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Rumba Rue

Dearly Departed
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Everything posted by Rumba Rue

  1. Thank you Charity! I had the words and played it on me geetar when I was still young and had a voice.... Thank you for the site and the history is very interesting.
  2. Rumba sees Blackfoot and shashays over to him and throws herself against him... Ah darlink...its been a vee tooo leong!
  3. I caught sight of one of the historic houses here in Escondido all done up as a huge pirate ship. I had to go and take pictures yesterday. Sorry, I haven't downloaded them yet...
  4. 15 minutes? I did it less than a minute!
  5. Welcome and enjoy the party!
  6. The door is thrown open and everyone looks to see Rumba as she's never been before.... Well I hear there be a PARTY a brewin'? Rumba looks devine in a black peasant top, off the shoulders, her 'girls' pushed up to the very outer limits. A silver pentagram with an amythist in the center hangs around her neck like a beacon. A black cinch belt with rhinestones that has a moon on the point at the backside, and wearing a beautiful patchwork skirt and black boots. Just looking like she stepped out of the pages of the Pirate Babe Calendar (courtsey of Tiger Lee). Stands there for all to let the flies start entering the open mouths of the patrons... Well now, what's with the cheesy hats? Are the bilge rats clamoring for dinner? Hmmmmffffff! Give me one of those funny drinks with the cool coloring and the spider on the glass...or is it in it? I don't care. LETS PARTY DOWN!!!!
  7. Well since it wasn't posted at the Pub, it's of no concern here. Let it drop.
  8. I watched the show again- well at least the scratch parts, without sound as to distract me and found it interesting this time nothing of anything happened around here. So I felt perhaps the sound on has more of a 'mind effect' than with it off. I found the sound man (the guy with the long microphone) who got cut the second time in the leg much more disconcerting than when he got nailed the first time. I was also curious about who the people were outside in the hallway and their reason for being there. And the other crew member who dared whatever was doing the scratching to do it to him. Interesting that he did indeed recieve scratches, but not broken skin to bleed. Also, the two other girls in the room, didn't seem to be affected by most of this, or just that the camera isn't on them. But in several shots they seem to be just kind of standing around doing nothing, one having her arms crossed over her chest as if to say 'are we done yet?' in sort of bored manner. I agreed with the host of the show and laughed, 'Yup, wild horses couldn't drag me there!' It's suppose to come on again around 4 PM today, I'm going to get online and watch the webcams they set up just to see if I see anything. **I don't normally have scary dreams, but I guess watching this show has really brought on the Halloween screams to me last night in my sleep!
  9. The Halloween shows-live- Edinbourgh, Scotland I missed the first day of this stuff, but caught it tonight (Monday). There are many things that are absolute bunk! But others that are not. The one room where the crew went into that had a pentagram on the floor and the altar set up was totally modern and totally there for the camera showing and nothing more. The whole thing was a total set-up and a total bunk of junk. (This coming from a Pagan white witch Minister who knows the real thing) On the other hand the room with the stone circle was defintely old and the cuts that two crew members recieved were very real and would have been difficult for someone of real human bearings to do. That was unnerving for me. Especially when seconds later the floor of my apartment did a sort of 'thud'. (That sure made me look around wide-eyed) since the cats weren't moving around and nothing in my home would have caused that, so I put it down to as someone else next door dropping something. (Well I can only hope that's the explanation. I do try very hard to be rather scientific about this stuff) Though I was interested in the reason for the other crewman who kept wanting to go back to that room with the stone circle to see if anything was truly going on there. But the others wouldn't let him go back. Hmmm, to me it was like that place was calling him and he wanted to dare it to do something to him. I think it would have been interesting.... I didn't bother trying to get on the internet to watch the 'live cam' shots they had rigged up, but perhaps I will later just to see if there's anything at all. I've read a lot of stuff about this show and how phony it is, and I have to agree most of it is phony. But I have seen things that definately are not. Having witnessed many things in my own life I can pretty much tell when the real thing is happening and when it's not. I'm curious if anyone else has been watching these 'live' shows and perhaps talk about some of the other shows. Some I have seen and kind of wondered who or what they claimed they saw or heard, as I again have read many articles of how things have been created to make it look like something going on.
  10. There's also one that appeared recently here at the Pub in A Way to A Pyrates Heart. It was someone supposedly trying to find a web address (like they didn't know...), in hopes someone would respond to it. It's phishing for someone to respond so that a link can be formed to the responder and traced to their email. Thankfully no one here did, and it got removed promptly after I notified Iron Bess about it. So my advice to all here, is DO NOT RESPOND IN ANY WAY TO ANY SPAM HERE. It may be a phisher. Rumba
  11. Well Dead Fred riding around on my basket at the Escondido Faire over the weekend was a great hit. I got hold of one of the Trick or Treat bags that were being given to the kids (some of the vendors put out candy for the kids) and went Trick or Treating around holding up the bag I attached to Fred's right hand. Got a loadful of candy! I took some pictures, but since the faire still goes to this coming weekend, I'm not going to download pics until I have more to share. Oh, and Oderlesseye's wife gave him the Black Spot, and Stranglehold marooned him at the kid's playground with nothing but a wooden spoon and a few tiny bits of rope to hope someone would rescue him. They also threw in his wife for giving him the spot! Yup I got pictures of that too!
  12. Just in time for Halloween. Just keep your saw to yourself, I like the way I am. Welcome to the Pub.
  13. Moving this to the top again. Ok, Escondido faire is the absolute best! Get off yer arses and come! The dates are: October 28-29, November 4-5.
  14. well I think the puppy just dug a hole, but the kitten ate the canary. right?
  15. Why shocked? Was the guy a 'purist'? (trying not to step on religious toes here)
  16. works for me! for the life of me I can't think of the actor's name who was Rocky... but nowadays, he's packing some pounds.
  17. As usual I mis-read the header and thought at first it said 'broomstick'. I need more coffee....
  18. I actually tried to get in myself last night, but couldn't do it.
  19. I was married to a thin guy, I just don't like 'em. I like my men with some meat on their bones.
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