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Surfer Joe

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Everything posted by Surfer Joe

  1. ^Eratus bug: < Sandflies come second. V Pass the Q: Least favorite insect?
  2. Lilly ... is Sterling always this obstreperous? Give him a smack for me! (And nay, Sterling, 'tis just a salty turn of phrase, not meant literally!) ... back to the game... Mallet ... and I wield a mean one, Sterling, so watch out!
  3. You mean Hester had "Chicken with Cashew Nuts" for dinner last night and she didn't invite me?
  4. Me too ..."Bohemian Rhapsody" ... but I'm listening to the instrumental surf version by The Thurstan Lava Tube. No, I'm not making this stuff up! Listen: http://music.download.com/thethurstonlavat...-100801453.html
  5. Reg, buddy, what have you started with this thread? Hester's spent the entire day digging through her "Tickle Trunk", pulling out frilly ruffled shirts and brocade coats and making me try them on. She even tried to tie ribbons in my cowlicks! When I complained, she said I should feel lucky that she wasn't part of the "Twill set", or I'd be wearing shoes with red high heels and petticoat breeches, instead of the rather cool pair of black leather pants and bucket boots she dug up. Anyhow, Reg, you'd better stop giving Hester these Foppy ideas, because I wield a pretty mean piƱata stick, and ya don't want to piss me off.
  6. Chilled champagne
  7. Johnny Thunders http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G15hXRw4by4 "... do all the things I told ya!"
  8. that's heading straight for
  9. ^ I don't think Hester will let me tell! < Favorite surf band? That's tough! For me, it's a toss-up between The Astronauts and The Surfaris. V Passing on the previous question. Favorite surf band?
  10. Ass Ponys, "Astronaut" http://www.assponys.org/mp3/02astronaut.mp3
  11. Do pirates ever use coconuts as cannonballs?
  12. "Jungle Love" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCjS2V_Fejw "Jungle love in the surf and the pouring rain Everything's better when wet!"
  13. in pocket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2OpNoT8rbk
  14. Here's a little POTC fan vid for the Jack/Elizabeth shippers out there: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R2QZH7WLWDA Not the most convincing pairing to my mind (I'm rooting for Norrington), but "The Ship Song" by Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds is gorgeous.
  15. Keanu Reeves
  16. Alfredo Garcia. Kris Kristofferson...
  17. Yeah, Caraccioli's right. Global warming is nothing to get your JAMS in a jam about. Personally, I'm looking forward to surfing the storm surges off the coast of Greenland.
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