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Everything posted by Graydog

  1. Pirates said screw the Soap? I have not found anything to suggest that pirates in the GAOP had more or less dislike of soap than anybody else during the time period. My suspicion is that pirates were filthy but, no filthier than any other early 1700’s sailor one would find.
  2. I don't see a link on my profile page (does not mean its not there, means I don't see one). Prior to shuting it down I'd get a red banner on the left of my profile page half way down the page with the points in it. That location is now blank and I can't find a reference to points anywhere on the page, which IMO is as it should be since there are no points now.
  3. They were removed from the system yesterday, so you can't see them today. (Suddenly I sound like Wimpy talking about hamburgers in a Popeye cartoon.)
  4. Do you have a website?
  5. Empty Ostrich eggs run about $12 on the web if you wanted to make your own cup from one.
  6. Pop Rocks Pepsi and a certain physical act Made for a very sweet time.
  7. Looks like you got er done. Yep found the switch for it buried in the not so easy to follow interface. Once again thanks for your efforts.
  8. Looks like you got er done.
  9. All kidding aside thank you for your efforts in this regard, as I do believe in the long run it will not be beneficial to rate each other. Regardless, over all the site upgrade is FIRST RATE and Huzzah fer ye says I!
  10. You get your overall rating by going to your profile page. (Too funny, I am now at -51! LMAO)
  11. I am at -31 repuation and I am rated bad. (Not that I would ever rate myself! That would be cheating. LMAO) Which of course, is very good for a pirate.
  12. I'd turn this feature off. It will create more angst than good will. I have already seen that on far too many boards where this was truned on.
  13. Please accept my sympathy for this horrible event.
  14. Robert Crane of "Hogan's Heroes"
  15. I thought pyrates ate at Long John Silver's?
  16. Up (No offense intended, just the word association with "yours")
  17. I agree with Black John it was a quarry. Here's an article that talks about where it was shot: Star Trek Quarry
  18. I don't like to lose.
  19. THOSE AREN'T CLASSIC MOVIES! They are simply mature current releases. <--Hobbles away with his cane mumbling about Snake Eyes Pleskin and casset tapes. Then realizes he's been abandonded smack dab in planet middle age by Black John's comment, grabs a business card thinking it's a communicator and screams..JOOHHHHNN.
  20. We saw Public Enemies this weekend as well. I'd agree pretty good sums it up. I'd also have to point out it's got a significant bit of basic history flat out wrong. But, that's the danger of any movie with a historical basis, too much depth to show, real facts getting in the way of the story, it needs to be entertaining and it can't be overly long. Besides, people want to see the myth of John Dillinger ala Johnny Depp. My wife loved Depp in it. I thought the look was fantastic, and it was well acted. I found movie overly long (2.5 hours) and while the action was great, there wasn't enough it, especially as we are talking John Dillinger. Heck, from a history stand point, they kill LESS people in the movie than the Dillinger gang did in real life. I can't recall if that's ever happened in the movies before? A bit long, but still a fun movie over all.
  21. I’d disagree. “Up” is a children’s movie that doesn’t talk down to the audience. It does have sadness, but it’s a critical part of the story. Just like “Old Yeller” had one of the saddest endings ever for a kid’s movie. This time around the sadness is upfront. The movie has conflict, surprises, tragedy, hopes, and dreams. It was a fun movie and I got a kick out of it. It’s a movie that carries a message to young people that your life is your destiny, if you want to have your dreams come true, that’s your responsibility to do. Now, if you want a real life tear jerker, you can read this story about a dying girl's last wish and the movie "Up". Dying Girl Get's Last Wish
  22. Actually, decent is in the title of the thread. The original posted wanted people to disprove the following statement- If we were to go by the title instead of proving/disproving the above quote. Yea, there would need to be a lot more context to what was meant by the word decent. After all, isn't a fellow that is a fan of the opera, helps widows, defends his immediate family, is a vegatarian, doesn't smoke, is willing to negotiate with his worst enemy to save his beloved nephew, sends condolences to others to share the grief of their loss, and is kind to dogs a decent fellow? I don't know let's ask Adolf Hitler who I just described. So, one could certainly have a wide range in labeling somebody decent, especially when they cherry pick what to present, like I just did. Which get's back to the point that if "decent" is to be the discussion, then please define what is meant by decent.
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