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Lady Elaina

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Everything posted by Lady Elaina

  1. It was that rum that made me forget me lines... darn that was funny though! I will have to put that out take on here somehow.
  2. If that be the case... there is one pirate in particular that I would not mind having underneath my skirts... oops was that out loud?? LOL
  3. Anyone know where I can get screen caps from this movie? Like dvd stills??? greatful lass, Gabrielle
  4. I know... I love that scene too. I would love to have that life even for a week! I must be taking a step in the right direction! gabby
  5. I got your email Maggie. You look so sweet me dear! You are about 16?? Just guessing :) Gabrielle
  6. I am the actress that is pictured. I have more pics on my site. That is me in the marooned dress down below in the siggy too. Thanks for inquiring. :) www.gabriellestars.com/potc.html
  7. "Blushes" I hope there are some handsome experienced pirates to fish me out. "I be praying for that" LOL Gabrielle
  8. Actually I already have the hat, it was made for me. So I am all set to go! I have the dress from the end of the movie as well. It was actually easier for me to make. Gabrielle
  9. I forgot the Captain Morgan.
  10. No yer not roughing it milady, but my rooms are already provided for I am part of the cast. I will see you anyways, don't forget those marshmallows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gabby
  11. God that's beautiful
  12. It took forever to get my hair like that. Maggie send me pics to my email I wanna see!!!! Gabby
  13. omgggggggggggg.. thats my fav part too!! its where his kids are cleaning 2 45's and a mac 10 (guns I think). It is too funny!!!
  14. thank you all yer most kind! "blushing" The hardest part was finding the material that was nearly exactly like the peices used in the film. I will have to make a second , I will be wearing this one allot. And you really cant breathe much in it.... this part be true. I love you too Nigel :)
  15. Yes shipmate! deadmentellnotales.com should have the one I got... it is huge and be hanging in me room till I get me own ship "well a woman can dream" It is very detailed too.... unlike most Jolly Rogers! Gabrielle
  16. My new costume.... it still needs some more embroidery.. still working on it!!! The hardest part is the corset underneath all that fabric. I sewed most of this gown by hand so it is almost authentic. cheers mates! Gabrielle
  17. Paisley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can make it after all!!!!! "I am excited" Hotel for me... will see you there!! gabby
  18. I be from Pirate land "Florida" in Gasparilla territory at the moment. (Tampa Bay) cheers! Gabrielle
  19. I be liking that coat mate!!!!!!!! gabby
  20. I will try to make it down there! Are my fellow Tortuga Mutineers doing the battle? Gabrielle
  21. Did anyone notice in the end scene where they gave Jack Sparrow back his ship.. that there is a guy in a white cowboy hat and sunglasses looking over the side of the ship in the background??? yes that is a bone in our Jack's hair. gabrielle
  22. From here it is 13 hours wow...... long drive!!!
  23. Ya Nigel I love that saying they have for Captain Morgan now "Is the Captain in you?"
  24. It may be cheesy at the end but I love this movie. It has modern day pirates in it and it is a very good sea going adeventure for families. It also shows what can happen when you hire a makeshift Captain without a license who looks like a caribbean pirate (Kurt Russel) and doesn't know how to read charts. Too funny. I love that bit about the Pirates of the Caribbean. Gabrielle
  25. You know Johnny was such a Gent and lost with grace the other night, Even though we all know he was well deserving. but my point is that Bill Murray actually got up and left did you all see that?? Gabby
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