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Black Nate

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Everything posted by Black Nate

  1. Nate paddled and paddled, making as best as he could to escape what he had hoped was his savior, but now appeared to be enemy. He suddenly realized he was also near a shore of some land mass. He giggled some and redoubled his efforts to get to that shore. He eventually found himself paddling in the hazardous surf, barely keeping his raft from being rolled many times. With a jolt the edge of the raft made contact with the soft sand. Nate threw down the sweep and grabbed up all his precious belongings and weapons and jumped off his vessel into knee deep water and hopped, jumped, and scampered to dry land. "He he he he!!! Ya didn't get ol' Nate! No sah! I done saved meself!" He ran up the beach and was about to head into the trees when two figures walked out onto the sand. He nearly fell over himself stopping about fifteen feet from the tree line. Dropping the canvas sack and sticking his cutlass into the sand he brought up his musket and drew back the cock. The sound of the weapon being cocked got their attention. There were two of them and only ol' Nate, but he had the jump on them if they wanted trouble. He grinned in the moonlight and called out softly. "Ahoy there. Come closer sos I can sees yer better, aye?"
  2. Nate continued to call out many times to the ships lights he saw in the distance. the slight breeze this night brought him the sound of the bell but was now pushing him away from the ship. He stopped hollering and picked up the broken sweep he had used as a rudder and unlashed it so he could paddle with it. as the light grew he paddled his way closer to the ship. He stopped paddling and waived the sweep on the air. "Ahoy there! Ahoooyyyy!!" He heard some voices faintly and some rumbling sounds. He could barely see some movement on the deck of the ship and was just about to call out again when the flames and thunder of a single cannon filled the quiet of the early morning. The wicked words that erupted from Black Nate's mouth went unheard over the roar and the splash of the cannonball was so close it nearly upended his little raft. Without another word he paddled to save his life away from the ship. Thoughts of returning fire stopped his movements for a moment and made him laugh before he began more frantic paddling. "So bloody much for a bloody rescue from a bloody ship."
  3. Day 12 Been on what's left of 'Eliza of London' for too long. Food gone, fresh water gone, wine rancid, rum almost gone. Powder still dry enough, plenty of shot left. Two candles left for the lanthorn, ate the third last night. Will keep a light burning until I'm out of candles, haven't seen land or ship since the storm. If I don't find myself on land or a ship finds me, I know not what I'll do, heaven help me. With the last of the ships logbook and ink he wrote as he bobbed along on the ocean in the darkness in a pool of light cast by the small lanthorn strung up on a makeshift mast. closing the tattered pages he looked out into the darkness and noted the slightest bit of light creeping from the eastern horizon. "Well Nate ol' son, hope for a godsend. Land or ship, matter neither way." He looked out into the darkness, cupped a hand to his ear hoping he might hear anything other than the lapping of water on his raft. Nothing. He let out a heavy breath and walked to the center of his little world and sat heavily. He picked up his musket and tried to wipe off some rust, checked the prime in the pan. He laid it back down and picked up the canvas oilskin and pulled out his pistols, checked them to be sure they were in good shape. Put them back in their canvas and pulled out his cutlass. He felt the edge, gave it a swing or two and put it down. he leaned against the mast at his back and lowered his head. All of a sudden his head shot up and he jumped up. Did he hear a ships bell ringing out? He turned, cupping both hands to his ears. Yes! there it was off behind him! A faint ringing! "Ahoy there! Ahoy Ship!" he bent down and grabbed up his musket and made to shoot it in the air, but stopped. "No no no, keep it for a surprise, aye." He patted the musket like a favorite pet and laid it back down and began yelling again. "Ahoy the ship! Ahoy! I be saved! Saved I say! Ahoy!" he began to dance around on the raft. "Saved, saved saved! I'll not die in the sun! not as a derelict on the waves! Hahahahaha! Woah!" he pranced around and almost fell off into the water. he stopped his dancing and retreated to the mast, hanging onto it and waving to what he could now see, some ships lanterns way off in the distance.
  4. Aye! Come on Pub Management!
  5. Aye making this a sticky would be good. You say the pub's chat is totally messed up and won't be back, ever? Maybe the link should be taken down then.
  6. when will the pub chat be working again?
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