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Redd Oktober

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Posts posted by Redd Oktober

  1. Aye a pattern to be found at Jas.Townsend be fairly easy, and mighty comfortable. Here's the pair I made.


    I used to wear black, drop front breaches aboard ship...but found the crotch would rip every time I had to man the riggin. These move much nicer, and they're so airy.

    Technically, yer supposed ter wear them OVER yer breeches...but in the days of global warmin'...that just ain't smart...esp. if'n ye be in Arizona.

  2. I managed to get the main theme from the soundtrack stuck in Royaliste's head. Nuthin's funnier that having Gary hum the tune, and then throw sumthin' at me head shoutin' "Damn ye Redd! I've got that f***ing tune stuck in me head!"

  3. I'd actually bid fer the crap that Disney scared out of him, just ter have a disgusting piratical trophy. OOP! What a minute! Why buy it, when I can make a FAKE one myself and sell it on eBay!

  4. Sad, but true. It be the nature of the entertainment industry. Fakes and pirates alike just flood the world of props and prop-making. I got tired of even trying to collect authentic pieces from films...too easy to fake, and too many fakes.

  5. It might be a little bit of an investment...but as far as the tattoos are concerned, ye might look into buying a small airbrush set with some liquid acrylic paint. There are some VERY nice stencil available out there...and, if you do a little research on laser cutting, you might be able to find a place that does custom ones. Such tattoos are unique, and can sometimes be more authentic looking than a shiney, four-color-process emblem stuck ter yer skin.

  6. Ahoy all!

    Redd here...Me and me faithful (flea infested) monkey Domino, would like ter ask if anyone (in their pirate travels) have crossed paths with any professional (or, at least, extremely serious in their hobby) pirate historians / history authors?

    Well...some of ye may remember a while back, that Redd were tryin' ter put together a live action footage-based video game. Things have changed a little bit...and me employers be pointin' me trowards a more educational course. So, I need ter see if'n I kin contact some historians fer interviews and such like. So I thought I'd put me feelers out.


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