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1stMate Matt

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Everything posted by 1stMate Matt

  1. Ohhhh hell yes! This has my pirate spirit reignited.
  2. I love me axes! :)
  3. Looks good to me! Looks like you dug it up!
  4. How come all the smelly ones end up in the fort? Darn it I am giving in. One way or another I want to camp this year for atleast a few of the nights.
  5. Any pubbers coming to Fells Point this year?

    1. Mission


      I'm going, but I'm not wearing any garb other than my hat. My sister and her husband live there so I'm flying in and we're going to go down and check it out on Saturday.

    2. 1stMate Matt

      1stMate Matt

      Cool. See you there! Not much to check out this year seeing that they cut the camp out, but its a fun drink fest if that's your kinda thing.

  6. Where is mine? Purpleheart!
  7. Darn...why do I always miss all the fun stuff?
  8. I like your work a lot and I always enjoy progress pictures. On this one though there is something odd about how the handle meets the pommel. Perhaps a bit more taper in the handle or a larger pommel would go a long way. Thanks for sharing and please feel free to share these in the weapons section. Share stuff here that is for sale :)
  9. It has been awhile since I shared anything so I fugred this little dandy was right up your ally. This is an upgraded boarding dagger. It is based off of our new production 18" boarding dagger blade. hand forged guard with hand ground shell, antiqued ash handle, faceted acorn pommel and a brass pommel nut. See more here : http://www.imakeswor...rdingdagger.htm
  10. Yea, it's backwards. Silly story...I used to be so upset that the Capt Morgans logo had the same issue that I used to write in and complain all the time...years later I met Don Maintz and found out he was the designer of the logo. I consider him a friend these days and I have still yet to tell him.
  11. I might have to write me a blog... Dont trust Diosa!!! Inside trader she is!
  12. Thanks mates! Tippin one to all of you tonight!
  13. I have video
  14. Just thought I would bump this to let you all know that there is a new axe page with many more patterns. Like stated before, this is just a small small sample of the patterns we make. http://imakeswords.com/axes.htm
  15. Now for sale. Details here : http://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=18422
  16. My personal sword that I made myself for Key West is now for sale. It has a brown leather scabbard that is made to fit in a baldric and I would be happy to make a drag(metal tip) for it if the buyer wished. I am asking $600 for the sword and $675 with the scabbard. $715 with metal tip on the scabbard. This is a huge savings. The sword alone would retial at $675 and the scabbard, as is, would be $112.00. The tip regularly adds $60 to the scabbard price. The sword is the first of this design and features many custom options. I also would throw in a free engraving on the blade. A name or logo/crew flag. Here is a link to the thread with all the details. https://pyracy.com/index.php?showtopic=18395 It is set up as a blunt now but I would through in a sharpening if the buyer wishes. Thanks for looking!
  17. This needs no words. My favorite part is at the 4:28 mark and the 10:36 mark. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAQ7_0T71L0&feature=share Video by Mike Quinn!
  18. I knew you would never make it to the beach. You mentioned it too much. Happy birthday mate. Glad you came out this year. Your a good man and great pirate!
  19. Three you say?
  20. I am uploading a ton to my facebook, but I will post some of my favorites as I go. Mind you, these are just the ones I took off of my small camera. The ones I took off of the large camera belong to Pirates Magazine untill they choose which to print, then I can share those too.
  21. These two?! (Picture stolen from the Pirate Surgeon's Journal FB page) Touché, but they dont look much like Pirate Huntress'...I did see one in a dress and one in a red coat though.
  22. Also heard this a few times... "Hey Matt, you must know...who are those two hot twins"? To which I replied, "Pirate huntress' mate".
  23. One of the most repeated things in my little group was "to the hilt". Then again I was with Klaus and Pearl most of the time...
  24. Normally I would be scared, but this year I think I played it safe around you! I think... I didn't see any mention of you and your hot legs that you were showing off in that new mini skirt you bought just to eat with me at Duffy's.
  25. Of course I see him! He is in your hands standing right next to me!
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