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Everything posted by Bright

  1. Do yea have a Tracktor Supply near bys http://www.tractorsupply.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CatalogSearchResultView?storeId=10551&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&pageSize=20&beginIndex=0&sType=SimpleSearch&resultCatEntryType=2&error1=&ip_text=rivits&ip_textHH=rivits&ip_requestUri=ProductDisplay&ip_categoryId=&ip_mode=&ip_perPage=20
  2. Do yea have a Tracktor Supply near bys http://www.tractorsupply.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CatalogSearchResultView?storeId=10551&catalogId=10001&langId=-1&pageSize=20&beginIndex=0&sType=SimpleSearch&resultCatEntryType=2&error1=&ip_text=rivits&ip_textHH=rivits&ip_requestUri=ProductDisplay&ip_categoryId=&ip_mode=&ip_perPage=20
  3. To whom it may concern: Afer an appropriate period of deliberation, I have come to the decision to tender my resignation from (Insert Company Name Here), effective two weeks from the date you receive this letter. Please know that I still maintain a high level of respect for you as a manager and colleague, and I thank you sincerely for the support and assistance you have offered me in each of these roles. I have been proud to work for (Insert Company Name Here) over the past (Insert Years At Company Here); it has been a journey that has provided me an unparalleled foundation to move forward to new and exciting opportunities. As such, I have decided to become a professional pirate. It has always been a dream of mine to live the life of a swashbuckling corsair, beholden to none and master of all I survey. once my crew of unabashed rogues is assembled, we shall take to the capacious expanse of the high seas to pursue fortune, fame, and hair-raising or loosing adventure. Our path may not be filled with the porcine comforts or technological marvels that (Insert Company Name Here) provides, but we shall nonetheless move forward to carve a name for ourselves in the annals of bold insurgency and death-defying daring-do. Once I have a keen blade at my hip and the Jolly Roger is flapping high above me, I believe I will find my true calling. After all, when you are a professional pirate, you don't have to wear a suit. Please note that I am currently accepting applications for First-Officer, if you are at all interested in applying. I will provide a full medical and dental plan, along with a full disability policy, which will offer immediate coverage of all maladies other then scurvy and the occasional bout of rickets. Sincerely, X
  4. Here we go again ;-}
  5. I would say that depends on weather or not you plan to use your blade in battle or not? If you are going to do stage work with either on you’re going to need to dull them deliberately due too both making blades for use. Paul Chen/Hanwei mass production they have know issues for a few bad blades to slip on to the market that have broken into, but considering the number they produced its very low and the dealer who sold it would be able to replace it depending on if the dealer offers any warranty in the first year were cold steel only give you and 30 day return policy. IMO I like cold steel but all in all it depends on what you plans for the blade bees. I love Lynn Thompson proof videos were he abuses and demo the strength of all his products. If you need a real blade for real life survival many professionals trust cold steel .I don’t have any of his swords except for the training swords and they don’t currently have a training cutlass so I made my own from his bokkens. But in farness I have owned a number of his knives that never failed me when I need them in the most adverse conditions. The only problem I have ever had with cold Steel in keeping them as I had a number stolen and lost a few over the years and have not owned our used Hanwei products that I am aware of but do know about a half dozen guys that use his blade s in renfairs demos and are very satisfied as well but I don’t participate in tournaments currently so don’t have personnel experience with ethers swords on the field as it were.
  6. Charleston History Enthusiasts! Please join us for lunch at The Powder Magazine (79 Cumberland Street) during our fall Lunch & Lecture Series. Guests will enjoy seven different lunches provided by local restaurants with seven lectures presented by local historians. For more details, click here to view the official flyer: http://www.powdermag.org/lecture.html Lunch & Lecture line up: Lecture #1 When: October 7, 2009 Lecture: Michael Coker, Charleston Curiosities Lunch: B.L.T., Chocolate Chunk Cookie, & water/sweet tea (Dixie Supply & Bakery) Time: 12pm - 1pm Lecture #2 When: October 14, 2009 Lecture: Mike Brown, Pirates of the Carolinas Lunch: Greek Wrap, Sweet Potato Chips, Brownie, & water/sweet tea (The Buccaneer) Time: 12pm - 1pm Lecture #3 When: October 21, 2009 Lecture: Dr. Nicholas Butler, Musical Life in Colonial Charleston Lunch: Pulled-pork Panini, chips, & water/sweet tea (The Blind Tiger) Time: 12pm - 1pm Lecture #4 When: October 28, 2009 Lecture: Mark Jones, Wicked Charleston Lunch: Corned-beef & Swiss on Rye, chips, pick spear, & water/sweet tea (Tommy Condon's) Time: 12pm - 1pm Lecture #5 When: November 4, 2009 Lecture: Carl Borick, Charleston and the American Revolution Lunch: Barbecue sandwich, a side, & water/sweet tea (Sticky Fingers) Time: 12pm - 1pm Lecture #6 When: November 11, 2009 Lecture: John Young, The Monuments of Charleston Lunch: Angus beef Panini, chips, & water/sweet tea (The Blind Tiger) Time: 12pm - 1pm Lecture #7 When: November 18, 2009 Lecture: Sue Bennett, The Charleston Renaissance Lunch: Cranberry Bog wrap, side, & water/sweet tea (Joseph's) Time: 12pm - 1pm All lectures will be presented at The Powder Magazine Museum (79 Cumberland Street). Reservations are required - please call (843) 722-9350. Tickets are $15 for one lunch/lecture or $90 for the series.
  7. im very interested in a tutorial please as well ;-}
  8. To all me lads & lasses, We has made a fine suggestion, to write down the incidences and particulars of the storm we went through during Harbor Fest. I think this a grand idea and rather than just have my thoughts the whole crew should pitch in their perspective as well. To get us started there's an incident after we first got kicked on our arses, I was standing outside with 3 or 4 mates and one (probably one not from Charleston), said he was glad it was over. I told him not to relax because the storm was likely to circle around and hit us again. Which (of course) it did. I'm sure such a display of seamanship made an impression on him and he told the story all the way back to Maryland. The storm is the kind of thing we should have in our log. All of ye that were in camp email me so I can add your names to the log only mates that were encamped in the village need to respond. If ye sought shelter in car or building or your lover's place or boarding house need not respond. Don't worry, I ll make sure you are involved in the next natural disaster. The legend and lore of the Charles Towne Few will make a great addition to the stories of the English Main. In Spirit & Health, Capt. Red Richard Ayes returned to camp to find Jake a crew member of the Bermuda visiting with Edward Lowe. Edward Lowe introduced us to our visitor to camp and he came over to my dinning fly to visit with me and make inquires of our encampment as the Crew of the Vigilant head out to dine in town and asked that ayes keep watch on their area of camp as they were all heading into town. The sky's darkened and the rains came in as ayes entertained or guest under me dinning fly till the winds began to blows the rains vertically under the fly. We retired to inside our tent as the winds howled and the thunder claps came closer and more frequent as the rains came down in 85 gallon drums. We would step out to the fly from time to time to to check on the pools forming in the fly and the surrounding tents to see how's they were fairing the weather. Our guest inquired as whether we were concerned with the rains but ayes told him its wasn't the rain but the winds as we be in one of the larger tents in camp a and all that canvas acted muck like a large sail. As he was on Bermuda he understood the power of the heavy winds on a large canvas. As we pushed a large pool that was forming from our fly the wind lifted the corner of Vigilante's large fly behind our tent pulling their iron stakes from the ground and whipping them about on the end of the lines lifting three of the support poles in the air and slamming them back to the ground with such force that two of poles snapped right into. Jake came to assist me as ayes went to aid the failing fly. Aye grabbed the corner line as it sailed past me face and had Jake passed me one of the poles that had not broken in two and we rescued the comer pole and drove the stakes back into the ground holding that corner backing in its place with out that pole and lines in place the the large ridge pole would have certainly toppled over with the next gust crushing whatever lye in its path. The spinning ladies cover gave in at that point but as their was nothing under it and the lasses were not in camp this was not an emendate concern till the commercial steel poled cover that the town had put up at the Conner of the camp as shade for those awating the shuttles, was picked up in air and came back down on its top. We were concerned that it would continue on a rolling path of destruction taking out all other period camp tents in its path but once it was upside down the rain filled it quickly holding it in its place upside down a sort distance from its original space. The Georgetown mates were running to those sties that had no one in camp and trying to keep the pools from filling in fly's so the weight of the water would not tear them into. There was a lull in the Storm and the winds died down for a bit. Our guest Jake took this opportunity to return to the Bermuda as he could see that it was circling back for a second go round. The Crew of the Vigilant returned they were surprised to find that they had suffered some as they said they were rigged for heavy weather. Edward Lowe had another camp set up some distance away from our period encampment and asked that ayes keep watch as he need to check on things there. The mates from Georgetown took to the Pride as they had alls had been soaked to their core draining dinning fly's around the camp. The wind returned again accompanied by the 85 gallon a minute torrent of rains. The winds lifted Edward Lowes fly and drove it back in the ground snapping one of his poles as well blowing his fly up against his tent like a second door covering the entrance to his tent. The snap must have been louder or different enough from the thunder claps as it awoke Chissy from her slumber as she had sleep through the first torrent or perhaps the change of the winds direction as it cased our fly to make loud pops as the wind would blows it upward toward the sky the back toward the ground violently we thought for sure that it would not survive the second torrent of winds and rains as one of the lines gave way but it seem to ease the strain of the wind from that point and all we suffered was a tear in one of the corners of the fly. But we had our eyes to the sky as we had been advise of tornados seen nears bys. By me hand Edward Bright
  9. Well I haven't done one for beer yet but I could not afford the railroad cask for me water so I hide me a five gallon cooler in a dry goods barrel I got for $15.00 and I couln't find the all brass taps so I had to use one that was chrome plated but I have seen them on rum cask ;-}
  10. 'cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war'
  11. That plak will carry yea quick to heven when taking to much rum over is bow
  12. That plak will carry yea quick to heven when taking to much rum over is bow
  13. Two tents and fly from painters drop clothes from lowes ;-} contact Kopcho@Hotmail.com for info on their construction
  14. Greetings shipmates all! 'Twas a bonny day ta' talk like a Pyrate. Those of you what couldn't make an appearance were sorely missed. The Powder Magazine is a great venue for piratical endeavors. One of the oldest (if not the oldest) building in Charleston.http://www.powdermag.org/ We had a nice area to set up in and the wrought iron bars made several of our crew mates feel right at home. The staff were very welcoming and hospitable. They mentioned that they would love to have us back. Mr Beck and the mysterious pyrate Fernando gave us a masterful demonstration of sword play. Fast and hard and exciting (or would have been exciting, but as Captain I was very concerned that we would be wondering how to get rid of the body). You missed a treat those of you who were unable come to town. A lot more of the public knew about TLAPD than I expected, that added to the fun. We had some very happy children that got some of our swag. We were graced with the pleasure of two members of the Ladies Auxiliary, Mistress Jean and Mistress Carol. You remember them from Harborfest. They were doing the spinning and weaving and other critical activities from our period in history. If you thought they were fun at Harborfest you need to see them at the Buccaneer. Captain Richard of the "Pride" joined us along with his crew mate Kevin, They camped with us at Harborfest and are always ready for a good time. It went off very well, I'm thinking that next year we'll try something larger. So, that's me note for today. In Spirit & Blood, Capt. Red Richard PS. Ask me what Richard Thomas looked like falling off a cannon. That's one that's not ever going to get old.
  15. Twevle episodes on hulu each abut 43 minuets in lenth and some behind the seance too http://www.hulu.com/search?query=Crusoe
  16. June 2nd, 1691 – North/Northwest of Great Abaco Island – Dawn After eight days, we catch sight of the Pirata. We lost eleven good men to her Captain Ratchett when we last met; we may finally chance to settle the score. Today there will be no surprise; they see us and know we will catch her before night falls. June 2nd, 1691 – Midnight The battle is fully three hours over. The men continue repairs. While victorious, not a man celebrates. We were surprised once again. The men responded in battle as expected – fearlessly. But they must wonder about a Captain that falls prey to a trap twice in a fortnight. No matter – fortune’s smile finds us still the hunter. We closed on the Pirata at dusk, cutting her off as we ran along a series of small cays. I called to hold water, when from behind us, around the east end of a cay, came two pirate brigantines. The nearest, the Revenger. The second ship, its standard a skull with black hair against a scarlet field, was unfamiliar. Ratchet led us to this place! Inside two minutes we would be fighting all three rogues. The Pirata’s first shots found their mark, taking sixteen foot of starboard rail and dislodging two of our 12 pounders. The second tore straight through the foremast. As we closed on her, I ordered men into the yards with flint muskets. Along with all my starboard cannon, the men in the yards opened fire. We wounded her, though once again, not mortally. As the Revenger and the other bore near, luck finally found us: without reason, just as the Revenger and the mystery brigantine achieved their steerageway, the mystery ship fired but a single cannon shot. It hit directly the Revenger just below water, and must have struck her powder, for she unleashed a terrible, wonderful explosion. Perhaps it was the act of a frightened seaman setting a fuse without order. Perhaps it was an act of betrayal or madness. No matter – the Revenger immediately began to list and turn into the mystery brigantine, causing great calamity on both.The Pirata, now heavily damaged, fled along with the mystery ship. Our foremast rigging down, we could not chase. June 3rd, 1691 – 70 miles Northwest of Great Abaco Island The Pirata ran North by Northeast. I intend to follow. I know that this course, and course of action, does nothing to put my men at ease. It is not the pursuit of the Pirata – in this the men join with a thirst for vengeance. Rather, it is the destination – the Sea of Mists – that puts them ill at ease. I believe that there is nothing to this devil’s triangle other than rumor and legend. But it is rumor and legend that now grips the ship, with talk of whirlpools and freak squalls, strange beasts the size of clipper ships, compasses that do not work, and at its very heart – a chain of islands perpetuall shrouded in mists and fog. I’ve met no man of honor that has sailed this sea and given account of it. My own beliefs do not shape those of the men, nor raise their confidence; especially when I’ve so recently led them to trouble I should have avoided. It does not help that we pulled from the water eight seamen from the Revenger, who have since talked of nothing but the dangers ahead. Two of them have asked us to abandon them upon any island we pass, choosing a lifetime of loneliness over passage into the Mists. Our course is set. June 7th, 1691 – The Sea of Mists – Noon Already we have seen many strange things in the Mists. I describe these events without exaggeration; I make no suggestion that they be believed by anyone else who reads here – I assure only that these are the events I did see and hear myself. We have been without a working compass now for two days. As such I cannot be certain of our position. Twice now we have spotted the Pirata – but both were near dusk, and we lost her at nightfall. At daybreak, we sailed through a school of fish that leapt through the air as they swam. They were about three hands long, with sharp, pointed teeth and evil eyes. When they leapt from the water they spread their fins and flew like birds, covering great distances. One landed in the ship – a mate tried to examine the “flying devil” and lost a finger for his curiosity. June 8th, 1691 – The Sea of Mists No Pirata; but we are still accompanied by the devil’s mischief. We sailed this morn among a chain of small islands. Passing one of the larger islands, we slipped into a deep fog, and soon thereafter, we heard beating drums, a savage, primitive sound that greatly unnerved the crew. After a long time, the drumming stopped – and then we heard the cry, a terrible, horrible sound – a wail that lasted for nearly a dozen heartbeats. My men stood about petrified, for we had not an inkling where it came from, or even what it was. It did not come from the throat of any man – that is certain. Though we were in need of water, and briefly saw land through breaks in the fog, I did not stop. We headed out for open water. I spoke to the men to rally their courage. I am not sure I have succeeded. I feel their fear, I see it in their eyes, and in my heart I know they share my worry – that our journey into these Mists was my third mistake in a very short time. Captain Arthur Howell
  17. Cheers
  18. I was referring to the weather mate. But me Lass would agree with thee as to me being hot as well. Alas I was caught unawares that the Utah crews were in to buggery. However that discussion is probably better served in academic form with Capt Twill on Sodomy & the Pirate Tradition English Sea Rover of the seventeenth Century. Here bees me in me wool frock to hot for South Carolina or Caribbean waters.
  19. Here be a free one but I don't belive it has what yea need mate ;-} http://www.gutenberg.org/files/20483/20483-h/20483-h.htm#page046
  20. Aye a strip of leather on the bottom and yea will have Olympic running sandals ;-} For real tar go here http://www.tarsmell.com/products.html for projects were I don't use real tar I use plistic/dip aka tool dip for buckets and hats black of course to give to look of tar I get mine from Habor Fright & Tools.
  21. Look here great book ;-} http://www.gggodwin.com/CartGenie/prod-777.htm
  22. Bright

    Best rum ever?

    Tradition I bees Partial to Pusser's http://vids.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=vids.individual&videoid=26428744
  23. To bloody hot for me coat ;-}
  24. Here bees a link to the Lost Cocoanut http://www.riverpointegolfcourse.com/html/summer-camp.html
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