for those of you seeking something a little less squeaky clean, try Pirates of the Burning Sea. Check it out HERE.
  11. Cool! I've got some of his work. Please do let us know how it goes and if he's unearthed any new info.
  12. The National Maritime Museum in the UK has a HUUUUGE collection of ship plans going back to 1680. You can order poster sized copies too, via their website! The only snag is that there are VERY few merchant ship plans prior to the mid-18th C. as they were built by "rule of thumb". There are Naval ship plans, but I don't know of any pirate ship that was previously a naval ship. By and large they were captured merchant vessels. Still though, with some research you could modify the plans of a naval sloop of war to a merchant sloop, and hence a pirate craft. :) Follow this link for more info: NMM Ship Plans
  13. Yeah, I highly recommend investing in an external usb hard drive, which makes for a quick and easy backup. Just copy all important files to it once a month or so, and you'll be safe. I learned this the hard way.
  14. Yeah Mifflin is cool. And only 10 minutes away from me!
  15. LOL and St. George Bermuda, Provincetown Mass, and Ogonquit, Maine. FAAABULOUS!!!
  16. Good! Similar thing happened in Maine when I was living there. We (Mainers) were all driving into NH to get Powerball tix, until Maine finally realized how much revenue they were losing and brought Powerball in state.
  17. Well then I stand corrected!
  18. In other words, perhaps North Carolina's economy "really really needs" this to be the QAR even if it's not?
  19. I find these ship forensics enthralling. I sincerely hope they can prove it's the QAR, but even if it's a different ship it's no less a major find. I just hope that can at least prove it's only 1 wreck, and not a composite of wrecks on top of wrecks which happens all too often, compounding the difficulty.
  20. Blondes DO have more fun, huh?
  21. I appreciate the need for thorough investigation and backing up claims with evidence. BUT...to me, this logically MUST be the QAR. There simply was no other ship on the eastern seaboard from this time that was as heavily armed as this wreck they've found. If there was, it would have been noteworthy and mentioned in period records, just as the power of the QAR was.
  22. Hey das, I hear what you're saying. Overall setup wise, I bet this shot is quite similar to your typical GAOP Pirate beach debauch. Minus the clothing and hairstyles, etc. About dancing - keep in mind that it wasn't until the late 19th century that men dancing would be looked on as "fairy" and something they would avoid. On the contrary, back then it was the pinnacle of revelry and something everyone would LOVE to do at every opportunity. Remember, in the GAOP era, MANLY men wore silk stockings, heeled shoes with buckles, wigs and even makeup on occasion! Course these fops were probably called dandies by the rugged Johnny Punchclocks of the time (Sailors) but it was still considered masculine fashion.
  23. Foxe you should see the replica Whydah on display at the museum...it's gorgeous and overflowing with detail. Wait a minute...I've got a picture! (Feel like a proud papa pulling pics of the kids out of his wallet to show everyone at work) Click the thumbs...
  24. MadMike is 100% correct. This is 19th century. Looks like freakin' fun though!! Wish I was there.
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