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Everything posted by erisblackrose

  1. I love your work Blackbead. I got to find time to upload me pics. ERIS
  2. Was there a plot? I was just watching Adrian Paul. Bad or predictable plot. Its one of those movies that is so horrible that you got to see how it ends. Just think- remember ICE Pirates in the 80's. But it was entertaining on a snowy night. ERIS
  3. Good luck with your show. I'd love to see some of your work. ERIS
  4. I saw it in Philly when it was here in 2008. It was so much fun. My hubby and I had a blast. I also have been to Cape Cod and actually visited the Whydah a few years ago, its cool to see the work they put into restoring and preserving the ship and artifacts. The exhibit doesn't even have half of what they found. ERIS
  5. bump!! I have to wonder if I'm a thread killer. I don't know I found a new book a good source on jewelry history. 7,000 years of jewelry history by Hugh Tait. It is a book that has pics of the British Museum's jewelry collection. Explains hisotry,techniques on the jewelry.Mine is on order from Amazon. I thought I'd share the information. The other one I think i mentioned as well and maybe some of yo ualready own a copy; History of Jewellery 1100-1870 by Joan Evans. I love to make bling. I am currently working on some period correct(I love making historical jewelry) and some fantasy Hollywood stuff. ERIS
  6. I just read that the website crashed for awhile because of the amount of applicants. In real life I'm a city gal at heart. good luck for those who applied. ERIS
  7. Cheapest I seen it $1.89 average in CT about $2.00. I shudder to think what my neighbors Escalade fills up for. ERIS
  8. I love drinking my the green fairy-she gives me evil thoughts... I got fancy and brought godiva chocolate enough for everyone-only the best ERIS
  9. Well as a beader and jewelry designer for many years, nice work. A book I suggest to you read on period jewelry." A History of Jewellery 1100-1870 Joan Evans " Dover Publications sells them directly. As well as many fine books on Pirates and Maritime, period costuming history. . I may not know much about period costuming, but period jewelry and gemstone history I do know. I also go to different museums,library, then again I am the jewelry designer I see it i can re-create it. Good luck ERIS
  10. Scary enough there a few that go to the NY Ren Faire and do that fairy thing. I will pluck their wings for you if I see one. ERIS
  11. Its not a pirate song But Bad things from Jace Everett ERIS
  12. My hubby and I ride the rails Metro North and subways in garb, whether a Klingon for a sci fi con or Pirate going to the Ren Fair. My belly dance costume when I do the occasional gig. It never phases me,if I shock someone bonus! I grew up in NYC where you can walk around naked in a pirate hat(I would never do that its too cold my "girls" would freeze) and no one would be shocked and say"oh, look a naked pirate". hmm.. Theres a Naked Cowboy in Times Square why can't they have a naked pirate? I digress My area of CT has stepford wives (they really do exist) is pretty mundane and anything like Pirate is a "novelty" to entertain the rich compete with their neighbors. lower fairfield county is filled with wacky stuff. Pirates I think are pretty normal compared to stuff here. ERIS
  13. My chest has Beads,Beads and more Beads, I also have the findings, tools that go with beads, I also have fabric, sewing stuff, rubber stamps, embossing, stuff for stained glass, knitting, basic embroidery and needlepoint. I used to work at a Michael's arts and crafts store about 5 years ago I had pretty much crafty and abused the employee discount. Where I have room for them don't know. I'd need 1 large chest for my beads alone. ERIS
  14. Well my swag. I got a pirate jacket from dress like a pirate in black.My hubby the is the greatest. I also got a bottle of Absinthe,chocolate, a mini travel backgammon game. CD, DVD, bellydance t-shirt.flip mino. this Santa guy was really nice I got spoiled, maybe because I left him a cup of rum instead of milk with gingerbread cookies. ERIS
  15. Well there is nothing touristy about Stamford,CT www.stamford-downtown.com ERIS
  16. I don't mind the snow. Here in Stamford, CT, weather is crappy and cold. Its the damn ice ice on the sidewalks. Streets are nice and plowed and salted. sidewalks, nope. I may need ice skates instead of boots. Past 2 days freezing rain making sidewalks very icy. Now its raining and making the ice go away.(if it doesn't freeze again tonite) I just wish people would learn to use ice melt it would be so much easier walking to the bus to go to work without me worrying about injuring myself on ice I am not an Ice Pirate. ERIS
  17. Lost Tomb by David Gibbons I love a good adventure story. I may re-read the Wilbur Smith 3 part pirate series Birds of Prey,Monsoon and Blue horizon. I haven't read them in a few years. ERIS
  18. Thank you for the advice. I will try EBAY. Eventually I will have to invest in good quality garb. ERIS
  19. Thrift store. How crafty are ye lass? If yer not looking for PC you can go Hollywood, Hollywood Fantasy even. Someone out there has a photo of me from the Blackbeard festivals ball last year. I was Hollywood Fantasy. Black satinwith green mesh leme! lolvery Hollywood. Not the best photo but ...this is what I wore ...NOT PC by a long shot but I had fun playing ...okay ...I think I also over imbibed but I was told it looked ...not bad. lol Silkie in Fantasy gown @ the Blackbeard Festival ball 2008 Thanks for the advice, now I got ideas to work on. PC not at this time(maybe when I hit the powerball) but Hollywood Fantasy maybe easier to budget.If I can make a hand bead a belly dance costume. I think I could try to be crafty with getting myself a dress for the ball. ERIS
  20. Passing the Rum!! Thank you for explaining it to me. Because Pyrates are so much fun. The weapons I will eventually get depending, but i still got my feast ware kicking around somewhere. And my tankard(In photo)got to put the rum in something. ERIS
  21. Now if my hubby made me garb. I'd look bad. He has no sewing skills(except maybe a patch on his uniform). I'm the one handy dandy with a needle.Beautiful work on the stays. I'm not at that level. I have a question for the ladies and gents. What the hell do you wear to a Pirate ball? I am planning to attend the Buccaneers&Privateers event in New London,CT and closest evening garb sad but true. I got is belly dance or 21st century evening dresses. I'm not looking for authentic re-enactment but I'm more Ren faire type,period related you call it. My mundane color pallette is mostly black,purple, peacock and jewel tones. Any suggestions or websites so I can buy the garb (under $200.00). I got no time to make one otherwise I would whip out my mother in laws 1929 hand cranked singer(rest her soul). I saw a few but I could use recommendations on which ones are better. I got a bit of time but I could use the help. thanks. Also etiquette tips would help too at the pirate event.(or you can pm me as well) mehndidancer at aol dot com Going to my 1st Pirate convention is a lot different than interacting at a Ren faire or sci-fi convention. I got to get myself prepared. ERIS
  22. devils advocate here..I'm a year too late. damn sun dial I know I shouldn't read it at night. Here is my 2 cents about "authenticity". Re-enacting is fine what ever floats your boat NOT mine. I did it for a lot of years in the SCA then I got bored with it. This is a hobby, one we freely share with each other, and hobbies are supposed to be fun. Of course we had rules and regulations about personae, garb, conduct etc. My main issue here is the self appointed "authenticity police" who consider themselves the guardians of all that is authentic and take great pleasure in public critique of someone else's hard work, creativity or intimidate a newbie to tears. Perhaps this is to make them feel better about themselves. Of course this is done under the guise that they are "educating" us. Since I've returned to this forum,I've learned about different types of piratical enthusiasts, be they period, fantasy, Hollywood,punk or some unique combination of any or all. In my years with groups like the SCA, science fiction clubs and piracy. I have learned one lesson: If you don't like it too bad,nothing I do is going to get you to change the way you participate just give me the same courtesy. Every piece of my garb was bought at a modern vendor in the 20th or 21st century,I cannot escape that fact. Even pieces that came from Ren faires may have been made with modern conveniences. Some of my garb may not be period authentic, but I do my best to come close. It is a, constant work in progress as garb should be, but I try to make it comfortable, to create within my own style a picture of who my personae should be. Another important factor is always to make sure that I can use the bathroom facilities with out issue. ERIS
  23. I pretty much have the list except my weapon is a cat o nine tails.(keep my hubby in line) I pretty much to the weekend ren faire thing, and my garb reflects that. But that is what I enjoy to do. Yes I do always have rum. ERIS
  24. In Stamford,CT where I live a few historical spots The old Town Hall(under renovations) was a tavern and a gallows.The first one burned down in 1901 then they built the current one in 1905 been vacant since early 80's. The construction workers say stange things are going on since they dug up the part that was a gallows. We also have North Field Cemetery last person buried in 1935. We also had a witch trial same year as Salem 1692 but its not as well known. The town was established in 1641 but I can't find any records(even at the historical society) of hauntings anywhere. bummer. ERIS
  25. I should have pics of some of my stuff later in the week after new years.Where the rum be flowing for sure. ERIS
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