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Blackeye Susan

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Everything posted by Blackeye Susan

  1. Yar, I'd love to be auditionin'. Unfortunately, bein' an easterner meself, and landloack in Ohio fer the next year an' a half, me chances are slim. Mayhap I'll be back east in time to audition fer POTC: The musical when it gets written fer broadway. Oooh! Project fer the lonf windy winter...write POTC: the musical! -blackeye susan
  2. That be the one. Has anyone else seen the thing, or am I the only one. At least I know it weren't the product of the rum binge I went on last week. -Blackeye Susan
  3. Figured it out in 1. Nobody cheats ME at cards. Now Penn and Teller, they be real magicians. -Blackeye Susan
  4. Me mind must be goin', and at such a young age it's tragic to be sure. I seem to be rememberin' a movie I saw a few years back. After agonizing over it fer a few days, it seems the title was Nate and Hayes or somethin like unto it. Have yeh heard of it? Pirates with better memories than mine are sayin' I've lost it, so help a girl out here. -Blackeye Susan
  5. Of course I'm partial to "The Pirates who don't so anything" as a theme song, but if yer lookin' fer somethin' a bit more intimidatin' I'd suggest "Spanish Ladies" or "High Barbary". Just pick a pirate song ye like an' sing it real loud. It'll make a fine theme song. * * Blackeye Susan
  6. I've plugged them afore and I'll plug them again. Check out www.kilbrannan.com On the high seas long long ago comes a story both wondrous and true of an unlikely mariner living her life with a passion that few of us do Chorus Gracey set sail your adventure's begun the seven seas call out your name we'll tell your tale as you head for the sun sailing onward to fortune and fame The complete lyrics are on their site under forus: song lyrics and histories That's a particularly well written song on the lead singer's new solo album. -Blackeye Susan
  7. I'll put me own vote in fer Angela Lansbury. Oh sure she may look like a sweet old dame, but she's played some evil ladies in her time. So for her roles of Ruth(Pirates of Penzance), Mrs Lovitts(Sweeney Todd) and the Lady Gwendolyn(Court Jester) and hell why not...also the voice of Mommy Fortuna in the animated Last Unicorn...I raise me hat to yeh from one innocent lookin' evil lady to another. -Blackeye Susan
  8. Not exactly. If you don't know the joke, I believe someone posted it fairly early in the pirate jokes thread. I've told it once or twice before(I prefer to sing the musical version), but I never get the same laugh as when a guy tells it.
  9. I'm a pirate in the most general sense...definitely not a reenactor. I got into pirate after working as an improv actor for a long time at faire. Blackeye Susan is just another faire character that hasn't been played yet. Her first official role is navigator of my brother's "ship" in an upcoming event. He thought it would be funny if I were navigator since when the two of us get in a car together we get lost going to my parents' house. Since she's pretty new and I'm a struggling student, gear is pretty light. Old basics from faire costumes. A black leather bodice. A cavalier. Several sashes. A wide belt. A dagger frog(but sadly no more dagger) and several belt pouches. I'm working on disecting and reassembling a leather coat that's way too big for me that I got cheap at the salv-a, and a pair of ankle boots(or sandals). I have no weapons at the moment(but I do have a poison ring). I've got my recorders and other tooty things. The only additions I hope to add in the near future are some maps, a compass, a spyglass, and if I were really lucky(which I'm not) a nice concertina. Now I must go write a paper. Yarg! -Blackeye Susan
  10. I have but one suggestion. The Barrel That way it's everyone's day in the barrel every day. Umm, I'm assuming that everyone here knows the joke. -Blackeye Susan
  11. So I guess I'll be goin' first then. It be difficult to think about bad movies. If I like them then they must be good, aye? Vibes: the first that comes to mind. Cindy Lauper, Jeff Goldblum, Peter Faulk. Terrible movie, but so quoteable! Dr Who: I'm talking the made for tv americanized FOX network Dr Who movie. Penn and Teller Get Killed: I'm not sure I'd call this a bad movie. It's more of a good, but completely pointless movie. I don't be feelin' much like long lists, so that's all yeh get. -Blackeye Susan
  12. I can't help yeh much mate. I spent 7 years working at the New York Ren Faire and there ain't nothin' I'd rather be doin'. Playin' the vilest villains with my innocent face be about as much fun as I can handle. I'm still gettin' used teh playin' civillian(yeh want me teh pay teh come teh yer faire?). I find gettin' paid teh makes folks uncomfortable and teh scar their lil'uns much more satisfyin'. -Blackeye Susan
  13. I thought since there was earlier talk of the Pirates that don't do anything, I'd be makin' me presence known. If ye want some good modern music with piratey tendencies, check out Kilbrannan: http://www.kilbrannan.com/ A lost of Scottish and Irish, but Kirk's solo album, Eye of the Storm is the best one yet with some great old favorites and even better originals. If yeh have the means to see 'em live, I highly recommend that too. I was hooked after the first set. -Blackeye Susan
  14. I've been meaning to ask someone who has the soundtrack. Does it have any of the music that's low and driving. It usually accompanies the badguys when they're doing something piraty. Only I'm pretty sure it's a variant of the medieval dies irae theme and I'm a music history grad student. I've been meaning to do a paper on Dies Irae in pop culture because it's in POTC, and Road to El Dorado, and a cheesy vampire movie called Love Bites. I'm sure it's other movies too, but finding recordings is a bit difficult, and emailing the composers aside, soundtracks and video tapes are the best evidence. Umm...I mean...err...arr! What 'r you lookin' at you pile of rat's droppings! -Blackeye Susan
  15. Sure, I'll bite. These are a few of my favs...always open to change. Sweeney Todd(I know it's a musical, but I just got the PBS video and I'm soo happy. I want to be Mrs Lovetts when I grow up) Pirates of Penzance w/ Kevin Kline & Angela Lansbury Court Jester(notice a theme here...I just want to be an Angela Lansbury villain) Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead Death to Smootchy Any and all Muppet movies(perhaps excluding the Bunny Picnic) POTC of course Harry Potter You know a few years ago this list would have been littered with sci fi films. I wonder what happened. -Blackeye Susan
  16. Yeh know the Crimson Pirates? I were aquainted with em afore I got landocked far away from the good ol' state of New York. Ye'll forgive me if I get a little misty eyed for a moment. As fer favorite songs...ah too many. I like the Crimson Pirates barrel song(caps off to Don an' Lionel, they're gettin' quite a followin' here) and Granuaille by Kilbrannan. Other than that, I like every traditional tune fer pirates exceptin' the mermaid song. There're only so many times yeh can hear than one afore yeh start vomitin' fish guts. -Blackeye Susan
  17. I be a bit new here, but bein' a music lover myself, I can't say enough 'bout mudcat cafe: http://www.mudcat.org/ If yeh know what yer lookin' for, they have every folk song, and shanty ever written an' a forum if yer havin' trouble. -Blackeye Susan
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