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Nelly Greene

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Everything posted by Nelly Greene

  1. The soft eyes closed a moment as the finely chiseled face lowered every so slightly. Nelly issued a sympathetic sigh. "Lilly, we both know well enough that shall never be the case as long as Sir Robert is still alive. Come," Nelly said, taking silk petticoat in hand and carefully raising its hem as she started up the stairs. "I must apologize to my guest, send him on his way and then you can tell me as to why I have found you in such a sorry state as to steal another whore's gentlemen in her very own house."
  2. "I am content," Nelly replied to Lilly's outburst. She moved into the room, removing her mantelet and passing it to Sally. "My suitor proved false and, despite "Mother's" kindness, I have come away with enough experience to make my own way in the world and..." She turned, dainty hands clasped elegantly before her. "Yes, I have my comforts, silk gowns, enough jewels, fine wines and most importantly, I have my freedom in this place. There is no one to tell me what I can and can not do, who I must love or must not, when or when I must not beg for my supper." Her gaze fixed firmly on the other woman. "Can you say as much where Darnely is concerned?"
  3. Need to keep the name out there some how. And besides... pyrate hunters do not have any shame.. and no myspace, although thank you ever so much for the suggestion... currently working on a new web page...
  4. And the gentleman claims he does not understand reenacting....**soft giggle**
  5. Her applauding was slow, calculated, meant to catch the actress off guard. She had heard the unexpected voices, Sally arguing, and she had turned and reentered her own abode through the front entrance, opposite the other women. She had glided silently to a place where she could watch the small drama enfold and wonder what was happening in her own house. It had taken her a few moments to realize who had invaded her private retreat and for a moment, she was utterly taken aback. She had not expected anything of the kind, even though she had heard it whispered the actress was about. She mused quietly to herself, how she could have possibly missed McKinney's presence in port. The actress was not known to be the subtle type... instead larger than life and in the spotlight...always. As Sally turned to take note of the slow clapping, Nelly Greene issued a soft sigh, one graceful hand finally coming to rest in the other. "Lilly McKinney! Tis been some time now since last I saw you perform. Tell me Mistress, why now, am I to be so blessed as to have my own private play and in my own home?"
  6. "Here now!" Sally protested as she allowed herself to be pulled into a more private area. "What sort of game are ye on about?" She jerked her arm free of the actress's grip after Lilly slammed the door to the smaller room shut. "My mistress will be none too pleased to find a stranger in her home, pillaging her customers and what ever else ye may have slipped in yer pockets!!"
  7. Sally made her way inside and, without delay, shooed the soldier away that had seen her safely home. Her mistress would be returning any moment and Sally, had been sent on ahead in order to see to her comfort. Mantelet was hung on nearby peg, and apron retied about her waist before she stopped suddenly. The young girl’s head cocked slightly to one side as she listened to the voices above. Halt now proceeded into quick animation as she made her way to the stairs and called upward. “Mr. Bedgoode, is that you?” Sally asked. She could not recollect leaving the door unsecured, but in her mistress’s haste to the prison, it could have easily been so neglected. Sally mounted the bottom step. Apprehension forcing her to gnaw upon lower lip. Neither of the women knew Remington Bedgoode. Sally could recognize him from appearance but did not know his voice well enough. He was new to Nelly Greene’s bed. This evening had been scheduled to be his first visit, and frankly, Sally was surprised that he had not only waited so long for her mistress to return but had made himself to home. “Mr. Bedgoode sir. Grateful I am that you have let yerself in, Sir. Please make yerself at ease, as you know the Mistress would wish it so. She sends her apologies for being so late but there was urgent business she needed to attend to. She will be here presently. Shall I send you up something to eat, Sir? While you wait?”
  8. Nelly sat in the relics of the guard room. Her hands quaked as Conner passed his flask to her and persuaded her to take a sip of its contents. Her breath caught as the robust liquid turned from subtle sting to a blistering that coursed upward setting ablaze the inside of her throat and the core of petite nose. “Here now… have a care Nelly!” the major chided as he reclaimed the container from Nelly when she coughed. Handkerchief was produced and gently pressed into the girl’s keeping. With grateful acknowledgment of golden head, Nelly wiped her eyes and then still tingly lips. “Slowly next time,” he whispered, waving off a subordinate too eager to assist. Nelly took a deep breath then blue gaze fell on her companion. “How is it that you men can commit such atrocities upon one another?” she whispered vehemently. “You are being most unkind Nelly. I had nothing to do with what has happened to your … gentleman,” Conner returned. He shifted back a bit in his chair, eyes still locked upon her, seeking any further signs of discomfort. “I did not put that man in the place you now find him. He must have done something to contribute to his downfall. But whether it is only that he found himself in the wrong place at the right time to be accused and arrested, I can assure you that someone does not wish him to leave this place. At least not alive.” “What is there that we can do? How can one in such condition even stand in the dock let alone defend himself?” she asked. Fine red wool puckered slightly as broad shoulders motioned minutely. “I must confess, I do not know,” he replied. “Then we must find someone to tend to him,” Nelly whispered. “There are orders that no one, under any circumstances, is to see him. They have not even released him from his chains.” He looked at the tiny woman across from him incredulously. “My God, Nelly, is he that dangerous a man?”
  9. “Mistress, there is a man here to see you. He says ‘t is urgent. 'T was Major Conner that has sent him,” Sally announced as she burst in upon Nelly. Blond head tilted upward from small book, pale eyes enlarging slightly as she was disturbed. And then suddenly she rose from a fine settee, book closing abruptly as she move toward the young girl. “Urgent? The Major has found Captain Sterling?” she asked. Sally moved aside to allow her mistress to pass and lead the way back downstairs to the front door. The hour was late, even for the night owls of the port city, but now three figures, two cloaked and masked hurried through the maze of streets with the solider to guard them and explain in hushed tones what Conner hoped was the incentive to Nelly’s quest. She lingered, starring in surprise as she was ushered past the damaged office, already under repair from the earlier explosion but now eerily quiet as work ceased long ago for the day. “Not a sound,” the soldier whispered and held the large door open for the women to pass beyond. Major Conner silently greeted them and the uneasy look upon his face bode no good in Nelly Greene’s mind. “Mark…” Firm shake of head was given as finger extended upward to the officer’s lips. He held out his hand to her and with an indication of head once more, silently commanded that maid and others remain behind. Lantern was held aloft and Nelly took the hand that he offered and was guided further into the bowls of the prison. She glanced backward once, Sally offering a weak smile of encouragement, soldiers coming on guard, preparing to stop any possible interference. Not knowing to where she was being lead, the journey seemed endless, and the sounds and stink of the prison soon made the lady unsettled. Still she grasped tightly to her old lover’s comforting hand and continued on until finally the officer stopped. Lantern was passed to her keeping for a moment and look that spoke warning was past from one to the other before the lock was undone and the lantern retrieved. She stood anxiously as the heavy door was shouldered open and Conner made his way inside. Once more hand was offered for her protection and Nelly allowed herself to be helped inside. The stench took her breath away and if it had not been for Conner’s quick reaction to hers, she would have fallen as her knees gave way at the sight.
  10. “No I refuse to believe such,” Nelly replied. She was not angry. Yet, she was not convinced for something refused to allow her to consider that Sterling had escaped out to sea with the rest of his crew. She halted her pacing, for she had been criss-crossing the room since Major Conner had come to call with his news, delicate hands twisting a linen handkerchief into a wrinkled mess. The major shook his head and would have smiled at her incredulity, if he had not known her better. She was truly apprehensive and now, so was he. “ 'Tis not much else I can do my dear,” Conner informed her. Regal shoulders shrugged as he continued. “Except to go through the prison and check each cell myself.” He had meant it as an extreme measure, some thing that he would not ordinarily do but when she whirled about, her expression hopeful, he could not help but feel as if his work, for the next few days, would now have to be rescheduled.
  11. Delicate hand was grasped and held tightly as Nelly Greene was escorted into small study. "I have missed you Nelly," Conner whispered. "It is better this way. You know that as well as I. Are you not happy with your new fiance`?" she smiled as she lowered herself to settee. Conner digested her words and, instead of taking his place next to her, chair was summoned from Greer and he sat down nearer the hearth. "I am very happy," Conner said with a chuckle. "But we did have some wonderful times together. I truly do miss you," he stated again and gave her hand a small squeeze. "And I have missed you as well Mark and I am so very glad that we have remained ... friends." Wry face was made by officer at current term of endearment and then smile resumed its former place. "I am glad as well but enough, surely you have not come out at this hour to reminisce about times past. What troubles you Nelly?"
  12. She continued walking, quickening her pace when once she was well past her normal haunts. Continuing on she finally came to the small but well made house of an old lover. She made her way to the rear door and knocked gently at first, then more urgently. As door was finally cracked, tired eyes, still blinking themselves awake, peeked outward. Then door opened fully and warm smile widened on sleepy expression. "Mistress Greene! Well, as I live and breath! Come in lass, come in!" Nelly gathered her skirts in hand and glided up the back stairs to enter the home. "Thank you Greer," she whispered, offering a smile of her own. "My goodness Mistress, whatever brings you out at such an hour?" Greer asked. "Is Major Conner available?" she asked, her smile fading, chased away by expression filled with worry. "I must ask him something very important."
  13. Vizard was lowered slightly. Hazel eyes, now vexed, peered brightly over its edge. "Your concern is much appreciated Monsieur," Nelly said. "But I think you underestimate such wives. Dangerous they may be when stirred but old habits are hard to break with them. This is one battle, if I am forced to fight, I shall gladly do so and as long as he is happy in the end, it does not matter really if she or I win. Bonsoir Monsieur," she said adding curtsy, then, not back into her house did she go but walking away from home she disappeared into the night.
  14. "Unforgiving toward who? Me?" Nelly shook off the idea with a wave of her hand. "How would what she feels toward me matter? I have dealt with other wives before with men who were not as forthcoming. And her unforgiving where he is concerned? He already is convinced that she does not love him for she ignores him when he needs her most. And, "she added with a huff. "I am not referring to just the physical, which so many of your sex only care about!" She collected herself as carriage sway steadied itself, then added. "I will tell you this, she is everything to him... he so desperately desires to be loved, especially by her, and yet she is so concerned with others that they all come before he does. Perhaps he is right and she does not truly care for him at all... but then in time I shall learn if this is true, for I plan to place him first in my world and shall give him all that he desires when he wishes it, especially my time and attention. I do not fear her. She should fear herself." Vizard was positioned as she waited for carriage door to open.
  15. Nelly refocused her gaze on his. “You must forgive me Monsieur… I always expect the worst of men. As you well know I am always in the realm of negations where your sex is concerned. Perhaps that is why I have jumped to such conclusions. You see, that is one of the reasons I have grown fond of this man,” she began then halted. Surely it would not be as if she were to announce his identity. “He was straightforward with me from the beginning.. Plainly he told me he could not afford to keep me and yet never lied and took advantage of the situation. He willingly told me he was married as well and there have been times where he has come solely for a place to rest and nothing more. As I have said before… he is different.”
  16. “Then you are willing to truly assist me without strings attached?” she asked. She looked him over again where he sat.
  17. “Tithe and boon, Monsieur? I have already paid with the information you have received regarding Pinon,” Nelly replied.
  18. She did not back down from his gaze. "Well then, Sir, Pinon is whom you should focus your attentions on, not my lover. He is of no importance to you... only me."
  19. Nelly laughed lightly. "Ah yes of course Monsieur, just like the others of your clan. Perhaps then you were not offering to come to my aide at all? Perhaps you are just in the habit of hearing the idle gossip of the others around you? Is that it Monsieur? Or do you delight in making money off of the dirty laundry of others?"
  20. Nelly looked down, turning the vizard over in her hands. The black velvet mask was easier to hide behind sometimes. She continued to consider a bit longer. It would be so easy to speak His name. Surely it would be enough to bring a halt to the marriage and she could easily win him over when he came seeking ease from his heartbreak. But she knew if he ever found out that she had so blatantly resolved to destroy his union, he would never have anything to do with her again. That was something she was not willing to risk. A few hours in his company was far better than none at all. Hours that would increase if she continued to play her hand well, for, deep down, she knew she gave him what he truly craved. And yet, she was deeply concerned about him. He had not returned to see her. She turned the mask once more in her keeping. “I am sorry Monsieur but I am not in the habit of betraying my lovers by shouting their names from the rooftops.” She locked her gaze on the younger Devareaux. “If you truly wish to come to my assistance and the man in question, it is Monsieur Pinon that you should set your sights upon. Remove him from the puzzle and you deliver us all.”
  21. Nelly graced him with a smile. "Il n'est rien. Honestly, what is there to forgive, Monsieur? He is a businessman non? He was only doing what is in his nature to do."
  22. Nelly Greene ran appreciative eye over younger man’s from and the quality of his adornment before she turned and began her way to the door. “As you wish,” she said. In ordinary circumstances she would have enjoyed what she viewed, but he was Le Cour and her thoughts were fixed upon another.
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