Nelly Greene
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Everything posted by Nelly Greene
“Threat from Pinon? Good Heavens no!,” Nelly Greene said then giggled at the thought. She leaned forward, hazel eyes sparkling in the candle light and looked deeply into Andre’s eyes. “Or were you really referring to yourself and your happy little band?” she asked, her tone teasing and all the more alluring. She straightened, then eased herself from her chair to stand regally before the long table and the two men that opposed her upon its far side. “I know you would not be interested in my favours, Monsieur Devareaux, I am an anathema to you and your kind. It would be my hard earned coin that you would ask… no… demand, from me in time. I am, Monsieur, a relatively small business that need not have part in your affairs, nor you in mine and I would like to keep it that way. If, in the future, I can assist you further in keeping the riff raff from our doors, then I shall be happy to give you what little information I can obtain in order to help us both. Now,” she said gathering up her belongings. “I have done what I can where Nimrod Pinon is concerned, tis your turn to play what ever hand it is you hold regarding him before the gentleman I fear for can no longer be helped.”
"It concerns me Monsieur Devareaux, because this man is kind ... and troubled. New gentlemen such as he, come until problems with other relationships, such as wives or sweethearts are resolved or completely dissolved. Last time I saw him that was not the case. The fact that the woman who threatened me had information about him for Monsieur Pinon, greatly troubles me, especially now that he has not kept his word in visiting me and he always has before." Nelly's gaze drifted to another place, no longer was it focused on the man before her. "I do not charge this man for his time with me, I have taken him as a lover because he...he is different from the others. Again, from what little I do know of him, I believe he may have come to some sort of harm and that he has not neglected me of his own free will."
Nelly laughed. "Feign ignorance Monsieur? La, there is no need for that, for Nimrod Pinon, in spite of his intriguing looks is the very devil himself. I am not afraid to say he lasted but one night in my bed before I dismissed him. So what little I do know I am willing to tell you if it may lead to his quick departure from this island. He had arrived in Port Royal nearly two months ago I should think and he has been here on business ever since." She leaned forward, long, slender fingers embracing goblet stem. Voice lowered to enticing whisper. "But I must be honest with you and admit that I do not know of what kind this business may be. I can tell you that he is employed by another. From letters I have seen it is someone of great power and influence but alas, I do not know exactly who." For a moment, she actually paled. "I do not like the man. I believe he is capable of anything most wicked." She raised the glass to her lips momentarily. "And there is another. A woman came to speak with me the other day, at gun point. She, too, inquired after him making it sound as if he was looking for her as well as another." Once again she paled. Cradling her hands in her lap beneath the long table, she faltered briefly before she recovered herself. "She said she had news to give Pinon regarding a sea captain with whom I am ... acquainted. I have only seen this captain once since then and I am afraid for him."
"Well then, since my wares are not for sampling but to pleasure those of my choosing, I must say that I hope, in fact, that I do have what you desire," Nelly replied. Hazel eyes softened then, as smile played along soft lips. "And how may I be of service... regarding said information?"
"Maîtresse s'il vous plaît, Monsieur Devareaux," Nelly corrected him as she entered. She moved elegantly to a halt before summoner and black velvet mask was lowered. "Je n'ai aucun désir d'être à la tête de mon propre ferme. Je suis la vie tout à fait contente comme je suis. On n'a pas besoin de beaucoup d'amants, juste les justes." Hazel eyes boldly held elder's gaze as she waited for a chair.
Nelly stood a moment longer studying the man below. Perhaps he jumped when his master snapped his fingers but she was not so sure she wished to. And yet, she was curious to know why she had been sought out. "A moment," she said and turned back to her chambers. Fine paper was withdrawn from warm mahogany desk draw and settled upon surface. Quill was brought to bare and message of regret for not being at home but with promise of quick return was hastily written. Blotting sand was delicately blown away with soft whisper of breath, then letter was folded, sealed and tied with silk cord. Nelly fetched a dark lace hood, a black vizard, and a lightweight cloak before she made her way gracefully to Burke's side. Letter was passed to Sally with strict instructions that if a certain captain was to show, in her absence, the young girl was to see that he was given the letter and that she was to impress upon him how sorely he had been missed and that her mistress begged for him to await her return. "I will not be long Sally," Nelly said finishing and waited until Burke held the door open for her.
Nelly Greene appeared upon the staircase as Sally returned open letter to Irish man below. She looked down at the harbinger and queried him. "I have no dealings with the Devareaux clan. What makes your master think I would be open to such now?"
Nelly told Sterling the information he wanted to hear. But, she did not leave it at that. She quickly countered with questions of her own. What sort of wife would leave one place for another and not leave word for her husband as to the reasons of the change? Why would she not leave word as to where she could be found? Sterling had stood quietly, allowing Nelly to speak. She could tell that he was actually listening as well, as his expression began to cloud over as he thought about the suggestions that were mixed in with her questions. Finally he shook his head. "She was not well, tis all," Sterling insisted. "Are you trying to convince me or yourself?" Nelly asked. "If she was truly not well, why was she moved at all? Tis a danger to herself and to your child, especially to a place where Devareaux is known to meet with his lovers. Perhaps it is she who is meeting with someone she wishes you not to know about? Surely you know how it is with the likes of her and her people? Gypsies after all. Perhaps the child is not even your own." Sterling glared at her, a storm now brewing where the cloud once hung. "I do not believe you!" he protested. Nelly shrugged her shoulders. "I have lived in these parts far longer than you. You know I am only trying to help. Was it not I who waited for you just as I said would? Was I not exactly where I told you I would be?" "Do not compare yerself to my wife," Sterling growled. "Perhaps you should then," Nelly continued. She made her way to the door and opened it. "After all I had no need to put a gun to your head the other night. Nor earlier when you found yourself on my doorstep." Hazel eyes fixed on his, fine chin lifted defiantly, but tone still calm. "Go. Find your wife. Ask her why she has done what she has done. And when you do not like the answers she gives you, if she even bothers to acknowlege you and extend to you the consideration to answer, then you can return and apologize. Once more I shall be waiting for you."
Nelly curbed her temper, keeping her tone aloof and unshaken. If the woman shot her, there would be no answers forthcoming. If she so much as threatened Sally, again no answers would Nelly give. “You barge into my home and threaten me? I have many powerful friends and if they were to find me harmed or, worse, dead, you would not be able to get off this island before they caught you. Already soldiers have been swarming the streets looking for a murderer. For your own foolish sake, I would suggest you put that pistol away. As to rumors of Nimrod Pinon. They are just that. I know of him. He tried to win my favor but I … disliked him from the start. I have not see nor heard from him in over a month.”
Nelly made her way part way down the stairs. She watched as some strange woman pushed her way past the maid and entered without an invitation. "And how may I help you?" Nelly asked straightening upon the steps. "I am not in the business of entertaining other women. If you are looking for a Mare, you have come to the wrong house."
"What would you like then Captain Sterling?" Nelly asked as she watched him consume his first glass of port. Glass paused at lips, then lowered. "How do ye know my name?" he asked, taken aback. "Sally told me. She is a very knowlegeable young lady and well worth her cost for me to keep her. Don't you agree?" Nelly replied. "And though I well know many a person goes about marked, sometimes even from birth, looks such as yours hardly go unnoticed." Sterling drained the glass and held it out to her. "Is that all you care for?" Nelly asked refilling the goblet. "For now," he said. "The bottle and yer daybed will do. All I wish is to lay down my head and not think for a bit." "Of course, how could I ever deny you something so simple," she said taking him by the arm and leading him along. "I take it things did not go well for you this day?"
Nelly moved to the window to watch him until he disappeared, then called upon Sally. The young girl quickly came when beckoned. “You are not pleased Mistress?” the young maid asked as the older woman turned from her watching. “Things are not going as I had hoped,” Nelly answered. “He is a troubled soul.” “Ah your favorite type then. And you shall be his best cure,” Sally said, already stripping dismal sheets from the bed. “He is a handsome one, save for the mark. I have seen him about the port.” Nelly looked up. “You have? Continue.” “Yes Mistress. He is the man who was shot during the thieves funeral.” Her mistress must surely have seen the wounds that were still fresh during her time with the man. “And Mistress, I have also seen him the day of the fire. He was the one married to Le Cour’s grand dame, Aurore Devareaux. He is a sea captain… John Sterling I believe is his name.” “Are you certain he is one and the same?” Nelly asked suddenly brightening. “I believe so, Mistress.” She lowered her voice as if there were others about. “He is also the one they now claim has died.” “Died?” Nelly giggled at the thought of a dead man in her embrace. “He proved very much alive!” Sally laughed as she gathered up the dirty linens. And Nelly quickly laid claim to the trump cards Sally had dealt upon the gaming table. “Aurore Devareaux,” Nelly whispered aloud. Knowing her competition would make further attempts to lift Sterling’s burden all the more easier. “Hurry Sally. See to a bath and a meal. I think a simple dress for tonight. Quickly! Quickly, there is much to do. Cancel my other appointments, tell them… I am unwell and I need the rest of the week for myself,” she added then smiled. “And for Captain Sterling.”
Nelly was surprised at the disappointment she felt. Reaching for silk dressing gown, she climbed from the bed and went to join him. Her hands strayed over waistcoat buttons, checking to see to their proper closure. “I shall wait for you. Come back to me,” she whispered. The look he offered her gave nothing to convince her of his return, so she kissed him. The results of which were more positive. “I will be here,” she added as she broke from him. It was a moment before he nodded, then left the room.
“Going to see her will not help matters,” Nelly said. She watched as weary shoulders dipped further and knew she had chosen her words correctly.
“You are going?” she whispered.
“Tis after nine,” Nelly figured and she settled herself into his keeping and kissed him. Moving onto her back, she pulled him to her and he took what she offered.
Nelly sat still, one hand moved gently, fingers combing through Sterling’s long, blond hair as he slept. She had thought things would have been better. They had continued on through the night. He using her, at first, as nothing more than a tool. But with each act, he had grown more thoughtful of her needs, or at least until his actions betrayed that thoughts of wife had once again invaded their time together. As haunting began, Nelly noticed, he would close his eyes, becoming more selfish as he progressed and as act was finalized, he was once more completely lost to the spell of other woman‘s memory. He would turn from her but would not leave the comfort of her bed or her company. Nelly’s hand moved to caress his cheek and he awoke. There was no smile of greeting and she knew he was not pleased to find her besides him.
“Ah is that it then?” She raised herself upward on toes of her silk slippers and teased his lips with her own. As his hold on her wrist relinquished, hers intensified. “I can make you forget her,” she whispered. “As long as you do not make things difficult. I promise I shall do my utmost to make things,” she paused purposefully, before she concluded with one last word. “Hard.” Then as if to curtsy she dipped and dropped to her knees before him.
“Married are you?” she laughed pleasantly.
Nelly made her way back to him, smoothly, seeming to glide as if on air. Her silk skirts rustled softly, causing him to look up at her again. “Then you must realize I am all too serious,” she said, her tone subdued. “For, truth be told, you do, indeed, intrigue me, sir,” she added, as her hand moved to part the lower portions of his waistcoat and then graced her objective beneath the covering of woollen trouser front. She eyed the simple tensing of his jaw followed by arduous swallow. Skilled fingers quickly unfastened several buttons, then nimbly apprehended motivation for her being.
“Perhaps it is you who mock me?” She replied, and turned back to face him. She smiled as his eyes lowered and he shook his head.
With a subtle shrug of her shoulders, she added, “Is that what you think? It would not be to my advantage to do so, now would it? Besides, since you claim you are not interested, what difference do looks or cost make?” Hazel eyes then glanced back at him. “I would not mock you sir. I find, after our strange meeting, that you interest me, tis all.”
She did not reply immediately, but moved closer and looked up at him, her head tilting coyly to one side. “At this precise moment in time, is that it? Perhaps I do not require as much as you would think,” she began, one finger tracing his jaw line. “And then again, as pretty as you are, perhaps I would be content with just your company.” She turned and walked hastily away, out of reach.
A fine ring greeted hearing as she stepped back waiting for him to sample the first of her wares. Sterling did as he was expected, then lowering glass he watched as she placed hers within easy range but did not drink herself. Instead she moved closer to him and his good eye searched her features, perfectly wrought, candle light the ideal companion to her flawless looks.