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Rumba Rue

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Posts posted by Rumba Rue

  1. I always had a suspicion that my big black trunk was in the movie "The Greatest

    Show On Earth" and lo and behold it was!

    I just caught the movie last night and there it was in a scene where a guy was

    throwing clothes into it. It was a very quick shot, but I definitely saw the lid

    and the decor around the edges.

    I originally bought the trunk at a thrift store in L.A. and the guy had just put

    it out and told me he got it at the MGM auction years ago, but had no idea if it

    had been used in a movie or not.

    Well now I have proof which makes the trunk a whole lot more valuable.



  2. I've been working hard for a week and a half now making jewelery to sell at the Pirate Daze (Pirate Daze) event in Sept.

    I've been trying all kinds of new ideas that will appeal to all, even the Steampunk crowd.

    Sorry, no pictures right now, perhaps later.

    My problems with PayPal are: High fees for anything sold, any smart person can act as a 'magazine subscription' which PayPal automatically takes out of your account without any notice of such actions (supposedly it's stated in their 'statement' you have to agree to). I honestly don't feel comfortable with such a thing as it did happen to me more than once.

    I would love to do my own website, but when it comes to tech stuff, I'm blond and clueless. :blink:

  3. Run, do not walk, to Micheal's Craft Stores, they now have great pirate cookie cutters that come in a really cute metal tin that you can actually lock! Plus other pirate goodies for sale.

    Shapes include, ship, skull and crossed bones, sword, hat, flag just to name a few.


  4. When I was up in the Toronto area of Canada a few years back, my friend took me to a place similar to Amish style living (I can't remember the name of the people there) with stores to look through. There was a broom maker there making some great stuff plus there were a few antiques around for sale too.

    At Christmas time Albertson's stores here in S. Calif. were selling cinnamon brooms, which I bought one. Unfortunately my cats thought it was great for chewing on....it's now outside the front door.

  5. Sorry, I want a pirate that's smells GOOD! Has good hygiene no lice, crabs, or other stuff crawling on dirty bodies.

    Stinky pirates............yucky! :rolleyes:

    Ok so I'm a prissy wench, tough! 001_tt2.gif

    I agree with Bilgemunky, not everyone can do what you do Hawkins. Gee haven't seen any dirty, filthy women around..........good thing.

    Since you don't do faires Hawkins, it shows a rather short-sided vision.

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