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Nelly Greene

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Everything posted by Nelly Greene

  1. Nelly remained a moment longer, hovering betwixt one room and the next as she lingered within the door frame. Pale eyes watched as surgeon took the small bundle Lilly McKinney had to offer, prepared its contents and then administered it as best as one could to so uncooperative a patient. Sterling would sleep now, undisturbed for hours, save for one small seizure that testified to medicine's quality. Nelly would barely close her eyes. She looked at McKinney briefly, concerned about the other woman's nearness to the man she now had her own sights upon. When he recovered, if he did so, Nelly could only wonder who he would turn to. It would be easy to keep him from his wife, for she had not lifted a finger to even inquire after him, let alone seek him out. Even his stooges were more concerned about their mistress's feelings than the man's life. It was only a matter of just a few more of the right moments before Nelly Greene could pluck the captain away from his already troubled marriage. But Lilly McKinney? She would require watching to be certain.
  2. Nelly continued at her task as other's eyelids sank downward further and further until once fully closed they would remain so for some time. Slender wrist touched briefly upon fevered brow as head cloth was removed to the basin for refreshing but treatement was too new to have yet produced results. Lady's eyes strived to fill with tears at the appearance of the one that lay beside her but she blinked them away, not willing to give in. Too much was needed to be done and one did not have the time for such. She continued with her labors as Croaker paced at room's far end, striding back to bedside every now and then to study patient's countenance. "De fracture vill cause de brain to swell dis, along vith de fever vill produce too much pressure. Such can cause de organ to malfunction and dus..." he mumbled under his breath. Nelly listened but did not contribute to the conversation for she could not tell if she were being lectured or if the doctor was going over his thoughts aloud as could be his habit. "Ve must get dis fever to break. He must remain still... already he has done too much. He never should have been moved from de scene of de accident. Tell me vhat exactly happened?"
  3. Sally passed through open portal and said thank you. The word difficult to utter under the circumstances and yet she had managed to do so. She also managed to turn once more and call after the young man. "Perhaps," she said. "But you'll be beggin fer mercy if'n you don't hurry now and see to my mistress's lover!"
  4. Fine nose wrinkled unbecomingly on Conner's handsome face as foul stench scented nostrils. "Ugh... haggis!" the Major muttered. "Move along lads and make haste before you all stink of his remains." But last man was stopped as gloved hand came sharply down upon his shoulder. Conner reached into inward coat pocket and fished out several coins. "Here, give this to the old fellow for the damages you and the others have done. Next house, take care, or it will come out of your own pay!"
  5. "Bloody hell!" Conner muttered as waste deposited over the side of recently vacated building, hit the ground all too close for personal comfort. He glanced up at the irate Scotsman. "Have a care you old fool! The man we are searching for is dangerous! Would you want that we were to leave you to your own care if he were about your abode?" He glared down at the spattered gaiters of one of his men before focus was once more redirected upward. "I'll wager there are only so many chamber pots you can claim for your defense and you have just wasted one on those that are only doing their duty and trying to protect your like!"
  6. Semblance of frown insisted on tugging the corner of Sally's pretty mouth downward, but nod of consent was given any way. "If you wish Mistress," maid said, not able to contain the sigh that escaped with soft breath. Nelly placed comforting hand upon the younger girl's shoulder. "I would not ask you if circumstances were different Sally," Nelly whispered. Again nod of consent was offered. "Yes Mistress I understand. As long as you understand that I did it for your sake." "Yes, I know," Nelly replied, as one hand softly smoothed Sally's cheek. "And I am grateful. And I am even more so for what you are about to do." "Aye Mistress," Sally said and dipped in curtsy. Nelly stepped aside then, making path for servant to tread. She watched as the young girl hurried down the stairs, straighting to her full height, and squaring her shoulders before, deep breath was taken and she exited the house. Robe was pulled snuggly about form to ward of night's chill as well as hide from view anything Sally did not wish to share. The gentleman, reputed gentleman she reminded herself, she found lounging on her mistress's garden wall. No respect for any but themselves, she thought to herself. Another deep breath was taken, struggling to keep her temper and tongue in check. The sooner this was accomplished, the sooner her Mistress's captain could receive the necessary care he needed and then, all the sooner she could see these two off her Mistress's property. Sally came to a halt beside the elder of the two. As he looked upon her, she could not help but side step away from him as the younger leapt down from the wall. "I feel the need to make my apologizes to you for my behavior earlier. I am sorry and I beg your forgiveness," she said, her voice calm and certain, her eyes boldly making contact with Burke's. She curtsied then and turned heading quickly back to the house.
  7. Nelly had already begun to cut his hair, before she replied to Sterling's suggestion. "Shhh, Captain, put your mind at ease and do not fret over another man's wounded pride. I agree, that Sally was only doing what was right in order to protect me. She has always been faithful and forthright with me. I would never force her to do something she would not be comfortable with, thus she has not followed me in my profession, but this time, if this young man can be of service to you, I shall ask her to go and make her apologies. I am of a certainty that she would not wish you to suffer on her account, besides, is it not a woman's lot in this life to lower herself to raise up a man?" "Is that what ye think?" he whispered. She withdrew the shears and looked down at him. "There, you are right. I am as guilty as this Burke, am I not?" "I have brought trouble to yer door... I am..." but he never finished as Nelly Greene leaned over and kissed him gently. "No more discussion. Sally will do what she can to help you, and if the two gentlemen are obliging enough, I shall be equally grateful. I will even send round a letter of gratitude to Monsieur Devareaux for allowing them to come and tend to you. I do have a favor to ask of you though." Sterling looked at her, his expression clearly vexed by the evening's events. "If I am to cut all your hair away. Perhaps you would be so kind as to allow me a lock to keep?"
  8. “Strange man that young fellow,” Nelly said, her gaze following after Burke as he went downstairs. “He would allow a man to die, who has done him no hurt, because Sally does not wish to have him court her and is trying to protect her mistress from men who have come into her house uninvited. Or is it because the Captain was born English?“ She added, looking directly at Seth Childermass . “Tell me, why is it that men constantly hold other men accountable for something they have no control over. I most likely have spent more time with Captain Sterling than that young man has.”
  9. Threat of monetary loss roused doctor from his bed. He stumbled after Nelly as she made her way back to Sterling's chamber. "Who is dat?" Croaker asked, sleep filled head nodding in direction of Childermass. "It does not matter right now. Please see to the captain," Nelly answered, because in all honesty, she truly did not know.
  10. Nelly did not bother to knock before entering either and her flight quickly took her to Croaker’s bedside. Grace and manners had now gone to ground as she seized the doctor’s arm and shook him awake. “Vhat? Vhat? Is dere a fire?” were the first words he mumbled that she could comprehend. “No,” she replied. “Oh then,” and he rolled over on his side away from her, pulling the sheet up over his head. "No! I need you... Captain Sterling needs your attentions. Hurry now please, he will not wake up!" Several more words in Polish stumbled from the gentleman's lips before he glanced back over his shoulder at Nelly. "Of course not. Dis is night. People must sleep at night."
  11. Nelly did not feel the other man’s touch, not at first. Her attention remained solely focused on the man laying next to her. “John…please!” Voice broke as she pleaded and blue eyes, now filled with tears, looked upward as the grip upon her person tightened. She almost seemed surprised to see the stranger in her room and then she shook him off and scrambled from the bed. “Can you help him? Please,” she whispered, drawing her robe close about herself. But she did not wait for his reply, instead she hurried from the room, intent on getting Croaker herself.
  12. “Captain, we have a visitor,” Nelly said, lowering her voice. When Sterling did not respond, fingers tightened about linen shirt and she gently shook his shoulder. Bandaged head lolled to its side to face her but nothing else. Nelly moved to kneel over him and removed the dampened cloth, now warm from fever’s heat. “Captain?” she now whispered as fingers stroked across his brow, then combed gently through blond hair. “John wake up.” Slender fingers pulled back, fingertips lightly coated with blood that trickled from one ear. “John, please wake up.” Gaze remained fixed on battered form next to her but directions were now issued to Childermass. “The doctor is sleeping in the next room over. John! Fetch him! For God‘s sake, do not just stand there like an old fool! Hurry!”
  13. Cool cloth came to lay still upon feverish brow and Sterling looked over at Nelly Greene. "Can you ask the doctor for something?" he whispered. Nelly's expression registered concern. "Said gentleman was here with you no more than forty minutes ago John. Do you not recall?" she asked as she lay the inside of her wrist against his temple. It was several minutes before he answered no, pinched features displaying equal concern. He closed his eyes as Nelly adjusted the bed linens embracing his form. "And what of Mistress McKinney?" he asked. "She has not returned as of yet, but she too, has not been gone long. You need to rest my love and not fret so about these matters. You have my word, Mistress McKinney, Sally and myself will do all in our power to keep you safe and help you in this matter." "Aye, yes of course. Ye should take yerself to bed as well. Ye will do me and the others no good if ye grow weak and weary." "I will lay me down with you," she whispered. "I can tend to you easier and..." she settled carefully next to him. "I have missed you greatly. Just being beside you shall be a comfort to me."
  14. Nelly tenderly placed her hand against the captain's cheek as he stirred. "No John, rest easy," Nelly whispered. She leaned down and placed a soft kiss upon his lips, silencing him. She stood, and grabbed Lilly by the arm and lead her out into the hall. Blue eyes sparked with annoyance as she looked at the actress. "Easy enough then Mistress McKinney, just tell the girl who she needs to fetch. Sally was born and raised in Port Royal, she knows her way about its streets a far sight better than you do! Or would you rather he bleeds to death if you manage to lose yourself? Sally would never betray him, not knowing how I feel about him. Now, Captain Sterling needs something simple to eat. God only knows when he ate last or even what slop he has been served. Surely you can manage that!" she added in a whisper.
  15. Nelly seemed unruffled by Sterling's request, but to think it did not irk her would be to underestimate. She eased herself down upon the daybed next to him. Well versed fingers began gently to coax the stock from around his throat. "She will certainly stay if you wish it so Captain. We would not have it any other way. I shall send Sally for the doctor. Lilly can fetch you some thing to eat," she said, her tone as soft as silk. Delicate hand reached to cradle battered skull and lift it ever so gently as stock was passed from around the captain's throat. Linen was then turned to other task, as Nelly carefully began to wipe the blood from Sterling's face. He shifted and glanced up at the woman beside him. Good eye trying to work, his vision blurring. "Nell?" he whispered. "Yes tis I, my love," she cooed. "Rest easy, some one will be here to tend you in no time."
  16. Nelly’s stern countenance softened as she looked from Lilly to Sterling. Delicate hand reached out to take his and then support was given to help the captain to his feet. She had been correct in her assumptions as Sterling swayed precariously as he settled upon his feet. Nelly swiftly captured him about his waist, Sally coming immediately to her mistress’s assistance and Lilly was awarded with a second harsh glance from the blond woman. “What are you waiting for?” her whisper just as harsh. “Or would you rather see him crumble upon the kitchen floor? I would think seeing him in that damn cell would be enough to convince you otherwise! Pray, do lend us your aid!”
  17. Sally listened as Lilly whispered her instructions but before she replied she glanced toward her mistress for her approval. Nelly, already carefully inspecting the bloody head wound, nodded in agreement before Sally nodded, in turn, to the actress. "Come along Captain," Nell coaxed softly. "The daybed has been readied for you, just awaiting your return." She took his hand gently and tried to guide him to his feet but he swayed dangerously as she did. Nelly looked sternly at Lilly. "Hold a moment. I need your help. Sally and I will never manage on our own if he collapses."
  18. Nelly had risen early. Fine linen jacket was carefully draped about slender shoulders, barely covering night dress, as maid gave report as to events that had already transpired. "She has not come back as of yet. But the one has finally gone," she said with a slight snort of irritation. The Lady made her way to the window to confirm at least part of what the girl had said. The garden was now empty. "Sabastian Devareaux sends his spies onto my property does he? The man is a thorn in my flesh to say the least. " Elegant features stared downward a moment longer before she turned with all due haste. "Quickly now. It seems we must take matters into our own hands where John Sterling is concerned. I have no intentions of losing him to either his wife or his whore. If I still wish to remain in this game, there is work to be done and important people to," she smiled gracefully as she added, "Converse with."
  19. "The hour is late. GO AWAY!"
  20. "ARGH!! YOU AGAIN!!" Sally's words rang out loud... all too loud. Hand raised, fingers curling tightly save for one that remained steadfast to be waved under Irishman's nose. "The nerve you have to be here and at this hour. Will you free traders not be leaving my poor mistress alone?" Quickly she pulled back inside, and door was brought, once more to a close. The sound of it slamming could be heard for miles.
  21. Nelly Greene had buried herself, along with Lilly McKinney, upstairs until late. The two had conversed in hushed whispers, heads bent closely together, cautious glances tossed about the dark corners of the room ... as if there could possibly be someone unknown hiding there. Port Royal had actually settled in for the night as plans were finally agreed to. It was well after McKinney had left and Nelly had retired that a weary Sally, dragged herself from her own bed and made her way to the back door.
  22. Nelly could not help but offer up a slight frown. "Of course tis a man. One I have grown fond of, in a very short period of time. He has been arrested as of late and has been dreadfully hurt whilst in prison... if I were to send in the local doctor, he would be turned away at the gate...but there just may be a chance that a woman, a dabbler in herbs and old ways, I may just be able to sneak her in without her drawing too much notice to herself."
  23. If Nelly Greene reacted to McKinney's question, she did not show it. Instead, with graceful wave of one hand, she indicated to Lilly to join her upstairs. As the two women moved to the upper rooms, Nelly could not help but respond. "Yes, he should return and if you find yourself so short on coin, I suppose I could put you to work...if you would have him again. But there is something else, some thing of a most urgent nature that I would rather discuss with you. I could use your talents," she said, then added somewhat hastily. "Your acting skills that is, to help some one very dear to me. Tis a dangerous proposition that I shall declare to you, but, if you are willing, I shall pay you handsomely."
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