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Everything posted by erisblackrose

  1. I do skull and crossbones mostly in my mundane attire and jewelry and home decor. But I hardly ever wear one on my garb. If I do its very subtle a pin or something. Now a black rose well I do wear at least one thing on my garb. ERIS
  2. I agree on everything said so far. I am about creativity and being happy and comfortable with what you are wearing. In every fandom or group I belonged to they always had a few "authenticity police". Which is fine what ever floats your boat. This is what I learned in different fandoms I have been involved in. It has to fit your personal style, personality and the personae(or character) you want to portray to others. I make sure its comfortable (boots especially). I will be wearing my garb for 6-8hrs or more depending on event. I know this may sound crazy but I always make sure my garb I can easily use the toilet facility. I did my research with mine and I took what I liked from different sources, then used bits and pieces that I wanted to use. I am far from authentic, but when I go to Ren Faires I have fun wearing the garb and doing my pirate thing. I always get at least 1 compliment, and I do so to others as well. Having fun is most important. Also there will always be someone with either better or worse(hopefully better) garb. I also get inspiration and ideas but looking at others garb. Pirates we can be individuals in our garb. What ever style you chose ERIS
  3. your welcome! I embrace my inner magpie!! ERIS
  4. I've been on both. Funny, I liked the Florida one but my hubby liked the CA better. The CA one you were part of the attraction, and decor is much better. the Florida one It was more geared for the ride . If that makes sense. WDW is a lot closer to me than CA. And like everything in Disney it ends with a gift shop... ERIS
  5. A cup of tea would be just dandy,I'm new here in this port. My names Eris Blackrose I make and sell jewelry as a side thing.My mundane life I sell traveling trunks(luggage). In CT you need a tax ID from the state, separate bank account,I have a P.O.Box I use my cell as my business phone. I will post pics of my work. I also keep an album of my designs to show potential clients. Them pocket digital photo thingys are great for that. My clientele is usually Sci-fi conventions,gothic,bellydancers and I do some historical stuff. I never do trendy or mainstream. I like firemountain but I am closed to NYC so I just shop there, but a couple cources I'd share I love bling so www.gspncrystal.com for trimmins and embellish your garb. www.mjtrimming.com (a bit pricey but the website doesn't have half whats in the store) and www.metalliferous.com for tools and what not. I just got to find more time to make stuff and a mini catalog of designs what I do. Finishes her tea. ERIS
  6. Well thanks for the welcome. Drinks are on me. ERIS
  7. www.myspace.com/alranaeris I'm sort of new here in the Pub, I am not on facebook yet. ERIS
  8. I am not crazy about Ghost Adventures show. But Ghost hunters, Haunted History are cool. If its haunted I will visit and do touristy ghost tours in my travels. I do believe they are haunted. ERIS
  9. I know it has been a very long time(years) since I posted. It was due to life and work. I want to re introduce myself. My name is ERIS Blackrose and currently I'm land locked in lower Fairfield County CT. I hope to a more active in topics and on this board. I go to various RenFaires and do my personae. I am hoping to attend Buccaneers and Privateers gathering in April 2009. Meet new friends and have good ole pirate fun. ERIS
  10. Will that work??? I always did this, and it works, you may have to re apply after awhile. I also dab a bit of neosporin if I don't have clear nail polish on hand the neosporin protects you from infection my sister is highly sensitive to metals and this does the trick for her. ERIS Blackrose
  11. I'm new to the board but, I was wondering if anyone has been watching the season of Survivor (I may need a life but it is entertaining to say the least) their theme this year is "pirates" the 2 teams are drake and morgan. so far the drake team are better than the morgan team. BUT am I the only one that needs to get a life and stop watching fluff tv? ERIS Blackrose
  12. Claires accessories in any local mall or any teenie bopper store since they can be acquired like 2.00 a pair depending on where you hail from. Also if you are allergic to them coat the pointy part with clear nail polish. hoops are always in style. ERIS Blackrose
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