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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Thanks for the morning laugh! I really needed it!
  2. sigh.....as I've already learned, a lot of people don't read the above topics over the regular posts. So personally I think you are wasting your time.
  3. AWESOME RUMMY! Great poetry! Petee and gang, you guys look great! (I'll take one of each-kind of like potatoe chips, you can't eat just one- )
  4. Well the latest thing are the Vikings. Actually they've done it fairly well considering they are way out of the time period. A good chunk of the Escondido faire, tends towards fantasy anyway. But for me, I really don't care, I just find it rather amusing.
  5. Aye, thank you to all who took pictures. I have yet to download mine. I've been really busy, but it's beginning to slow down, so hopefully I'll see what I took soon. Sabastian, I must say you took some fun pictures of me. Aye, me an' me partner Dawn, were the only vendors to dress up for the Sunday, Halloween event at Escondido. Dawn was a Pittsburg Pirate, complete with baseball mitt with her belaying pin shoved in it. I was the Pirate before Christmas. Self explanitory. We had a great time making noise to attract attention to our booth. Hence that funny strange picture of us doing just that! I loved my inflatable parrot, the sword and the Top Hat were great attention getter. Thank you all! Even though Sunday was a bomb when it came to buying from the vendors, I still had the best two weekends I've ever had at a faire!
  6. I went to a 12 string because I like the fuller sound.
  7. Really cool! Honestly, I didn't know Duchess was on this side of the USA. I thought for sure she was back east.
  8. Well ye see, not necessarily another language, but I did have ta give up speaking with an Irish accent at events. The brough got so heavy, that no one could understand what I was sayin' 'cept the Irish at Irish Faire. I have even been mistaken for bein' pure Irish an' have been asked what part of Ireland I'm from. That's when I break character and talk in normal English, really throws people for a loop!
  9. Hmmmffffff! Well at my days o' sleepin' with Tom, Dick, an' Harry are long gone! Now I'm far pickier. So what do ye males have ta offer an older woman who can't go for as long as some o' the younger ones? Rumba Rue **The older the fiddle, the sweeter the tune**
  10. Just an added note: The best type of 'ribbon' to use for hats can be found in Milinary stores - check the Net. It's called Petershiem Ribbon. It's different from regular grograin ribbon and sturdier. Great jobs on the hats!
  11. The skull and crossbones as shown by William are the ones sold by No Quarter Given. I know exactly what Phillip Black is talking about, cuz I had one in my truck. Phil, you might find it in their stores, but usually, most of their stuff is online. Hot Topic Because their site is no longer secure (I think someone hacked into it- you'll see this as each page comes up and you have to click 'yes' in order to see the products) I recomend calling them and placing your order. I've never had any trouble with them at all and recieved my orders fairly quick.
  12. I play 12 string guitar. I started with a 6 string in 1967, and progressed upward to the 12 in 1987. I use to sing really well, but time and other things have taken it's toll on my voice. There was a time in my young life I had the voice of an opera singer, (high soprano) and my mother and her sister (my aunt) begged me to enter a special school for such. But alas I cannot read music- I pick it up by ear, that was my downfall. My fingers can't do all the fancy work that many guitarists can. So I end up adapting to cords that will work with my voice and fingers. My guitar though not a well known brand name, (it's a Lyle, which at the time I paid $200 for) is in almost perfect condition. I've had to have it repaired three times due to the bowing effect that is caused by the many strings pulled taught. I finally broke down and bought a hard case (I originally had one of those 'chip-board' cases) for it several years ago to help protect the instrument. It still sounds just as wonderful as the day I bought it.
  13. I originally got mine through Hot Topic. I was just looking through their site a few days ago, but didn't see any.
  14. WOW! Nice chest, too much money for my blood. The guy would be better off trying to sell it through Christie's Auction House than Ebay.
  15. OMG- this is a total riot! Barbies of the Carribean I almost peed my pants laughing so hard!
  16. WoW! Thanks for the link! Now I can see about getting my big black trunk appraised. All I know is it came from the old MGM Studios. I haven't been able to find it in any movies- but then I really haven't been searching that hard. I know it's worth a whole lot more than what I paid for it. I will never sell it! It's mine I tell you, all mine! My Big Black Trunk More Again
  17. First, I'm moving this topic to a more appropriete place. Well since that's out, I'll tell the rest and hope Iron Bess doesn't come after me with a sword. I understand that the figurehead of the lady on the Black Pearl, opens up and a cannon comes out. Also, an actor friend, gets eaten by a sea-serpent or grypon, not sure about which it is.
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