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Redd Oktober

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Posts posted by Redd Oktober


    Well...If'n ye don't want ter sew it...and if'n ye personal message me, I could put ye in touch with me uncle who has been a tailor in the Ren Faire circuit for some time. He recently finished an exotic pirate/gypsy line. He has many other pieces that you can mix and match. He doesn't have a website, but I'll be happy to get you in touch.


  2. Mine be "Casablanca", "The Bounty" (with Mel Gibson an' Sir Anthony Hopkins...and a bevvy of lovely island ladies), and "Aria". "Pirates of the Caribbean" be on that list too...as it just gets me into a verile mood.

  3. ARR! That be one o' me favorite pirate movies (even though it be a 'modern day' setting...tis very piratical)!

    I remember being a wee lad, and stealin' cardboard boxes from dumpsters, takin' em home, and building "pirate caves" in a creek behind me childhood home (it were a 5 acre "farm"...meanin' me mum likes horses). Too much fun...especially when the creek would fill up. Me dad even felled a dying walnut tree and made me a pirate bridge. I would pretend that I were one o' the Goonies!


  4. Arr! This be another one o' them faires that ol' Redd has a stake in (ouch!) because of certain creative relations (namely...his weird old uncle). Ladies...Steven Overstreet makes a beautiful array o' clothing that can be worn in any period (of time ye sickos...of TIME!)

    Okay...Shameless plug be over.

  5. Aye! Ray! That were his name. Redd were in his lubber's attire that day (seein' as how Desert Pirate be making good use o' Redd's famous black coat :( ...*sniff*...Redd be so proud)...and Master Amsbury chided young Overstreet fer not dressin the part.


  6. Ah, a fellow dragon-lover (I think).

    Certainly...I got ter make a dragon t-shirt design fer this years Casa de Fruta Ren Faire (this be the last weekend...shameless plug)!

    Me old...OLD...mate "El Diablito" and I (known each other since we were prawns...come to think of it...he could easily be a younger brother ter Ace of Harbor Bay by looks...strange)...used to drool all over their pewter dragon tankards!

  7. Dunno if I'm that "in" with the Fellowship fer discounts. They be friends of the family...but they're still businessmen. Sorry. (if I could swing a discount fer pirates I would...esp with FF...their stuff is just too cool.)

    The Lord of the Rings nerd in me has got me saving up for the "Death of Smaug" goblet.

  8. Good.

    And...fer what it be worth...I ran inter many o' Faire Folk who knows ol' Redd...and a couple of them mentioned "Those pirate people that showed up." and then proceeded to say how much they enjoyed seeing you there.

    Well...there be always next year.

    Thanks mates!

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