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Poopdeck Pappy

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Everything posted by Poopdeck Pappy

  1. I'm a big Doctor Who fan and I like the lastest series.
  2. Aye and SpongeBob also had pirates from the HMS Bounty open his movie.
  3. Every year I plan to come and then I forget, but this year I'll do me best to remember.
  4. Happy that my pirate skillls make me a plunderer in this economy and not the plundered.
  5. Nothin' right now but I will be partaking in some Sailor Jerry Spiced Navy Rum tonight. I have also found an excellent Mead recipe, but that will take a few months.
  6. What does everyone think of the seagrass hats made by Capt. Jacks Pirate Hat. They may not by proper but I think they would be cool on a hot SoCal day.
  7. Sheer Strake: The top plank on the side of a wooden boat that follows the sheer of the deck. garboard strake: The first strake on each side of a keel.
  8. Hidden treasures on POTC the ride: Treasure #1- When PotC was originally opened the skeletons were real, they were obtained from UCLA, but they were replaced later on when Disney had the ability to make a convincing faux skeleton. Treasure #2- The anchor at Laffite's Landing, where you board les bateaux, is supposedly from one of Jean Laffite's ships. Treasure #3- The Cannonballs have left a secret Mickey in the walls of the fort.
  9. I can't believe I missed this one for so long, I'll be making this real soon.
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