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El Pirata

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Posts posted by El Pirata

  1. Satisfaction. Actually it was Henry Morgan's flagship when he sacked Panama in 1671. The ship never saw the riches of Panama as it was sunk after it hit a reef at the mouth of the Rio Chagres.

  2. But I think we be talking about a coolness factor here... pretend if you will…and I hate to be saying it out loud… but Pirate Fashion, for those of us who like to dress up, look good and get laid accordingly for it.

    You can get laid doing this??? Cool beans. Where do I sign up?

  3. The cannons I have seen throughout my travels I have often wondered what size the actual shot was. I have also wondered how much it literally would ruin your day getting hit by one. I took this pic while I was in Panama specifically to remember to gauge the actual size of the bore on a large cannon. Using a ruler next to my hand I guestimated the bore to be about 6-7."


    I had recently been forced kicking and screaming to accompany some of my co-workers to see the Yorktown Victory Center. While there we actually went outside where they had a living museum type of setup. There were several people dressed in traditional clothing of the time. While this literally means nothing about your subject they did have someone who was playing with muskets and they said the general rule of thumb for effective range on a smooth bore musket was about 100' or less.

  4. Here's why:

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  5. I saw them on e-bay going for as much as $150 for the theater versions that were sold at some theater in Japan. I also saw some plastic recreations that were going for about $20. I think a 20 spot is too much for a plastic replica coin.

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