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Everything posted by captscurvyscrew

  1. Proud to be rated an Ozzy Ozzbourne. Of course my liver isn't very happy about this fact. Is itethicall to get a transplant just so you can start anew?
  2. Just make sure to be cleaning the guns the first time you get to meet any boys who be thinkin of takin her on a date!
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions. I just got a promotion at work, so it looks like I'll be moving to Maryland soon. Anyboy know anything about the cost of living there, or what the pirate scene is like?
  4. We have decided on a name, Ethan william Suttle. Oh, I completly forgot to say my wifes name earlier, her name is Stacy, adn while she be not of the same pirate stock as the rest of us, she's learning to like it. Hopefully we'll get to see some of you in Morhead or hampton festival. Thanks again for all your wonderful words of congrats and joy. Of all the things I've accomplished in my life, this will defenitly be teh greatest of all my adventures.
  5. Thanks to you all fer yer kind words and well wishing. We just finished getting the news from the doctor, the baby is is a little bit big for 19 weeks, but not large enoug to worry about gestational diabeties. Although I am making my wife Stacy stay off her feet as much as possible. I like the wall paper ideas, but I think I'm gonna paint the walls myself, just to o give it a more personal touch. I've paintedmurals for the stae of North Carolina, private buisnesses, even a pirate museum, but I think this will be the most rewarding artwork I've ever done. Hopefully I will see some of you if I get to make it to either morhead or hampton, but all depends on time and finances.
  6. Wel, for those of you who don't know me from the Raleigh Ren Faire or Pirates in Paradise, my name is Chris Suttle, aka Capt. Scurvy, adn before I shaved off teh beard I used to be Blackbeard. After a lot of worry, some really stressfull complications early on (my wife had ovarian cancer a few years ago) we found out today that our baby is quite healthy and I also got to find out the sex today! It's gonna be a boy!!!!!!!! So here's why I'm putting this up here, need some suggestions for pirate baby clothes adn costume ideas. Any patterns that you might know about, or evena website with infant or toddler period clothing. I'm having a hard time finding any. Any suggestions would be wonderful. Oh yeah, I'm also turning the nursery into a kid themed pirate room, looking kind of like the inside galley of a ship or a pirate tavern. As it comes along I'll post some pictures for eveyone ot see.
  7. Have to admit, Harvey was hilliarious in pigtails. The duelist is a great movie. I love the way hobbs mixes his fencing experience in with the drama of the stage.
  8. Try looking up a buisness in Hatteras NC called the Pirates Cove. Jim was the old owner, they carried a few of the figurines, but I don't know how long their open in the off season.
  9. Where are you located? You might be able to make one of our weekly meetings, get to know the crew and such.
  10. I appreciate the qoute from the site, but I was hoping to find a copy of the show, since I lost mine in a flood. It's really sentimental to me, since the show was my first national tv appearance. If anybody has a copy, please let me know
  11. Yes, it has been said that after a string of grenade attacks from Blackbeards men (Small clay pot they filled with powder, rusty nails, and small shot) that Maynard used the smoke from this and the lingering cannon smoke in the air as a chance to slip out o fsight. He took all his men blow deck, adn waited for Blackbeard to board the ship. Once he was on board, that's when the epic battle between Maynard and Blackbeard took place. All of this is things I've gathered over the years of playing Blackbeard the pirate,and also working as a pirate historian with the people at Teach's Hole in Ocracoke NC
  12. So, do we know what coast the ship is being built on yet?
  13. I have a lot of respect for Flynn. Some of hte best photos I've ever seen are of the fencing practices Flynn and Ratheborn used to have. It's funny to look at them, becasue in a lot of them you can see Flynn and Ratheborn smoking and drinking between practices. I used to be a proffesionla master fencer, but unfortunatlly I was hit by a drunk driver while I was walking down the street. I lost a few disk in my back and torn cartlige in both knees, so I can't compete the way I used to. I did find out that choreography was less pain on the knees, so now I do stage combat instead of classic fencing bouts. I do miss the days on the strip though.
  14. By the sword is a great book, I've used it for years as a means to introuce my students to stage combat. I do enjoy alot of the older movie scenes, it was just nice to see Hobbs choreography work again in a movie
  15. Wel, after much unpacking and fustration, I found my three tubs fll of fabric scraps and my sewing machine again (I hate moving)So now I'm working on two new waistcoats for Pirates in Paradise Festival, a new deess waistcoat to go with my red pirate coat that still neds the trim and buttons finished, and last but not least, I am working on some new ideas for a whole bunch of leather my friends gave to me as a suprise present last weekend. The only piece I can't come up with any pirate ideas for is a huge cowhide with reaally thick fur. It looks like material to make a rodeo clowns chaps out of. It's light brown fur with white patches, but the leather is pretty heavy. Any ideas?
  16. Send an email to the people at www.teachshole.com They carry everything piratical, and even if ther are no figurines in the shop, I worked there as Blackbeard for about two years and have seen the figure I think your talking about on the shelves a few times. ASk to speak to George, and tell 'em Chris sent ya. Happy hunting
  17. My favorite fencing scene of all times was in the newest version of the COunt of Monte Cristo. Those of you with any fencing knowledge I'm sure have heard the name William Hobbs before, a great fencer and a wonderful chroegrapher. The end scene in hte high grass was wonderful, and the cinematography was really impressive
  18. Okay, about three years ago I was in a show for the Turner South Network portraying Blackbeard the Pirate. The name of the show is Liars adn Legends. It airs off and on in Atlanta Georgia and a few other states around that region. I have contacted the production studio, but they cannot seem to locate a copy for me. If anyone out there has ever seen or heard of this show and possibly taped it or has any ideas on what I can do to aqquire a copy please let me know. I would be willing to pa for a vhs copy if someone has it on tape. It's episode 102, title is Liars and LEgends, Blackbeard adn the missisippi delta blues. I hope someone out there has either seent he show or knos of it. Please let me know if you can help. Much thanks
  19. If ye be in the state of North Carolina and looking to run with a group of rakish devieants, then send me an e-mail. Breathern of the Blade, a pirate and stage combat group in Raleigh NC is putting together a couple of events this year, and we ar also in the process of recruiting new crew members. If ye be in the area and want to join up with this notorious and hilliarious crew, just drop a line and let me know
  20. In the old days before I shaved off the beard and the hair was Blackbeard After that my title switched to Christopher Shannon Now, since my recent promotion to President of the Fraternal Order of Rakish Devients, my name is Captain "Scurvy", due to the lime green and gold pirate coat I doned that was made for me by an old lady in town. I hated the color at first, but she was so sweet about it, I couldn't turn her down
  21. I am going to try and make it down this year. If I do make it, I will be bringing the newest member of my crew, Stacy Brown. This will be her first pirate festival, so I am counting on everyone to make it memorable for her. The only problem I have right now is my Aunt in Jacksonville has finaly given up the fight with breast cancer and has decided to check into a hospice to spend out her few remaining months. I am going to do my best to drive down and see her if I cna make it to the festival. Going out of the way to Jacksonville will cut into my funds for the trip though, so if anyone has a spot of floor in a hotel room they don't mind sharing for a night please let me know. Drop me an e-mail at captscurvyscrew if you can help. I look forward to seeing everyone this year and hope that we all have a great time.
  22. Well, every now and then I guess we all have to "clean out our closets" so to say. I am changing a lot of the stage combat work I do from short and longsword work to cutlass and rapier, so I am selling some of my old starfires. I have two starfire swords, both about 24" in length, one with the classic straight guard, and one with a curved handle. The one with the green wrapped handle and the curved handle is no longer produced by starfire and is one of their collectible pieces. I also have a brown leather sheath to go with the green handled sword that will fit a belt width from 1" to 4". I also have a green and gold pirate coat, more of a dress coart than a everyday coat and it needs some buttons and some trim work done to it, but it's still a nice piece. Unfortunitly, the pictures are too big to put on here, so if you will e-mail me at captscurvyscrew@yahoo.com and I'll send them. I'm looking to get enough money hopefully to buy a set of nice combat ready rapiers, so I would be willing to trade the whole lot, swords and coat for two rapiers. Just send me an e-mail if your intrested
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