Captian Wolfy Wench
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Everything posted by Captian Wolfy Wench
Must. Have. DVD. AT ALL COSTS!! I am a whore for Disney, their own personal wench, really. Am so bad. *spends freely* I must get it tomorrow, or I shall die! *whimper*
I agree. This is getting out of hand. Scurvy Dog, Iron Bess didn't mean any harm, but she does work for Disney Studios, far as I know. She just wanted to say that she knows of no open casting call. I'd like for no chance of online drama... words are words, as you know, and oh-so-much more difficult to interpret online. ^-^
That is so awesome, Pynch. Your design is absolutely AMAZING, your fine artistry and taste for designs is fabulous!! If you were in me area, I'd come to you fer me tat! I don't like a lot of tattoo artists becuase they don't do much else but copy designs... I like to see the tat artists that are good artists, too!
Yeah, I saw th' news on the ASTA website awhile back, and I was just so excited that it is the Pacific Coast. :) If'n yer sailing down this way (Los Angeles/Marina Del Rey/Long Beach), then I'd love to hop onto the Royaliste! Thankfully they added LA to their ports recently... I would ahve been very sad indeed if they missed us this year.
Oooh, awesome news, Cap'n William! Belatedly, of course. Congrats on yer "promotion"! Sounds like a fun job!
Whoa, looks kind of cool, if only becuase you're cruising on a replica Spanish galleon! It's the Spanish way to piracy. It looks far more low-scale than any cruises that we Americas are used to like Carnival and Disney cruises and such... cruiseliners are huge boats, and this is much smaller. I would work there. Maybe. ^^
I'm buying every damn figure for this movie! Waaaargh! I love buying, it's so much fun. :)
Spoken like a true film critic (albiet piratically inclined! :)), Red! I also just saw Cutthroat recently, but I was rather split more than anything. I really, really enjoyed the story itself, minus the characters' flaws and such, becuase it's intricate, original, and it's not always just about the "pirate treasure," which is the annoying thing about most pirate movies by directors who don't understand pirates, just the convention of them. Anyway, I love the story and enjoy the characters. I have never seen Geena Davis in any other film or tv show (I think), but even then it took a lot for me to believe in her. She had a lot of Marion Ravenwood from Raiders of the Lost Ark in her, but Marion is so much cooler, personally. I liked the main male character, though... I forget his name. I think the movie carries a lot as well becuase there is character development in both main characters, which is such a big thing for me, and is a key theme for every good film. I like the action of the film as well. The dialogue is cheesy and sometimes cringe-worthy, but it doesn't seem tongue-in-cheek enough for it to pass off as a parody, like the Classic Hollywood pirate films. All in all, I enjoyed it and will buy it on DVD soon, becuase it's so cheap. EDIT: And also the score! The score is exciting, rousing, and goes well for every scene in the film, reminds me a lot of PotC, and does Cutthroat justice.
Is Disney's POTC ride cd worth the $?
Captian Wolfy Wench replied to Captain Tito's topic in Pyrate Pop
I've also been wanting to buy it, but when it comes to piratey stuff, especially PotC, I've gotta have it, no matter the price! Me friend's go' some o' the tracks on his MP3 (A real Disneyland whore!) and they're simply the coolest things ever. Ye'll hear versions of the ride that ye've never heard before, and ye will hear the famous "Pirate's Life" in context of the music for the entire ride! Atmospheric music 'n all. It's stuff ye won't find anywhere else, I say it's worth it, too! Also, there be CDs at the Disneyland music store on the right side on Main Street (if you're enterin' the park) that has jus' about every CD the park makes and more. There be one CD in pa'ticular that has the ride soundtracks for every ride at the park, including PotC, Space Mountain, Star Tours, and others. This CD is definetly worth the price and it's really amazin'! -
Grea' stuff! I like the Jack ones too from The Nightmare Before Christmas. :) I'm sure if I put those on me dresser, mum would faint.
Bess! You must tell us the new figures they're makin'! Is it Will Turner and Cap'n Barbossa? I really wish I could've made it, but me weekends were clogged by me Halloween sewin' projects! So sorry I couldn't make it... next year for sure. :)
I needful suggestions for a wench outfit
Captian Wolfy Wench replied to Mary Sue Phonix's topic in Thieves Market
I like dogs, but I don't know about pigs. If you want good patterns, try Googling "Simplicity patterns" and "McCall's" who also make Butterick. I find it's far easier and more rewarding to go straight to fabric stores and look through their pattern books, huge volumes of pictures of all the different brands of patterns. Look always under the costume section. Cap'n Grey had a good suggestion, though. Claire's seamstress is awesome! I've commissioned two things from her, and she's just so kind, helpful, and has great visions for dresses. She's also quite cheap for making the entire dress for you! -
I love traditional(ish) Irish folk music, groups like The Wicked Tinkers, Dervish, and Wolfstone. I usually listen to angry rock music, and man, Flogging Molly combines all that is awesome into one thing! I really need to pick up the CD soon, I've only heard one song from their website and I loved it! Apparently, the band had a great show down here in LA not long ago. I'm sorry I missed it. >.<
What I want to know, and perhaps Cap'n Enigma n' Pynch c'n tell me, is why fully grown adults get cartoons tattooed on their arms. Don' mistake me, I'm an adult (legally, anyway!), and I'm an animator, so I've nothin' against 't! I jus' wan' t' know why. When I get my tattoo, it will be a realistic-looking wolf, and for good reason; wolves mean a LOT to me. Aww, Cap'n MacNamara, 's a fyne pi'ture of ye and yer son! 'S lovely. :)
I needful suggestions for a wench outfit
Captian Wolfy Wench replied to Mary Sue Phonix's topic in Thieves Market
I'd like to say that I'm rather a beginner at this too, but it's not really true. I've been making costumes every year, year round for at least 5 years. I've had experience in both making (sewing) my own costumes and making the accessories, and in buying and commissioning. I've gone to comic, science fiction and anime conventions so I know what it's like to try and make crazy costumes like from Guilty Gear or InuYasha. Most of us here on the boards are cheap. Yep, we're pirates on a budget, but I suppose that goes along with being a pirate, lol! I'm sure many of them will give you good advice... start looking in the other Plunder threads on where to buy, how to make, and what to look for for many items including hats, sewing patterns, weaponry and more. Anyway, to get to your question, there are many things you need to consider when making a costume, especially if this is your first. If you know how to sew, or have ample access to someone who does like your mum or grandmother, then you're HUGE steps ahead of the game! Sewing your own costumes is one of the cheapest ways to make a good costume, and not only that, have pride that you made it youself! Okay, to make your own, you will need to first look at patterns. Fabric shops like JoAnne's are great places to start. There are several patterns that are very pirate wench like that you can use. Be aware though that you don't only look at the pictures and how the particular model is situated. Some of my favorite and some of the best patterns are ones under the label of Renaissance Faire "maids" or "peasant" patterns. Try Simplicity patterns, McCall's or Butterick. The costume you're going for is probably the typical Ren look with a pirate flair. Fancy hats, sashes and coats over this type of dress look great for wenches. You'll need a bodice, an overskirt, and either a shirt or a chemise. The chemise is a long shirt that acts as an underskirt and a shirt. Next, you look at the fabrics to make your costume out of. For the chemises, shirts and underskirts, use only NATURAL materials like cotton or ideally, linen. Unfortuately, linen is both hard to come by and very expensive. Try online shops or eBay for buying linen by the yard. Accessories make most of the wench, so you may want to spend some time buying or making those. A lot of those accessories you can buy at ren faire, so save up some money and keep a sharp eye for things you like next faire. Mugs, swords, sword frogs, fur tails, daggers, brooches and pins, feathers, etc. are great. The hats, I may say, are the best to buy at faire or from Jas. Townsend... buy yourself something called a "hat blank," which is a stiff, plain black hat you can mold. For those, you hold the hats over steaming pots of water and literally mold the hat to the shape you want. Popular styles include the tricorns (like Capt. Jack Sparrow's) and the musketeer-style with one side folded up. Afterwards, people like to decorate them with trim, feathers, pins and brooches for a personalized look. If you don't want to sew or make your own, another cheap way to do this is cannibalizing and throwing together one from already-made items. Bodices with boning are hard to come by in regular clothes, so if you only make that and buy the rest, you're good to go. Go to vintage stores and look for shirts with flared or puffy sleeves, with or without ruffles. Wide and airy skirts of thin or breathable material are good. You may want a full length dress and have a bodice go over it. At vintage stores, you MUST look at the scarves bin for items you can use as sashes to go around your waist. The other, more expensive option is to commission other seamstresses to make a costume to your measurement, or buy the pieces yourself from other merchants. This a good link for merchants from No Quarter Given. If you find good seamstresses, you can get a whole dress made to your exact measurements for around $100+. It's pricey, but it'll look right. Hope this helps, tell us how it goes for you and post pictures if you got 'em! -
I just heard from LA's classic rock radio station, Aero, that Keith Richards would be in both films. I just knew it couldn't be true. This is what I get for living in Hollywood. All the rumours circulate more quickly becuase of the area. I won't believe anything unless it's from Disney itself!
Hmm, nice new DVD present... for Election Day? Lol. Well, it's almost time to buy. Who's getting it, then?
Captian Wolfy Wench replied to Capt. Westyn Elizabeth Roberts's topic in Pyrate Pop
Oh, the Carlie Brown Halloween movie is my all-time childhood favorite! I love it so much! The Garfield Halloween special was great too, but I don't remember much of it, I just remember enjoying it when I was a kid! But I do remember the beginning. When Garfield woke up, he tossed his blanket and just said, "Hello Halloween!" Great stuff, does anyone know if it's on DVD? But my favorites are definetly: Psycho The Sixth Sense Signs Nightmare Before Christmas (More of an X-Mas movie...) The Blair Witch Project Interview with the Vampire Van Helsing Hocus Pocus (Yearly tradition with the Disney Channel, before it sucked) SLEEPY HOLLOW Sleepy Hollow is one of my favroite movies, just by itself. I just loved it when it came out (and I was only a wee lass!). It founded my love for both stylish movie blood and gore, and Johnny Depp. :) -
I know this is rather short notice, but maybe some of you will be interested. From the LAMI site: The Port of Los Angeles and the Los Angeles Maritime Museum are co-sponsoring a local tall ships event to celebrate LAMI's new temporary facility at Berth 78 in Ports O' Call Village. This is also an exciting weekend opportunity to volunteer with visiting tallships. Volunteers, both new and experienced are needed to help dockside on both Saturday and Sunday. Call the office (310) 833-6055 for more information and how to sign-up. SCHEDULE of EVENTS OCTOBER 16th 10am-11am - Parade under sail 12pm-3pm - Public open house 4pm-7pm - Public sails OCTOBER 17 10am-2pm - Public open house 3pm-6pm - Public sails 7pm - Ships depart PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE NOT TAKING ADVANCED RESERVATIONS FOR ANY SAILS. Sails are on a "first come, first served" basis. There will be sign-up tables next to the Maritime Museum (Berth 84) beginning at 10am each day for those who wish to sign-up and pay to sail that afternnon. Fees are $40 for adults and $25 for children 12 and under. NO BABIES - Minimum weight is 40 pounds. Also, not all ships will be taking passengers. Subject to change. TALLSHIPS APPEARING Exy Johnson, Irving Johnson, Swift of Ipswich, Spirit of Dana Point, Lynx (Sunday), Kaisei, Argus (sail-by), Robert C. Seamans (Parade only) For more information prior to the event only, contact the LAMI office - (310) 833-6055
I intend t' go. I wanted t' go fer the weekend and stay inna hotel (or maybe camp somewhere!), but maybe I'll only be there a day. Hope to see ye, Deviana
Is yer pirate garb ever really complete???
Captian Wolfy Wench replied to Bloody Charity Kidd's topic in Thieves Market
No, of course not! Even for "costumes," like replications of PotC costumes, I don't think they can ever be complete, unless you buy the actual costume used in the movie. I remarked about this to someone about costume replication... it's always a work-in-progress... you can always find something better than what you are using now!' I think our own pyratical garb is also never complete. Not only that, it's evolving all the time, and changing, so there is no way it can ever be "done." I saw an amazing pyrate captain last year at Comic-con and he told me he'd been working on his costume for a few years. It's been over a year now, and mine is nowhere near looking as cool as anyone else's! Over time, I think the garb will look more authentic. :) Deviana -
Hmm, it's a ncie pattern! You can usually find these at JoAnne's, or your local fabric/hobby store. The once I have by McCall's or Simplicity, can't remember which, is nearly the same. I has lots of fun making the bodice! Word of warning, though... When applying your eyelets, make sure you have some sort of tool for punching in the holes so the eyelets can be placed. The holes I had made were oddly-shaped (with scissors) and tore so that the eyelets fell out. It ruined my whole bodice! Also, make sure to have a strong, flat and CLEAN surface when you hammer the eyelets in... if you punch them in on concrete, the metal with get little marks in it from the uneven surface. Hope this helps... have fun sewing! Deviana
Yup, I heard the same thing... Sid Meier is re-releasing his famed game "Pirates!" on PC with a modern-day facelift! New graphics, new gameplay, and it looks great! Look for the article about it in one of the new issues of a PC gaming magazine (with The Sims 2 on the cover), or look up more info about it on gamespot.com. Also, there is a game on Xbox called Galleon, and it's supposed to be decent, if not pretty good. Don't know if it's on PC, but Microsoft tends to cover both platforms with one release. Deviana "The Wolf" Windsor
Arr, there was a grea' photo in the November (I think) issue of GQ featuring Johnny Depp. Inside was a photo of him playing the piano, and his real Sparrow tattoo showin'. I have here also a few photos of the tat, screens of the film. Hope those work for ye. Deviana "The Wolf" Windsor
Oh, mememememeeee. This sounds like too much fun t' pass up! Burbank, eh? Hopefully I can drive meself there, and yes, full pirate regalia! I'll be there, perhaps... most likely. Deviana "The Wolf" Windsor