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Everything posted by mcdrago
Thanks MadL. I finally ordered me linen breeches from Black Bear. Twil let ya know how they turns out when I gets 'em. I ordered the first mate's jacket from Museum Replicas. In a word, it don't fit. Their sizes run about 2 sizes small. Too bad, it looked really nice. Now, I've got ta try an' find one somewheres else. I didna want a frock coat...too big and too hot! Thanks Cap'n Sage. I ordered thier 2 1/2 buckle. Sink me! The shippin' cost almost as much as the buckle. Wal, I needed one, so what could I do? Thanks Sutlerjon, for trying ta help out a pirate. Twil get back ta ya regarding a complete belt, once refill me purse. Must be a fat merhantman out there somewhere's I kin take. If anyone else knows where I kin find a nice squarish piratey buckle fer me 2 inch belt, let me know.
To the best of my knowledge and experience, breeches do not take a belt. Take them in if they don't stay up on their own. Ye be partially right mate. But do need sumthin' ta tuck me pistol inta. So havin' a belt do both. Also keeps me sash from comin' a loose! Jim; Those buckles and belts look mighty foine ta my eye. I will double check me belts and me purse and let yer know tomorrow!
Good morrow to ya lads an' lasses! I ha' been lookin' high an' low fer some fairly large piratey looking square brass buckles. I gots me a plain one fer me baldric long ago, but I needs a smaller more ornate one ta hold up me new breeches when I gets em'. Me belts are 2 inch an' 2 1/2 inch wide. I don't want no Capn' Jack buckles neither. Some o' the ones his crew wore would be foine, but where in the 7 seas do I find em'. I've looked everywhere I kin think of. I got's me one for an 1 1/2 belt, but the bigger ones seem harder ta find than hen's teeth! Anybody have any idears?
Beggin' yer pardon skipper, but if'n I'm ta feed the "Patch Boys", it'll have ter be beans. Yer understands the reason doncha? Beans = gas! Name: Donal McDrago [tis Irish, doncha know?] Age: 43 Position: Ship's cook - demolitions Background: Former sailor Posts: Quartermaster, Cook. Busted out fer drinkin' and other unmentionable things concerning lassies. Swore off drinkin' save fer a wee nip now an again, brews don't count none. Once blew up a galley mixin' splosives.....didn' sink the ship though. Givin a medal fer disablin' a enemy ship wit out firing a shot. Had been captured and forced ta cook fer 'em, their own cook havin' been kilt. Apparently what they ate disagreed with em' somewhot! They were all lined up fer the head [lying on the deck, a holdin' thier bellies], when the boardin' party arrived. Weapons: Cutlass, flintlock pistol, various knifes [fer cookin' and pokin'], belayin' pin [doubles as rollin' pin] Dress onboard: brown bandana, big shirt w' rolled up sleeves. Leather apron. Breeches an' big bucket boots. Dress ashore: Big black hat w' feathers and plumes. Short waisted brown coat w' big gold buttons. Green sash.
Pirate needs pants....nay, me aft ain't showin'
mcdrago replied to mcdrago's topic in Thieves Market
SINK ME! Lookee wat I finded in me email this morning! An invoice fer the amout ta get me linen breeches. Wal I dinna ken if'n he read this here or if'n some mate or other speaked w' him, but paid him the extra coin I did. I will keep a weather eye out fer me pants ta arrive sometime or other. MadL, Yer right, nutmeg is a reddish brown color....just what shows on thier site. What I got was more yellow brown, liken ta spicy brown mustard as it were. I will keeps me fingers crossed that me pants when they arrive both fit me and are a better color. I will post some pics here when they sail inta port! Thankee all. -
Pirate needs pants....nay, me aft ain't showin'
mcdrago replied to mcdrago's topic in Thieves Market
Avast mate! Me lady ordered and paid for a pair of button front duck breeches in a nice reddish nutmeg brown color [it looked that way ta me from his website]. They arrived quick enough, but they were a really ugly yellowish brown. They fit nicely though, and looked great. I spoke to Rick and he said to send 'em back and he would email some pics o' other duck colors they had on hand. Hearin' naught for several days, I emailed him and got no reply. I emailed him again, sent him a pic o'me and asked if he could get a color close to me bandana....still nothing. Then I called the blighter up and he said he could do 'er in linen in fer $15 more and he would invoice me. Waited....nothing. Sent him another email....nothing. It had been 2 weeks since I sent the pants back so I called him and he said he had not been in the office. Me microsoft said he had read ALL me emails. Had he not been to work fer days?....or was he lyin' ta me or what? He said he would invoice me, but here it is almost Monday and naught has arrived. Me lady is highly put out and said somethin' about findin' the sorry swab and removin' some body part w' her cutlass! I know ye had some problem's MadL, but this is beyond belief! Anyone else had any problems with this....and I say it with utmost doubt....gentleman? -
I gots one o' them boys. Tis a foine pin ta be sure, but as I was gonna test er by tossing it, me lady said "Best not be throwin' that thing at moi, else it will end up when the sun n'ver shines!" I thought it best not ta throw it at the puss either [although he makes a spendid movin' target, he do] but the balance is good and the frog is first rate. Great job me friend! I looks a bit too new, so's I will be dirtyin' it up some. Some nice oily dirt aughter do her right nicely. Thanks again, Mate!
Ahoy mates! I be havin' a foine flintlock pistol [repro o'course, not havin' enough coin fer a real piece], but after carryin' the bloody thing all day tucked in me belt, I find a dark brown stain on me shirt. Now normally I could care less, be me lady insists on washing me shirts. Since it seems to be the pistol that is causin' this stain. How do I keep it from doing that. I don't want to dismantle it and painting with shellac something is not allowed in me cabin. Ideas anyone???
Pirate needs pants....nay, me aft ain't showin'
mcdrago replied to mcdrago's topic in Thieves Market
Thankee again mate, but unless I digs me up a treasure chest or go on the account soon, twill be no chancet o' getting one of these. I will keep on using me old baldric as it doesn't look new. I was never a seein' those Will Turner buckles, so ifn' ye have a pic, would ya kindly post em. Regarding making brass look old, I likes yer idea of using ammonia fer this, as me sword hilt, chape, throat, baldric buckle all needed aging. Me lady however, would make me walk da plank, ifn' I was ter do it inside our cabin. Since there is no way I am leavin' me parts outside fer to be pilfered, I seem ta be out o' luck on doin' this. Unless o' course ye would like ter help out a mate. I would be glad ter pay a few coins ter get this done as I likes it not being a "shiney-new" pirate. -
Pirate needs pants....nay, me aft ain't showin'
mcdrago replied to mcdrago's topic in Thieves Market
Thankee twicet then mate. I will go and order a pair o' black ones and a pair of white ones w' black stripes. Now could ye be tellin' me where ye got yer sweet baldric. I may be a lookin' fer a new one. Yer are comin' ta Cutthroats o' Corona aren't ye mate? If so, 'twill be me pleasure ta fill yer tankard! -
Pirate needs pants....nay, me aft ain't showin'
mcdrago replied to mcdrago's topic in Thieves Market
Thankee mate. I ordered some button fly duck breeches from them yesterday. I spoke with the owner and he seemed quite savy fer a landlubber. He said 'bout a month, but p'haps sooner be more likely. Now I be needin' some socks. I looked at thiers but they be no havin' black ones in cotton. Wool seems a bit warmish fer me. -
Pirate needs pants....nay, me aft ain't showin'
mcdrago replied to mcdrago's topic in Thieves Market
Thanks MadL, ye old sea dog, I'll be checkin' em out right away. *Bows* Thankee Lady B.....yer a good lass! -
Pirate needs pants....nay, me aft ain't showin'
mcdrago replied to mcdrago's topic in Thieves Market
Thankee lad, be me waist is a wee bit bigger than those. I normally wear a 42-44. A stout pirate tis what I be. So although a kindy offer, t'would only fit one leg. Ya would think bein' as this place be full o' pirates some of the brethren would direct me course ta the right port. Perhaps a winsome lass, who be good w' a needle? -
Ahoy mates! I be lookin' fer some button fly knee breeches. Me lady Cap'n likes me tight corduroy pants....why I not be knowin', but she finds excuses ta get behind me fer some reason. But, I be needin' more proper pirate pants. Those I been lookin' at seem a bit pricey, so if ya kin help out, let me know. Please post the links if'n ye would, fer I be a poor unedjicated [ready lazy] pirate. O' course if ye can make 'em yerself, then PM me pics if'n ye have 'em and prices. Thankee kindly fer yer time, McDrago The good ship Nubian Queen Mate and ship's husband
Ahoy mates! Yer will be needin' a cook fer the crew wontcha? Sure an I be a foine cook, jes ask me lady. In a pinch I ken mix up a batch of 'plosives too, don'tcha know? Where be the articles ta sign? Me lads back in Erin would be right proud. P'haps a wee dram o' rum would be appropriate eh? Jes point me ta the galley!
Ahoy Mate! Be that a green one at the bottom? Me old eyes may be a'playin' tricks on me. Ya said they be made o' cotton. Be that lightweight or thicker?
Funny, I have the same boots [black, not brown]. Mine were not shiny, kind of dullish. They don't squeek or squeel either. In any case, once you start wearing them, dirt and such will dull them quick enough. At the end of my first faire, they were very dirty and looked great.
Since I can't afford and me wife won't allow me to own a foine black powder pistol, I had to settle for a reproduction. I bought a nice one, only to find out that the stain bled into my nice clean pirate shirt. I don't want to disassemble this repro piece, so outside of shellacking the wood, how can I keep this from happening? Any thoughts or ideas?
I have reposted this from the Pirate Meetup page: All pirates and wenches are welcome to come and join our motley crew for dinner and fun. No RSVP needed, just show up and see Mistress Yvonne, our Meetup Coordinator. Cost is $1 [you are on your own for food and drink] What Talk Like a Pirate Day When Friday, September 19, 2008 7:00 PM Who At least 28 Pirates. Where The Olde Ship 1120 W. Seventeenth St Santa Ana CA 92706 714-550-6700 Update your RSVP 28 Pirates are attending, including…me! see all Meetup Description Normally, on a weeknight I instruct folks to come in street clothes, but on this event I encourage your fynest piratical attire!
Very well done! Drinks are on me!
I be lookin' fer a nice dagger or knife fer me kit. Kin anyone point me in the right direction?
Nay laddie, more liken to England or Ireland. I woulda been foine wid it, but me lady she don' do well in cold weather.
Nay laddie; Twas earlier in this thread that you said this: Aye, it looks t' be true indeed it does. I just checked the hold 'n there appear t' be no way for t' change one's pirate name upon this har board. Guess one must go t' meet Davey Jones himself then hope t' be ferried back for t' obtain a new name....but there ha'e been only one who has managed such a feat before; Captain Jack Sparrow....e'en then he come back with the same name he did. ...can't get nuthin right, that Jack Sparrow I was replyin' ta that one!
Aye lassie, we stayed ashore as well. Twas stormy indeed the night before and me lady didna wanna get her feet muddy as it twere. One o' me mates reported that twas dry there although a mite cold and cloudy.
Ye be wrong MadL....LOL Jack did change his name to "Captain" Jack Sparrow. That's what Davy Jones agreed to and what got him into trouble. He also changed the name of his ship from the Wicked Wench to the Black Pearl.