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Everything posted by Paisley

  1. noticed something about crows...had to throw this in the mix... (i'm sorry to say i'm not a big parrot fan, forgive me. but i will take a crow anyday!) since i work at an animal hospital who also handled wildlife, i did see alot of crows. wonderful creatures! not only do 'Mom' and "Dad" crows stay together until death do them part, the teenagers help raise younger siblings until it's time for them to strike out and start their own families....and yes they do learn how to talk! i took this from newsday.com: "There is far more to crow speech than just their deep strident caw. Like parrots, crows mimic human speech when exposed to it during captivity. "They have an incredibly complex vocal language," said Mindy Washington, a wildlife rehabilitator in Southampton. Crows have a large vocabulary - sounds with assigned meanings - that they use to communicate, woo and protect themselves." can you believe they also know how to use tools??? the bad news - you are not legally allowed to own one unless you have a wildlife permit (at least the last time i checked in virginia) the badder than bad news - it's ok with the "Law" if you go out in your backyard and shoot them with your redneck pellet gun because they bug you.
  2. i believe the class is sport fencing.....
  3. i am, i am!!! luckly i work at a very cool and relaxed animal hopspital. eveyone dresses up. of course...they EXPECT me to wear me pirate garb! [i'll have to loosen me bodice as not to distract]
  4. could ya be makin a pink one fer me???? i still owe you n yours a mug o rum at the next meetup!
  5. ohhhh stinky...i must say i be likin that "whippy" one! ....cute fellow 'e is!
  6. as much as i love the water... was curious who still...or can't seem to find their sea legs. and any advice you have about the subject. anyone care to leave their best chumming story?
  7. i took the plunge and signed up for fencing... when speaking with the academy **http://www.vafinc.com/**(thought i wanted sabre classes) i mentioned that my goal was to "dress like a pirate and pretend to kill people". he said i should take historical swordsmanship. def of class below: "Students are introduced to historical swordsmanship based on Medieval and Renaissance techniques. The swordfighting disciplines that will be explored in this class are the Japanese katana (a unique, single-edged sword), the rapier (the traditional dueling weapon), and the two-handed sword (the knightly European mediaval weapon). Swords used in class are the shinai (made of babmoo) and the foil (modern version of the rapier)." the only setback (i guess) is that the classes don't start up until jan...so i'm taking "foil" untill then. and as nice as this person was, i don't think he has ever wanted to hoist a pennant.... so mates....is this the class i need/want??? any advice for beginners starting classes??? (i've already asked if i could wear my bodice n bloomers to class to distract my opponets) lol
  8. [tossin over a bottle of rum] 'ere's one for ya el pirata! cheers mate!
  9. [tossin over a bottle of rum] 'ere's one for ya el pirata! cheers mate!
  10. keep me posted! i'm dying to go...
  11. so how far away is this place from washington dc??? anyone else interested in going? maybe carpool?
  12. sorry mad mary...alas...i will be there the week before, but perhaps if anyone wants to meet then???? (sunday 12th)
  13. i be the one wearing paisley! lol might we be the first pirate twins??
  14. just finished one of the "under the black flag" books (very good!) and have moved on to"a general history of the pyrates" by daniel defoe. and from the introduction....i'll be readin this puppy for awhile. (not an easy read)
  15. aye aye cheryl! i spent all day looking too....lucky i found you! finding a pirate mate you've never seen is like looking for your black harley at rolling thunder! found the blacksmith @ opening....no one there... went to first scum show...didn't see any group of pirates... then gave up....lol but if anyone saw me, i was wearing pink! (go figure!)....black bodice & skirt, pink shirt & chemise, and black tricorn. look familiar????? oh...i also had jack sparrow's love child with me (my boy) and we positively need to meet up! how about at a local pub sing???
  16. i plundered of course!
  17. lol....no sooner had i come home from work, sat down to talk to my pop, and said "this storm is boring, nothing is going to happen"......and i heard a "crack"! then a flash of green went by the window.... and landed on dad's car. oops! but that was the worst! hope everyone else is ok.
  18. where be the meetin place?
  19. i'm guessing you are not aware of how uptight & anal rententive the state of maryland (and virginia) is.... i copied this from their website (www.rennfest.com): :ph34r: Please note and observe our rules of the village: No pets. No rainchecks. No weapons (costume or real). (which find funny because they sell weapons there!) Open from 10:30am - 7pm. We open rain or shine. For more information call 1-800-296-7304 but they offering plenty of free mud!!!! so far there is no mention of isabel on the website...i'm guessing everything is still on. looking forward to meeting some of you...just look for the pink pyrate with a cabin boy. yes, i'm not very historically accurate, but if i wanted that i would've stopped taking showers months ago....lol see ya soon!
  20. :) I'M IN....I'M IN! :) LET'S GO PLAY IN THE MUD!
  21. the last i've heard is that she is supposed to be 'ere thur, out by friday....but shall we not forget how accurate they forcasted the winter in virginia last year? i still plan on going! anyone with me?????
  22. oh yeah scupper? well...i forgot to mention TURKEY! (dad was stationed there in air farce) i can see your jealousy! lol
  23. personally, i think she be seekin revenge.... going to blow in on pirate invasion weekend at maryland renn fest : (
  24. lol rumba!
  25. hummmmm let's see... currently residing in northern va, getting ready to set sail for tampa so far i have: baltimore, md. all over eastern shore va & md long beach area, nc savannah, ga cocoa beach area, fl several islands in bahamas jamaica (got married there) st thomas (the best!) puerto rico grand cayman, c i cozumel acapulco haiti belize & looking for more!.... i need a scuba buddy!
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