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Everything posted by Bright

  1. Not from the UK but ayes have made port there before check these landing out ;-} http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prospect_of_Whitby http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Execution_Dock http://www.museumindocklands.org.uk/English/Events Exhibitions/Permanent/Sailortown.htm http://www.goldenhinde.com/?gclid=CKyks5T7mKECFQc9 lAodpCd2OQ
  2. Making costume boots http://www.sithcamaro.com/boottut/index.htm
  3. The Pirate House Georgia http://www.thepirateshouse.com/
  4. Aye the Colonial Seaport Foundation bees on the right coast for me as well ;-}
  5. LYNX EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION 509 29th Street Newport Beach, CA 92663 Both maritime and children with this one american privateers
  6. Check this out http://www.qaronline.org/techSeries/QAR-B-09-02.pdf
  7. Well should that input not come from them that bees inducted to the order? MHO would bees http://www.preventblindness.org/ as we all know how many brethren bees know to have but one good eye remaining savvy ;-}
  8. For them that knows how to read ;-} Fells Point and the Baltimore Privateers Published 5 March 2008 http://www.cindyvallar.com/chasseur.html
  9. Get active and get informed. The cost of your silence is too high. You misunderstand my grumblings you have done well and worked hard to get recognized and noticed. That bee me real fear that others will say that only those that have permits from the city may carry. Look what they did at this gathering. I understand fully how madding try to put such together can bees. But individuals must be held to account for their action. The broad brush of political correctness if a foul thing. Ayes the organizers need to consider safety at their events from vendors selling food and items to the public. Oh my a period camp with no gates or fees what happens when they trip over a tent stake and bust their head on another; oh no more period camps all ropes and lines must bee taped off and all stakes have rubber covers. I have been in many a city that has laws on the books that do not allow the carrying of many weapons or discharging them in their city limits. But they understand when there be participants from around the world and across the nation that will bee there, a period of grace as it were, just as the citizens of old accepted the pyrates and the gold in their communities in the past. However this did not prevent the authorities from acting on those whom present a true danger to be dealt with the full weight the laws of the land. Better some times to beg forgiveness than to get permission but if organizers have put out a public notice that they not bees allowed then I see no need to go or support such events as they diminish much my education and inter action with the public as it is very hard to show a flash in the pan with a belaying pin as that bees part of the ship were it should bee. As ayes have been denied lock stock and barrel savvy. Beside that mate ayes has a Presidential pardon even with me working pistol on the desk talk about red tape ;-} http://www.insurevents.com/groupvendor.htm
  10. Yea want a Blackbeard connection least yea forgets Blackbeard pressured Charleston by advancing his fleet of heavily-armed ships into the harbor. The Queen Anne's Revenge, his flagship, carried 40 guns of her own. If he chose he could have sack the city, his crew now numbered well over 300 men. But he held the port hostage, in a blockade till his demands were met. There were 18 tall ships from around the world in the harbor for 2009 including the Pride of Baltimore, you want pyrate friendly we carried or weapons in town and pubs as well as freeing the mates taken by the red coats at the powder magazine in a street battle, it's not an uncommon site to see people in garb at any time in Charleston. The fleet was in and we meet true sailors from France, Netherlands, Germany, U.K., Spain, Las Canaries, Bermuda, Nova Scotia, Uruguay, Russia & Romania and drank sang and swap stories all weekend. The new Captain of the Charles Town Few bees the Eric Lavender of Island Paradise Balloon Art Charleston Pirate Tours 843-343-8297 Eric@IslandParadiseBalloonArt.com should yea need a mate with knowledge of the local waters and city officals ;-} http://good-times.webshots.com/album/573321564ZWdaLG
  11. It would seem that the Lord proprietors of Maryland have set a trap for those whom they have invited to attend with out their arms. (or that could bees just bees scuttlebutt or not we will wait and sees) I for one will let the Order of the Leviathan and the Devil’s Dozen pave the way to see if they will ever bees ready for blood and thunder till then I’s will steer well clear of fells point and Baltimore’s inner harbor as I does not care for hemp neck ties or iron gibbet swings, thank yea for letting us knows that we are not welcome to come as ourselves as it were till then I will set me sail for more hospitable waters and ports of call like Charleston as is no metropolitan port of call say yea high faulting privateers with their letter of mark from the lords proprietors poppycock and peacock feathers they thumb their noses at southern hospitality and say they know how to have a good time, ha I think not It’s sets a poor president that they call for those that purports to the leaders and they bees willing to take the silver and blades but them would support such are not trusted to carry theirs as a the free men they arrrs
  12. Yea get a glimpse of the Half Moons galley in this vid ;-}
  13. I am not a pirate; Im an acquisition agent and a salvage specialist the crew were already dead and the ship was a burring when we first saw her. We tried to render assistance as the law of the sea would demand of any good mariner, but the rum was already gone and we found no survivors to render aid. We could not stop the fire so we saved what we could before the fire got to their powder magazine. Ask any man on board and they tell yea the same ;-}
  14. Loyalist Arms is proud to announce that we will soon be stocking replica cannon balls, grape shot, and grenades. The cannon balls are available in the following sizes: 3 pounder - (2.875 diameter) @ $13.50USD ea., 6 pounder-(4.1") @$15.75 USD ea., and 9 pounder-(6.5") @$21.75 USD ea.. Also, 17th- 19th Century replica grenades in approx. 2 3/4 diameter. See pic attached of grenade only.@ $13.50 USD ea These grenades have a real fuse, that can be replaced after being lit. We will also be carrying grape shot in the following sizes: 1.275 inch @ $11.25/six, 1.55" @$12.50/six , and 1.725" @ $13.50/six . All grape shot will be sold per 1/2 dozen, (6). All the cannon balls are made from solid epoxy material. They are hard, but only weigh about 1/5 or less the weight of the original. They still have good heft, don't drop one on your foot, but not nearly as heavy as a real iron ball. The grenades are filled with sand and are inert, but will have the heft of an original. These items are brand new for Loyalist Arms. We will have some items on hand right away, while others will be a couple weeks in the delivery process. Order yours now to avoid missing out on the first batch. Your servant, Blair Higgins LAR LTD 10 Brunt Rd., Harrietsfield, NS Canada B3V 1B1 Tel: 902-479-0967 Fax: 902-479-0032 www. loyalistarms. freeservers. com
  15. PIRATE PERSONA Webster's definition of Persona: "A role a person assumes in order to display their conscious intentions" We all assume roles every day. People reveal different roles in every aspect of their life. How many people act the same at work as they do at home? Imagine going to your boss at work and say "Yes dear, right away dear what ever you say dear". You would not have a job for very long if you worked for any sizeable corporation. How about the other way, you come home and reprimand your spouse for not cooking dinner or taking out the garbage. Can you say "Dog house" People assume different personas in order to make their life uncomplicated. As a pirate I take on a persona to make my life more authentic. It pleases me and to my advantage it affords me the autonomy of being something different. This was an immense wall to break through when I first started dressing as a pirate. Family and work thought very different of me as I started to assume this role. First a person starts growing all their hair long, a pirate of the sixteenth century did not have the luxury to be shaven or well groomed. So the first thing the people at work see is their friend / boss going senile. This starts the remarks flowing. Which brings questions to mind of what the heck is wrong with me? The next step is to start dressing the part, ear rings, jewelry, and attire. This really starts bringing up the eyebrows. My wife still complains that I had more jewelry than her. As things progress you start buying clothes that aid your persona. Imagine the face of a lady as a five foot ten man comes out of the dressing room with a women's blouse on. Let alone a spouse of a coworker. Next comes the verbal education, a pirate can not simply walk around and say "Good afternoon Doug, how is the day is treating you? Did you catch the game last night?" This does not work if you wish to embrace the persona. So you learn "Afternoon Barnacle how be t' day? Watch the game mate? No matter how hard you try to contain this persona you'll catch yourself slipping, like when you learn Spanish you say "Hola" in lieu of Hello. Imagine the ladies face when you walk out of a dressing room with a blouse on saying "Aye this shirt feels like the caresses of a thousand wenches." Before you realize it, friends that do not accept the traditions of the pirate start to fade. You find yourself surrounded by people that validate your persona. In the words of a dazzling (I here the trumpets of a thousand angels blowing) women A pirate; first and foremost is absolutely fearless and cowers to no one. He moves through his life's work and journey as if nobody or nothing caged his soul. He is a renegade and answers to no one...not even a vicious god he cannot see. In his mind he is his own God. His own north star who is focused on liberating himself from conventional notions. A pirate is a man who does contain a moral compass and creates pathways of freedom not fear. He understands his masculinity and power and uses it as an umbrella to protect those who cannot protect themselves. His passion is unbridled. A pirate is an adventurer not a caged animal; although women try to cage him and weaken his inherit strength he refuses to be caged and brought to his knees. A weak spineless man is to be tossed out and trampled but a pirate mans backbone is fused to invisible titanium and will not bend--he will die first rather than give up the essence of what makes him a man. I believe this explains a pirate's state of mind. In time it becomes increasingly difficult to return to the mundane dregs of everyday life. After all, a persona is a role a person assumes in order to display their conscious intentions. All this happens slowly, most pirates do not realize that they have changed. You find that you are spending more time in the persona. You look foreword to donning clothes, using the persona as an umbrella to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Children are particularly in need due to society's interest to have them grow up faster. Children have less time to pretend, fewer activities besides video games. Children of today need a mechanism to be children. The pirate persona helps teach that you don't have to loose your childhood imagination as you grow older. Childhood is a place in your soul that becomes buried under adulthood. The pirate persona teaches people of all ages that having imagination and leaving the problems of the world behind for a few moments is a great thing. Even when you are an adult, it is acceptable to be a child at heart. Children are the most accepting, giving, loving people in the world. They are the true treasure of all time. If I were to bury a treasure, it would contain all the memories of being a child. At parades pirates come up to children all scary and mean, stop, smile and make them laugh. Still to this day after entertaining at a hospital, parade or appearance I find myself continuing in the persona. While walking through a crowded mall in jeans and tennis shoes, I notice a young child walking in front me, they turn around and I snarl and growl a blood curdling ARRRRR. Believe me very few parents of children find this entertaining. With out the clothes people do not realize that you are a pirate A pirate persona, face or public mask is an avenue used to carry out your pirate activities. This mask enables you to entertain in any environment. Generally speaking, people love the image of a pirate. So far I have entertained in four countries outside of the United States. The pirates have been accepted, invited and welcomed many times over. All you need is pirate clothes, a good ARRRR, and plenty of smiles. The pirate image has been very well received. It seams my brethren before me has paved the way long before my time. The dilemma is this; it is simple to become lost in a persona. If a person believes long enough, the persona becomes personality. People laugh at this statement, but it is real. Let me ask you this, If you could first and foremost be absolutely fearless and cower to no one. Move through life and work as if nobody could cage you. Focus on liberating yourself from conventional notions. Have a moral compass and create pathways of freedom not fear. Understand your power and use it as an umbrella to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Be welcomed with open arms no mater where you go in the world. Entertain and teach people of all ages. Perform at parades, hospitals, and television would you become a pirate? You already know my answer.
  16. Adopt one on account ;-} Congratulations on your decision to adopt a Brethren! Many of these fascinating creatures are in need of good homes where they will be loved and cared for. While keeping a Brethren can be expensive, time-consuming, and sometimes confusing, the results can be well worth all the effort. A well turned out Brethren who is happy and healthy is amazing to watch in action. The guidelines below will help you care for your new charge, but they are only guidelines. Every Brethren is quite unique and you should get to know your Brethren's personal quirks, preferences and skills. INTRODUCTION The most important step in caring for your Brethren is selecting the right one. Brethrens come in many varieties. You will find them of both sexes, and in every imaginable size, color, age, health and plumage. But, far more important than their physical differences are the differences in their personalities. Every Brethren has a very unique set of skills, preferences and attitudes, and you need to take these into consideration as you make your choice. If you have a nervous condition, a Daredevil Brethren is not for you. Likewise, do not adopt a Fighter Brethren unless you have a large yard in which he or she can chase around other Brethrens with a sword. If you have small children in the house, you might prefer to adopt a Brethren other than the Arms Collector, and if you like your nights silent, keep in mind that Stitching Brethrens are known to stay up quite late, stitching away with there cloth, punctuated by occasional loud bouts of cursing. FOOD & DRINK Once you have selected a Brethren and brought him or her home, your first concern may be, "What do I feed this strange creature?" Luckily, most Brethrens are not picky about what they eat, and indeed, will consume with relish most anything you offer them. Do not be afraid to offer your Brethren exotic or strange foods. They have a highly devolved sense of adventure and will likely at least try whatever it is. Keep in mind, that through some strange quirk, your Brethren will enjoy almost any food more if it is presented on a stick. Your Brethren requires large quantities of grog. Your Brethren will want large quantities of beer. There is a very fine balance between the two that you must find to keep your Brethren (and in cases of more belligerent Brethrens, yourself) happy and healthy. Brethrens are very affectionate creatures, and will often pillage and plunder for treats. Favorite treats tend towards beer or nice liquor, though your Brethren may have different favorites. Recently, several varieties of Brethren have developed a taste for wine, so you may wish to try that as well. SLEEP While your Brethren may seem to have inexhaustible supplies of energy, they need a good night's sleep like any other creature. When they are having fun, but are exhausted, usually at the end of a pillaging party, they may behave much like a 4-year-old, insisting on staying up and pluner, "just a few more minutes." It is advised that you be firm with your Brethren and insist that they clime back in their hammock or rack, It is also advised that this will almost never work, and when it does, Brethren goodbyes have been know to take upwards to two hours at a large gathering. Sit down near the dock and have another drink. Adornment Brethrens take great joy in adorning both themselves and others and can take hours to prepare in the morning. Brethren females, in particular will often need the help of others in preparing for the day. While they may seem inconsequential or frivolous to you, each pin, knot, and accessory is very important to your Brethren. When your Brethren is being slow in the morning, exhortations of "Hurry up!" will not speed matters along. "What can is the tide is going out much more efficiently. That being said, by the end of that self-same day, your Brethren may be unrecognizably dirty, disheveled and grungy, though likely quite happy. While Brethrens appreciate good fragrances, like sleep, this is not always something they feel is required. If your Brethren shows no inclination to bathe after a long day, helping them undress and drawing a bath or starting the shower for them may encourage them to get clean. Please note that your Brethren will take great joy in all their clothing and accessories, and will constantly want to be adding to the horde. Every once in a while, please go through all your Brethrens "garb" with them and help them to let go of pieces they no longer wear. Promising to donate the pieces to another Brethren will help ease the pain of separation, as will offering to replace it with something the Brethren likes better. New garb can work as a treat even better than beer or rum. Under no circumstances get rid of anything from a Brethrens garb without their knowledge and permission unless you want your sweet happy Brethren to instantly transform into Furious Rabid Fighter Brethren and attempt to take off your head. COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR BRETHREN Brethrens are extremely intelligent, and will likely understand everything you say, possibly in several languages. It is far more likely that you will not understand your Brethren when they are speaking in seafarer, Gaelic, Romany or some other obscure or not so obscure language. Also, they can get quite animated when speaking about their favorite raid or conquest. The correct response to almost anything from, " Aye or a loud exclamation of "HUZZAH!" This is a Brethren sound of joy and excitement, something you wish to hear often. The second is "Head." Your Brethren is asking where the bathroom is, and you'd best show them quickly unless you want to be cleaning up Brethren messes. Eliminating in garb can be a difficult and time consuming process. All other terms can usually be picked up with familiarity. YOUR BRETHREN AND PLAY Brethrens have a highly developed sense of play and will often play any opportunity they get. The idea of what is play varies greatly from one Brethren to the next, though they will almost always be happier to play in groups. Some may enjoy contact , some fencing, some equestrian pursuits, and some sailing. However nearly all Brethrens, whether or not they are skilled, thoroughly enjoy the arts of Music and Flirting. Given a good tune and the opportunity to sing, stomp or clap along, most Brethrens will be quite happy. Likewise, what may seem to the untrained observer as heavy duty sexual harassment is usually two Brethrens who have missed each other's company greeting one another. Unless your Brethren looks truly upset, it is better to leave him or her alone in these situations. See more under the Breeding section. Your Brethren also loves toys. Amongst Brethrens, favored toys may be sharp, shiny, pointy, sparkly, made of wood, leather, metal, pottery or fur. Get to know your Brethren to discover his or her particular preferences. ILLNESS, INJURY, AND KEEPING YOUR BRETHREN HEALTHY For some reason not yet determined by modern science, Brethrens seem to have a slightly greater concentration of diseases, which range from irritating to debilitating, than those not of the breed. Common ailments can include hypoglycemia,scurvy, fibromyalgia, MS, diabetes, osteoporosis and a range of bum knees, trick elbows and the like. These will likely only slow your Brethren down, not stop them completely. Your Brethren and others around him or her are usually well advised on the maladies in the group and will band together to take care of one of their number that is ill or injured, so that they can all return to the fun as soon as possible. An injured Brethren is for some reason fairly happy. They do like to show off gruesome scars and talk about their gory wounds. Should your Brethren become injured, your best course of action is to simply dress the wound, give them a drink of water and then your Brethren will go back to whatever it was doing. Except in the cases of extreme injury, they tend to be a hardy breed. To keep your Brethren as healthy as possible, make sure that he or she drinks plenty of water, gets lots of rest and exercise and limit their consumption of fried food and alcoholic drink. Keep the supplies for dealing with heat stroke, sunburn, dehydration and hypothermia on hand, as these are the most frequent complaints. Make your Brethren wear sunscreen. He or she will protest this. Make them do it anyway. Make them reapply frequently and when they get burned anyway, make them put on Aloe gel. They will protest this as well. Insist. While Brethrens are extremely intelligent, sometimes they're not very smart. BREEDING YOUR BRETHREN Nearly all Brethrens love children, whether or not they have one of their own. They like to play with children, talk to children and show children things that interest them as Brethren. The adult Brethrens overdeveloped sense of play makes them perfect companions for children, barring a tendency amongst the entire breed to curse. A Brethren child very nearly is raised by a village and may have dozens of Aunties and Uncles not related to them by blood scattered all over the the seven seas. Despite decades of observation by many interested parties, no one has yet determined a successful program for breeding Brethrens. Their sense of high drama, passionate natures, and overly affectionate friendships have clouded the issue so deeply that it is still a mystery how they manage to breed at all. So, should you wish to breed your Brethren, it is suggested that you adopt an already mated pair. Even that is no guarantee of success. You Brethren may have its own ideas about breeding. The best course of action to take should this happen is to stand back and observe your Brethren closely. In the event of a heartbreak step in and feed your Brethren his or her favorite treats. While this will probably not heal your Brethren, it will make them more pleasant to be around until they find another potential mate. CONCLUSION While the above may make adopting a Brethren seem daunting, it is an enterprise with great rewards. They are attractive, affectionate creatures, who will brighten your life for many years to come. Thank you for your interest.
  17. The colors of the Charles Towne Few.
  18. Defintion of Trust: Two cannibals having oral sex
  19. Mat the Knife Bright did you get your name from the colors that you wear? Or are you just that smart? :) There was a young lady named Bright Whose speed was much faster than light; She set out one day, In a relative way And returned on the previous night.
  20. Me colors don't run ;-}
  21. The Knights of Columbus was founded in the United States in 1882 by Father Michael J. McGivney. The society was named in honor of Christopher Columbus and is based on the principles of Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism.
  22. Aye the Crew of The Charles Towne Few meets at the Buccaneer on Faber St. on many an occasion. Had we know yea were visiting we could have gotten yea a bottle of Pusser's mate.
  23. Like this one better mates ;-} http://midsouthbuccaneers.ning.com/video/a-pirates-life
  24. Yea can finds me on mypace. http://www.myspace.com/oldseadog and now facebook http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001173556818
  25. Here bees another ;-} http://www.artifacts.org/
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