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Everything posted by Bright

  1. Nay it bees a Museum of Natural History in Gastona NC. www.schielemusum.org Exhibit and events http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPKDfMbYQ4c&feature=related Last Days of Blackbeard Thursday, June 3, 7 PM Pirates ....The Game Show June 12 -August 22 , Monday -Friday, 10 AM Pirate Movie Mondays June 12 - August 22 , Mondays 2 PM The Sailing Master of The Black Rose speaks of the Mysteries of his Trade Thursday, June 24, 7 PM Knot a Thing ...Knot Tying for Pirates Sunday ,July 4 1-3:30 PM Pirate Invasion Saturday July 17, 9 Am to 5 PM Sunday July 18, 1-5 PM Buccaneer Ball Saturday, July 17, 7 PM The pirates have taken over and ready to party ! Enjoy an evining of food, music and merriment with the invading horde. Costumes optional fun guaranteed. $30 person/ $50 per couple / Members $35 person / $60 per couple / Non-Members Call 704-836-0020 for advance tickets.
  2. A general history of the pyrates Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731 http://digital.lib.ecu.edu/historyfiction/fullview.aspx?id=joh
  3. A right twisted wench from Caprees-ed Orgasmed each time that she sneez-ed To the druggist she went And laid down her last cent Said, "A barrel of snuff, if you pleas-ed."
  4. The pirate had captured a wench, quite youthful and pretty, and French, he showed her his bed, she shook her sweet head, so he polished her off on the bench!
  5. The Crew of the Charles Towne Few have been working toward that end for four years now ;-} http://www.myspace.com/the-charles-towne-few Contact Captain Red Richard via emai Fiskerj@aol.com and have had been active durring the tall ships http://www.charlestonharborfest.org/archived_news.html#swarm
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8as6VYNZEZY&feature=player_embedded Opening day at the new exibit
  7. Fill hollows with lead ;-}
  8. http://muzzleloaderbuilderssupply.com/cgi-bin/mbscart/agora.cgi?cart_id=2594799.13765*lV5L_1&product=Pistols
  9. Two schools of thought one piece to look like a lot of stuff and of course the sneeze garde clear cover over the many replica coinage ;-}
  10. Now add some black and brown to finish the look ;-} http://www.cinemasecrets.com/extensions?page=shop.browse&category_id=53&TreeId=57&vmcchk=1
  11. 'Pirates' No Longer of the Caribbean by Mike Ryan Remember "Smokey and the Bandit"? Not to say the first two films of that series were examples of cinematic glory, but the dismal "Smokey and the Bandit 3" -- which had to cut its two leads as well as the director because of insufficient funding -- made it quite obvious what cuts in the budget can do to a film franchise. Whether or not you recall the lesson imparted by this early '80s Burt Reynolds movie sequel, the news that "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides," had its budget cut by more than a third doesn't exactly bode well for what we're going to see next. The good news: Captain Jack Sparrow, the breakout star of the film franchise played by Johnny Depp, is back. Also, Penelope Cruz has signed on to play a love interest for Sparrow. The not-so-good news: director Gore Verbinski and the overwhelming majority of the big-name cast is not returning -- including Orlando Bloom and Keira Knightley. Perhaps most devastating (at least from the perspective of a "Pirates" purist), is the news that the fourth installment of the franchise will not be shooting in the Caribbean (you know, like the title says) or Los Angeles. Those locations have been scrapped for the less expensive Hawaii and London. Perhaps the film should be renamed, "Pirates of the Thames: Maybe We Can Also Use the 'Lost' Set." And for the crew hoping to get a tropical suntan -- or perhaps acquire a Madonna-like accent -- they're out of luck: shooting has been cut down from 145 to a lean 90 days. Like the "Pirate" predecessors, the fourth installment is being produced by Jerry Bruckheimer -- producer of films such as "Armageddon" and "Top Gun" -- someone who isn't necessarily used to budget cuts. The cuts stem from the new studio Chairman Rich Ross who has tightened the budgets considerably since taking over for former Chairman Dick Cook, who was fired from Disney in September of 2009. "Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides" will be directed by Rob Marshall. Though Marshall won an Academy Award for "Chicago," he's not exactly known for being a director of action films. Other films to his credit include "Memoirs of a Geisha" and "Nine."
  12. The Jolly Rover 2007 Siege on Georgtown SC http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=18051807
  13. Song The Royal Oak http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=105402321
  14. Boats name not a ship [sea Duced] http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=686786
  15. Study http://www.cindyvallar.com/americas.html then goes for your degree ;-} http://josephlosteen.com/pirate_university/degrees.html
  16. Bright

    SCSM 005.jpg

    From the album: Brethern Activity

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  17. Bright

    on display

    From the album: Brethern Activity

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  18. Bright


    From the album: Brethern Activity

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  19. Bright

    SCSM opening

    From the album: Brethern Activity

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  20. Bright


    From the album: Brethern Activity

    © © Pyracy.com 2002 - 2010

  21. After much research looks like me bead was actual made in the 1820 not the 1700 as told by the sales person at the antique mall. Part of this conclusion was derived by the wood being poplar and the way it's treaded together and the its head and side rails are rounded not squared as told to me by a more reputable and knowledgeable future collector and dealer, he also stated that rope beds are unlike other future as their are well know stiles and can be easily dated and traced to know cabinet makers were beds could be simply made by almost anyone. One draw back on any type of rope bed is it must be tightened periodically, this is were the term sleep tight originated as the ropes need tightening and the bugs in the tick mattress did bite. So that said I use 100 feet of 3/8 sisal as it is easily found at most hardware stores. Now I do string it good a tight maybe too much so as I have popped a peg or two or three however other that popping pegs I have not had to re-rope or tighten our bed once stung over a weeks encampment. That’s with all those lubbers a looky-loos and kids that wish to try it out when visiting our tent . Here bees a link to help others with questions and holes spacing weaving etc… http://www.crookedtreefarm.com/history/furniture/ropebed.pdf Hope this anwers most of the questions ;-}
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