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Everything posted by Sheila

  1. Good job boys!!! I raise a taost to you!
  2. As official cabin toy I attest to the fact he is not gay! Yay for us girls!!!!! :)
  3. yeah, what Paisley said!!!
  4. Well, hello. I like nothing better than a pirate with an eyepatch and a quick tongue. :) I agree with two of the three there. Welcome aboard One Eye!! I've heard good things about you. I'm afraid to know what you've heard about me.
  5. Sheila looks different when she's not in her REAL cloths........ I would respond but I think I'll get in trouble
  6. maybe we should let the secret out that I'm in an interspecies relationship
  7. I think it's a family thing
  8. *starts singing you shook me all night long*
  9. yeah she's 21!!!!
  10. quarters are getting cozy around here
  11. found out I'm not bullet proof the shaking only started after said incidents
  12. I was in town both times but only present for one incident. I deny any involvment with the leavings. Way to go Carolina boys! *starts humming we are the world* PS I have a crush on Crush!!!
  13. hmmm.. what would be good to give Diosa. One gift certificate to Fair Villa for $250 some coins and jewlery to start filling her new man sized chest.
  14. You forgot to mention what a great snuggler he is. I missed having by my side in bed last night.
  15. I will be there!! this is a once in a lifetime chance.
  16. okay, back on the market I go. Life is always entertaining.
  17. hey Pais, I will be getting my bike as soon as the weather is warm. Should we start the POTC biker club?
  18. It was good to see you too! You are welcome to pirate with us anytime!! BTW Aim your hat is getting the pug treatment since it is still here with us.
  19. I would also like to note in the log that it only took a sip of wine before Diosa and i were touching lips. Now we have pics to compare with Nigel and Captains kiss last year. If you think the image of the boys kiss is scaring then you should see the captain try the bottle trick. We also found out that bikers and pirates are one in the same.
  20. I am having way too much fun here in Florida! They have even convinced me to stay a few extra days. More stories to be has, more tales to be told.
  21. hmmm......a pirate fear factor.......
  22. been there, done that, not worth it
  23. pour me somthin' tall and strong, make it a hurricane before i go insane.
  24. I heard something good about his 'nailing' ability as well
  25. anyone got a sharpie?
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