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Saucy Kate

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Everything posted by Saucy Kate

  1. What's got me wonderin' is this- after Elizabeth's lubber of a father locks her up (she's wearin' the red coat an' white britches), she climbs out the window to a boat that is . . . just waitin' there? Or is that the correct place to be keepin' yer boats?
  2. I'm sewin' a corset right now- an Elizabethan jobbie- straight front, sorta cone-like. I'd like to start a more pirate-y bodice after (early 1700's- curvier)- any ideas for patterns? Thanks so much! Saucy Kate
  3. Not exac'ly, but I like yer idea better! Saucy Kate
  4. Cap'n Coyote- the whole show be like it, an' Macheath's songs on the way to the gallows are smashin' Also- The stumpets have some lovely ditties and the old doxie-herder has a nice catch- " When I was young I could bill like a Dove Fa la la la . . . Like a Sparrow, at all times was ready for Love Fa la la la . . . The Life of all Mortals in Kissing should pass Fa la la la . . . Lip to Lip when you're young then the Lip to the Glass!" Sweeny Todd's got the same kind o' social commentary. Any gentleman wish to join me in a quadrille? "Youth's a season made for Joys, Love is the our Duty . . ." Saucy Kate
  5. Thanks for the head's up, Johnny, me Young lad! I'll keep a weather eye out. Yr. obediant servant*, Saucy Kate *Well, I'm sure we can negotiate!
  6. I've bin readin' again- this time The Beggar's Opera by John Gay. Gay used traditional songs and ballads and put new words to 'em, to make this play. Essentially, this excellent piece of theatre upholds harlotry, theivery, and violence as the ideal existence. The characters all be cutpurses, highwaymen, prostitutes, pimps, and other fine folk. Some of the songs include such immortal lyrics as: "Tis Woman that seduces all Mankind, From her we first are taught the wheedling Arts Her very Eyes can cheat when most she's kind She tricks us of our Money with our Hearts. For her like Wolves by Night we roam for Prey Inducing any Frauds to bribe her Charms For Suits of Love, like Law, are won by Pay And Beauty must be fee'd into our Arms." And one that may give a bit of an ego boost to a pirate at the gallows: "If any Wench Venus' Girdle wear Though she be never so ugly Roses and Lillies will swiftly appear And her Face look wondrous smugly. About the left Ear, so fit but a Cord The Rope so charming a Zone is The Youth in his Cart hath the air of a Lord And we cry 'There dies an Adonis.'" With some minor modifications (pirate rather than highwayman), I've adopted these two as my raisons d'ĂȘtres: "Let us take the Road! Hark, I hear the sound of Coaches The hour of Attack approaches To your Arms, brave Boys, and load! See the Ball I hold Let the Chemists* toil like Asses Our Fire their Fire surpasses And turns all our Lead to Gold!" And [i]"Fill ev'ry Glass, for Wine inspires us And fires us With Courage, Love and Joy Women and Wine should life employ Is there ought else on earth desirous? Fill ev'ry Glass for Wine inspires us . . .**"[/i] (*chemists- Alchemists, who sought a magical fire to turn lead to gold. The highwaymen and pirates found a quicker way. ) (** repeat until you lose interest or pass out) There are videotaped performances available- I found one with Roger Daltry as Macheath the highwayman. See it- it's funny, has a distinct moral lesson well-suited to we here, and the costumes are about in our time period, though a bit lubber-y. But the music is great, and lyrics easily rewritten to be dirtier and more pirate-y than before. Saucy Kate
  7. I am, well, obscenely well-read. (I'm also well obscenely-read- just finished Fanny Hill, Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure) But my (figurative) pirate literature merit badge is far off. Exceptin' the immortal Treasure Island, what is on the absolute must-read, neccessary to leading a truly pirate lifestyle reading list? I find that pirates are few and far between on my bookshelf. Suggestions? Anything vaguely piratical is encouraged!!!! I need something to read!!! The Libidinous, Literature-Lusting Lass, Saucy Kate
  8. Rosalinda, that is beautiful! I'm putting it onto a plaque for every man on my Christmas list! Saucy Kate
  9. It's nice to find a man who'll go the extra knot for a lady! Saucy Kate
  10. My favourite's got to be "What Shall we do with the Drunken Sailor", as played by a local garage band- a bass, two guitars, drums, and an accordion! I'll see if I can find a recording- it's wonderful. Yr. obediant servant*, Saucy Kate * Well, I'll negotiate.
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