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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Feeling better than earlier in the week.... I was just so wiped out from the first weekend of the Escondido faire that I was in bed all day Monday sleeping. Tuesday I was still fuzzy, yesterday better, today getting ready for another weekend of faire and feeling good...well except for the constant pain in my hips and my right foot. I'll be seeing a podiatrist next week about the foot problem....
  2. aw, make 'em walk the plank into shark infested waters...
  3. I want so much to be there..... Blackbead will have some of my feather hat pins and some other things I make for sale there, so be sure and look for them! And be sure and say hi to him! I hope this con will remain where it is or at least a chance closer to the west for next year, so that I can attend. Any further east and the less likely I'll be there....
  4. I was stating a personal thought, nothing more. I do understand it takes a person to kill another regardless of weapon. But lets face it, from the early dawn of man whose skill with a spear, to the bow and arrow, to the swords/knives and other pointy things, to the guns, cannons, and to the nuclear bomb....all were and are designed for one reason and one reason only, to kill. Period. My own partner Boats, has got a gun collection here in my apartment. Personally I don't approve of it, and he knows it, but at the same time I understand his collecting of them. Years ago, I didn't care about any kind of gun control, but we aren't living in a 'years ago'. Things have changed, people have changed. I do believe in a waiting period and a background check on anyone wanting to purchase guns nowadays. I have never once stated that people shouldn't be allowed to have them, only that they be responsible for their actions and use of them.
  5. I can't believe this has turned into a debate about gun control..... People, I've shot guns at a shooting range, I understand black powder, I understand the animal hunter providing food for the family, so I do understand the other side of the coin. HOWEVER, that's not what I was really posting about. I posted because I have this sadness in my heart and I needed to release it. Please mellow out everyone....
  6. Here you go. Also site tells of other events they do, including the Ojai Pirate Faire. Gold Coast Festivals
  7. I worked the costume department the first year S. Faire was in San Bernadino. I've got horror stories that would make your eyes crossed! I've continually heard worse and worse and went once when it moved to it's current location...sorry it sucks. I stick to my guns on that one. "I won't waste my money on an over-priced swap meet", - as a guest said to me last weekend at the Escondido faire after seeing what Escondido offered and added, "This faire is sooo much better that S. Faire." The Escondido Ren-faire is ten times better!
  8. I'm sorry, but I have to get this off my chest and out to whatever... First I feel such sadness, that something so senseless as killing 32 people that had such promise for our world, should affect me so... I didn't know anyone who went or goes there... Second the fact that states like Virginia have no gun laws as to purchasing just angers me.... Tonight I will be lighting a special candle for the comfort of those who have passed, and for those of who grieve....and for my own comfort....
  9. Speedy Gonzales (that funny little cartoon mouse)
  10. *Note to self: bring large purse, fill with goodies to eat....
  11. No neither I nor Pirates of Treasure Cove will be there. Sorry, S. Faire sucks. I know the parent group of our group Biggins is there (with a few members of PoTC), but after all the crap I've heard over the first weekend, I question they'll do it again..... ' Clothing Nazi, Frieda, who is head of the costuming there is so full of shyte, she ought to have her head chopped off...... Frieda and I go waaaaayyyyy back....I don't think there's anyone left who knows her would back her anymore.... 'nuff said.....
  12. Aside from Erroll Flynn, I'd have to say when I met Christine Lampe (though at the time her last name was Markel) and her beau Micheal Lampe when I was still working the S. Renaissance Pleasure Faire in San Bernadino in another lifetime - upteen years ago. She tweeked my interest and when I finally left the Renaissance era behind, and joined up with the pirate group Christine was part of...well the rest is history. Nowadays, Christine Lampe is better known as Jamaica Rose the head of No Quarter Given (No Quarter Given)
  13. Ooooh Caraccioli, Those were perfect! I had just been thinking about doing something for the key for my scooter, since the heavy key fob was banging against the scooter side (can't sneak up on anybody with that loud noise!), so the smaller one is now my key fob and the other I haven't decided what I will use it for yet. Maveve, That was the most wonderous box of treasures you sent me, just awesome! I LOVE the POTC earrings, and the patch will go on something...everything was just terrific! I raided a particular booth (Eye Scry) at the Escondido faire over the weekend and got some terrific stuff for people. Wait, there's another weekend coming.....wheeee, more goodies to get!
  14. Over the weekend at the Escondido event, I wore my hunting coat I made from the Lady's Hunting/Riding coat pattern, and lots of people were just ooohing and an aaahing, and I told them to go to your site for the patterns and others. So hopefully you'll have some more business coming your way. this picture is from last year's Ojai
  15. Well surprise, surprise! I saw a commercial last night for Lexus (I think), anyway it was where the 'sets' were changing to a child's room and right above the bed was that Davey Jones poster! It was a quick shot, but I recognized it!
  16. I'm planning on being there. (already knew about it from another site)
  17. Actually my totem is the bald eagle so I have quite an affinity for them.
  18. Looking forward to the Escondido faire this weekend. Going out this afternoon for set-up. Gawd I feel sooooo happy I live just minutes away from the site. Have a brand new display board for my feather hat pins that Boats and I made last weekend. Weather looks to be sunny, just a tad cool - perfect! I'm feeling good!
  19. Welcome! Just be careful ye don't get mashed or find yourself drowned in butter, sour cream and chives. We're a friendly lot, keep us fed and liquored up and we're happy.
  20. Hi Short Ben Potatoe I suggest you start posting more (I know you are new here), especially in the Initates Forum so others can get to know you. Like where your home port is, age etc. Right now we are trading with those of us who have been online for a long time and have gotten to 'know' each other. Not trying to turn to away, it's just that some of us are real particular about giving out our addresses to people who have just joined. Which is why I suggest you get to posting and such.
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