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Manglin' Maggi Maloney

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Everything posted by Manglin' Maggi Maloney

  1. Now how could i keel-haul a pirate for havin' a heart o'gold?! ya did right ya know
  2. Hugs and high hopes for you lass, keep your chin up, we're all thinking of you.
  3. oh my god! how terrifying! i hope everyone is alright!
  4. oh no, i'm so sorry to hear this sad news RumbaRue... oh bless her, you and the whole family. *hugs*
  5. Welcome to the Pub lass, glad to have ye! i'll have a porter stout if ye please, i feel adventurous!
  6. hehe, i made my avatar in paint shop pro 7. i wish i were more skillful in it, i'de love both the avatar and the banner to look more like an old and well-worn tavern sign at least that was the original look i was going for with mine, not sure it quite reaches that though, lol. this is one i use on another site just for fun. but i think it's too large a filesize to use here i think...
  7. oh! very nice work Kass!
  8. i'm undecided. which usually means i'll have to fix two things. fried chicken strips as well as fried catfish. oh! and steakfries, iced tea too. maybe some garlic bread.. maybe.
  9. Welcome to the Pub Map Maker!
  10. ooooh wow, i love crab! those look great Matusalem! YUM! my latest snack was a half baloney sandwich, half another with peanut butter hoo boy, i'm thinking crab would be SO much better!
  11. hey i like sugar and a few drops of lemon juice over my avocados HarborMaster, so that sounds like something i would definantly give a try! Hester, i get my coconuts a quarter block away at a vegetable stand, they're imported from Mexico. they've got those three little dark spots on the bottom. i just do what my dad taught me to do; get a very sharp pointed knife, and dig into one or more of those little dark spots until something gives, as that's a weak spot in the shell. i do this very near a bowl or glass. once i get a hole into the coconut, i drain off the juice by sitting it in the top of a glass and leave it be for a while, as it drains. shake it if you're not sure, you'll hear liquid in it if it's still got some draining to do. so many of the ones i get already have cracks in the outside, so once it's drained, i just whack at the cracks with a hammer until i get the thing cracked in two. don't try that until you know you've got it drained, or well.. coconut juice will get everywhere. doing it over a kitchen towel is also a good idea... just in case. to get the coconut meat out, i use a flat, butter knife, and cut down into the meat to the shell, and do that until i have a triangle shape cutout going, then slip the knife between the meat and the shell and give it a slight twist. the coconut meat should pop loose, but sometimes it takes a few tries to get it going. i just go like that, cutting out triangles of it and munching away. i hope that helps!
  12. Sling him in the long boat till he's sober! gotta love the tentacle wake-up hehe!
  13. WOW! all i can say is you have done a fabulous job! And inspired me to press on with my own plans for a few improvements. I'm loving the videos and every aspect of it, Fantastic!
  14. Aaaaawwie! how precious she is, I bet you guys are proud as peacocks! She's incredibly adorable. May all of ye have bountiful years ahead, and many blessings!
  15. AAAWWW! Thank you Red Cat Jenny! That is just precious!! i saved it, daddy's just gotta see that one tonight when he comes in from work! Wow, you read my mind, hehe i was trying to figure out how to do one, and you did it better than i ever could have, thank you lots! :)
  16. possibly the same reason why i was up earlier Jenny? only for me it wasn't for work! o.o at 5 am, i just woke the heck up, and the plan was to sleep in today! i settled back, trying to go back to sleep, reached over to grab the blankets, as other-half likes the house frakkin' COLD at night, and i found i had visitors.. fleas!! oh ack, and i'm allergic to those! so yeah... been washing clothes like a maniac and itching to bleedin' death ever since. at least most all of it is washed now.. and they better be very dead fleas instead of just very clean fleas! Wow Jenny! so sorry about the 'dinner films' yeegodz... i like watching nature, but definantly not those aspects during a meal. o.o Godz Flintlock Jack! what level of hell did ye descend to to find such a place as that?! You're more patient than me.. i would have either slugged someone or walked out before i did slug someone. i used to live in Dallas north, (but it's been eons ago), i didn't know they'de gotten to having places like that there. sounds like a good place to begin target practice with ol' 'buss, eliminate a grey fuzzy whatsis here, a few other odd anomalies there, in the end clear the joint and have some peace! LOL
  17. hehe those days are gladly long gone for me Mad Matt, lol, i exchanged the cat-o-nines and other suchlike tools for pirate tools instead! a much more fun and freewheelin' life that way!
  18. aye RumbaRue, there's always a hot pot somewhere, of some type, in me sculerie! those are very cute though! hehe my girl will go nuts over them, lol (help me!)
  19. there is one goode thing about waking up at 5 am on a sunday morning (other than that ought to be illegal!), i have gotten 3 loads of laundry going, and at least, by now, feel half awake. need more coffee though! too early for rum just yet, lol, but tonight, oh yeah!
  20. i love it! makes me want to *try* and do something akin to that that looks great! the purple honey sounds awesome! have ye any idea where they were raiding their nectar from to make it?
  21. i loved the trailer for Pirettes by the way! (i wants ta grab that tempting ensign of theirs). Another great looking non-traditional movie maker working his butt off i see! i tracked back the maker of that and several other little flicks he has in the works, and like what i've seen so far. i hope he can pull them all off. it's rather amazing that the pieces are being funded basically off his credit cards! hope he gets some sponsorship like some of the other projects i've been keeping up with that are like his. And yes, you have a great looking blog there tigerlee!
  22. Thank you Jenny. hehe she was so hilarious. she had a double mouthful of corn dog at the time, and i *think* she had something un-nice to say, and was rather consterned she couldn't get it out! daddy and i both were giggling our heads off, and well... that too contributed to her glare LOL! and yes, you're absolutely right! a little tricorn and a pistol would be perfection! then daddy and i would have to learn to run, run very fast when she looks like that, lol. i hope your day at the beach was a great one by the way! here she was the same day as the one above, making "water angels" hehe she had such a blast!
  23. silence. i am listening to dead, flippin' silence. i woke up hours early and can't go back to sleep! unless the lopsided rhythm of the ceiling fan humming counts.. it's unnatural to wake up before daylight on a Sunday morning.
  24. *slides over a nice round of rums, spirits, grogs and ales* Welcome to the Pub lass, and it's on the house
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