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Saucy Kate

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Everything posted by Saucy Kate

  1. Well done, Jenny! I've been out as well, finally back at school, finishing up me junior year. Sigh.
  2. It worked, allright. But I caught the cheatin' bilgerat the second time. Fun, though
  3. Very personal, to be sure! Do send, if'n ye finds it! Saucy Kate
  4. *enters with a big bottle of champagne and a sledgehammer* All the best luck to the proud Land Shark, may my blessings and those of Moet and Chandon go along with ye! *Throws bottle into the air an' smashes it on the way down* *Giggles, covered with bubbles* I like champagne- it tickes me ears!
  5. Thankee- I did. Whoo boy, did I ever1 Saucy Kate
  6. Thankee, all! I was away from the digital seas over the weekend, but I did have a fine time of it. Twenty-one, after all! And, as we all knew it must be, I have a fine head on me shoulders- Hopped outta bed Sunday mornin, hopped inna some clothes and made breakfast fer all the sick lubbers layin' about the place from the night afore. 'Twere a fine time! Saucy Kate
  7. The Tanqueray, mate! It makes me feel like fightin' whilst f**kin' , if ye know what I mean. and when ye drink 'er with tonic, it'll keep away the malaria, an' drop a lime in it to chase away the scurvy! That's what I calls preventative self medication! *hic* *blushes* Now I've gotta find me a man . . .
  8. I'm not far from No. Cali, keep me posted! I've not been cast in anything fer a while, so I'm free (How could a lusty, full-bodied wench like me get cast in a quiet, pensive piece wi' lots of pauses? But it's happened before! *mystified*) Saucy Kate
  9. Royaliste had a run-in with old Johnny Law O'er the lubber a-hangin' at mast, Revenge can be sweet, with some eggs and a saw Finished up with a cannon's loud blast! Violence on privy walls is always justified. Saucy Kate
  10. *scratching with her dagger* The captain were ever so lonesome, Wenchless, he thought he might clone some. Deep in his glasses, He exhausted the lasses: "Who'd have thought he was so bone-some?"
  11. Wow. I need one o' them fer me vessel! Sticker . . .sticker . . .sticker . . .sticker . . .sticker . . .
  12. I am deeply ashamed.
  13. Redd- pirates'll always win out, whether ye can 'salute your fellow gentlemen' or not (Double points and a gold star for the cute eumphemism! ) Cowboys have never been my thing. I live in Idaho. They're about as exotic and exciting as sagebrush and dirt. The question of wise guys versus pirates is more interestin', but my vote still comes down squarely on the side of the pirates. I always wanted to play a mafia wife/girlfriend/member, but it's . . . lacking. Adventure is best served up on the high seas, or an island thereupon.
  14. I decided to switch it around this year, and not dress like the wench I am. Doesn't really feel like a costume anymore. Anyway- I have a long silver dress with a high slit up one side (calm down, lads!), and I've made a logo to sew onto the other side- Says "Coors Light". I figure that something five feet, eight inches high, that is both girl and beer, should be a vision of loveliness to all involved. Coors is far from me favourite, but it comes in a silver can. Also- a necklace of poptops around me neck! Yer libation-like lass, Saucy Kate
  15. That Captain Jack pumpkin'll be on my porch! Capt Grey- I had Barbies to, well . . . kill each other. They were always either on a pirate ship or in a murder mystery. I was a precocious child. :) And my Ken doll was so lame that I wrapped him up in bias tape and made him a sarcophagus. He's still there, in a box with all my other Barbies.
  16. *shudder* I'm terrified of the Excorcist. I haven't even seen it. Too afraid to. The book left me shaking on the floor. I finally got up the nerve to see The Shining, but Excorcist was the third scariest book I ever read, after 1984 (scariest ever) and Bunnicula.
  17. Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp! Delicious Tim Burton-ness! And, of Course, Nightmare before Christmas (For Halloween and Christmas) Also, Sid & Nancy is my Halloween movie for some reason. Mm. Gary Oldman as a dirty punk. Guilty pleasure. Sinful, dirty pleasure. :) And always a classic: Abbot and Costello Meet . . . Anyone (the Wolfman, the Mummy, Dracula, or my favorite- Dr. Jekkyl and Mr. Hyde) And the second season Buffy the Vampire Slayer Halloween episode.
  18. Aye, that's why a pirate wi' imagination is what every wench should be searchin' fer!
  19. I don't know about you, but for this lass, the two are definately not mutually exclusive!
  20. Though I've never seen her in any pirate films, I'd have to say the sexy, smouldering, sometimes-sinister Ava Gardner. And Rita Hayworth- a saucy lass! And I'd argue up hill and down dale for Lauren Bacall- she can keep a lad in order! :)
  21. I'm not the bosomiest of wenches, but velcro won't cut it for me! Unless I straps 'em in, the lasses'll like as not fly free in the heat o' battle.
  22. And steel-reinforced seams, , and probably big spikes to preserve personal space . . . Like any pirate wench wants personal space!
  23. Many thanks to all of ye!
  24. Thank ye, Cap'n! This round's on me! Saucy Kate
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