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Everything posted by mcdrago
Welcome lass....I be new to this port m'self. Barkeep....another round, if'n ya please! *Lights his pipe and settles down on the stool, takes a sip o'rum and breathes a sigh of satisfaction* "Sure an' tis a foine night [waddya mean tis day?] Would ya care to have me relate one of me adventures? Ya would? Wal now, let me think.....There was a time that meself, Cap'n Grey and some o' the crew of the good ship Sunrider, planned an ambush for some of his majesty's troopers. Now seein' as they were havin' a meet this day for some kinda' ceremonial purpose [ya know how them navy boyos like that kinda crud] anyway.....we had the high ground, so we opened up on them with our pistols. We took em' completely by surprise! Ya shoulda seen the looks on them faces when they realized they had been had."
1) Routinely stay up waay past 1? (1..scoff..amatuers) Not any more....well not too often. In the past I worked graveyard shift for 13 years....I've done my duty! 2)Think nothing of some wildly inappropriate snack at 3 am? Or anytime....sure....cold pizza for breakfast....yummy! See number 1 as to why. 3) Or before creeping into bed.. just before the sky lights up signaling you that you stoically shirked sleep, do you swear "tomorrow night I'll sleep" Sure, I do that even if I'm only late to be by an hour. 4) Does the constant math of .."If I go to bed at 2 I'll get x hours of sleep ..which steadily melts into well, ok now it's a quarter after, so if I go to bed at X instead, I'll get x hours of sleep. Which dissolves into a short nap followed by once again swearing "tomorrow night I'll sleep" Yep. 5) Do you you have a uniform of some unmatched comfortable clothes, a fuzzy robe and perhaps matching socks, perhaps not? Sweatpants and a 6X shirt from when I was 400 lbs, now at 250. 6) Do you hear from friends, family "don't you sleep?" "What do you do all night?"Followed by your blank stare, a sly grin and a search for a cup of coffee..let' em guess..... I just growl at 'em. 7) Are you uber familiar with the sounds only heard at night..the fridge which seems to get louder as the minutes go by, the heat coming up, the house settling, cats fighting outside..your increasing yawns.. Yeah....especially water heaters and AC units. 8) Feel oddly like kin to those wierd infomercial people? Naw, I'm wierder than they are. 9) Feel like a bull in a china shop as every step you take to the loo etc sounds like a herd of cattle in the night no matter how hard you try to be quiet? Funny those cat-like reflexes..... 10) Have strange revelations? "Gee I never realized the toilet paper, fridge door, my computer fan was so loud? See my answer to number 7 11) Have people you see (you know..those bleary shadows that think nothing of bugging you at say the ungodly hour of 10:30) who ask why your tv is set to closed captioning when your hearing is just fine? What's closed captioning???....I just use the mute button and headphones.
Thankee mate!
Thankee mate!
That's right lass...cut right ta the heart o' the matter. I have been looking high and low ta purchase 'em. I might just be able to darn me socks, but to use one o' them blamed machines is way beyond me. I be just a simple man. So if anyone can make some that don't cost an arm an a leg, let me know.
Thanks lass, but I be a bit to old fer that kinda talk.....besides, me goodwife would soundly pound me wi' her skillet were I to even think of doing regimental w'out a kilt!
I have been informed that my "tight" pants are just not piratey enough. I need some baggier pants to tuck into my huge belled boots. Can anyone help a mate with this? I can't do "the pirate without pants" now can I?
Since both of those are acid based, I wonder if vinegar would work. Thanks for the advice, Mates. Have an ale on me!
*Relays all orders to the barkeep, then offers him/her one as well* *Picks up his rum...takes a sip, then lights his pipe* "Regale ya w' me exploits eh?," he asks thoughtfully while getting his pipe stoked properly. "Wal now, I misrecollect a time while aboard The Raven, when taking a prize, the call came from the Cap'n to hoist the colors. By garsh and by golly, the crew was moved to great humor when himself's drawers were smartly hauled aloft. 'Pears that the Cap'n was a doin' a bit o' his laundry beforetime and there seems ta have been a wee bit o' confusion in all the excitement. Himself was not in a good humor for some little time afterwards. The gob in question got a couple o' lashes, but the crew donated thier share o'rum to make him feel better."
I just purchase an NCO naval hanger. I don't know it it's coated brass or just polished. The last thing I want to do is look like a "new" pirate. How do I get the finish off....or if it's already off...how do I get it to look used...IE....dull brass finish?
How do I feel???? Generally with my hands.....*smirk* Seriously, I feel pretty good. I am almost done gathering items for my pirate garb. I just fell into a good group of people to chat with and generally have fun with! [You...ya gobs!] On a more medicinal point. If you are having trouble sleeping because your mind just won't shutup, I found that melatonin works just fine. I used to have a terrible time sleeping. Thinking about what happened today, what was going to happen tomorrow. What might happen if I didn't do the right thing today and I did it tomorrow...you get the idea. After you reach a certain age [for me it was 40] your body doesn't make as much of this [melatonin]. I started taking it and after a week, I was sleeping just fine. I can't even remember dreaming....and that's fine with me too. No hangovers.....no headaches.....nothing. Just peaceful sleep. I recommend starting with 1 milligram and working your way up. I take a lot more than that and so far I have had no problems.... Just my 2 cents worth mates.
*Laughs loudly, then take a drink o' rum* Ladies if I may. Mates...I be of poor luck with wenches, but if I've learned nothin' in me many years before the mast [married], this is the one thing that can serve ya well. Listen...boyos....listen. If'n ya do, ya will learn all ye needs to learn. My apologies ladies, if I have given away too much...put down that skillet lass!
*Sips his rum and lights his pipe* Now then where to begin??? Ah, there it be....the missing memory. A story of high adventure, in color no less on our brand new color TV. First family to have one on the block I tells ye! Errol Flynn in...."Captain Blood" Now theres a fine tale of piracy on the high seas. My favorite though is Burt Lancaster in "The Crimson Pirate". They were the first to use the "lets hide under the dingy and walk into the sea" routine. Stolen by some pirates of course, for some silly new movie with Cap'n Jack somethig or other. Of course, I be datin' meself by tellin' that story eh mates?
Thankee for the welcome mates! Belly up to the bar boyos and lassies, this rounds on me! *Plunks coins down on the bar* *Bows to the ladies and kisses hands where offered* Nay, not the SDFF...but the the OCFF, though close enough, I fathom. Did ya not see in me post about the good ship Sunrider? [Rebel Legion Sunrider Base. I was her XO, so First mate in pyrate lingo], Grey was me Cap'n there.
Ahoy mates! I be new to these waters, so I thought I best be a checkin' in here. I have crewed with Cap'n Grey as mate on the good ship Sunrider, but me normal duty be quartermaster. Since I be new in port, I said to m'self, self.... ye best be dropping anchor here. I've also crewed with the SCA here in Glydenholdt, but that was in me younger days. Any ships be havin' a need for a new crewmember?