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'Bastian Devareaux

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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux

  1. In act to ease the heavy qualities which sparked the air, Dauphin obtained libation fill captured with crystal cage and set offering before guest. Dark eyes evaluated her own quickly before returning to former placement. Andre' watched fille steadily before continuing, "I wish to know of a Gentleman in dark adornments recent to this area. Obviously an individual of some status and power....And do yourself a kindness by not feigning ignorance, s'il vous plait."
  2. Sabastian raised a brow slightly to bold comment, but remained silent. Andre' almost smiled, but it was a fleeting thing at best and he stepped forward to draw a chair back for her seating. As she moved with grace to obtain what was offered, he leaned to her hearing. "I shall caution you from the onset, I have not called you here to sample your wares...It is information that I seek. Something I am assured you have in your possession." The tone gave polite context in only the coolest of facets.
  3. The alluring scent that surrounded her as tantalizing aura was not lost on Burke and his mind turned to more intriguing pursuits. The door was held respectfully for her passing through and one quick sidelong was given to the lass deemed Sally before thresh hold was crossed. Distance was conquered quickly by way of private carriage and Devon was not immune to veiled survey of cabin companion. Destination acquired, support was offered to the ground below and escort provided to the inner being of chosen local. Deftly, fille petit was directed to upper floors and private room away from the disruption of Common ruckus. Knock was issued, bolt slid from secure resting and barrier eased back on heavy hinge. Within, Roi ruled expanse of table length, Dauphin poised just to heavy chair's right. "Bonsoir, Madame Greene...." Came low toned greeting as Elder gained standing, issuing nod to escort for door's resecure.
  4. Thief's focus turned to silkened voice and appraisal was further made of its' owner. Bow was offere; verbose controled, "Madame, tis no' for me to question er ponder the reasons. If Monsieur Devareaux requests, I simply fullfill...."
  5. Devon waited patiently for request to be fulfilled, educated eye perusing the fineries which occupied the main parlor. Parchment with black seal had been given into his possession and in turn had been passed on to the one who would place it in proper hands. As to paperment contents, it was not of his concern, it was secondary. His duty consisted only of its' dispatch and the escort of addressee back to summoner's presence. Judging from the mood at origin, it was not an audience that he envied.
  6. Currently, Life and Death of the Wicked Lady Skelton by Magdalen King-Hall
  7. It was a small gathering, nestled comfortably at the very edges of where hearth glow faded to more shadowy realms. Five in all, rounding a table that was jostled frequently and pounded on even interval with mirth and merriment shared. At its' head, and holding court with boisterous manner, Devon held tankard high in salute regarding some doxy known on Irish shores. Tales of equal nature traded the round, and whether or not any candle of truth existed was of no consequence or concern to those involved. Heavy swig was taken of tankard once aloft, the roll of laughter occasionally drawing glances from other Common denizens, but nary a complaint. Proffering wide grin to reaction achieved, Burke drew breath to continue tales of bawdy nature; ceasing progress with start as near- far blast shook the surrounds. What remained within care of pewter's confine, escaped with gusto to rain down on immediate proximity. Silence ruled the minutes as puzzlement took the floor and several pairs of eyes looked about with cautious curiosity to the disturbance. Subdue was broken as Burke realized his loss, expression pinched with genuine purturbance and examination of now empty vessel was made. "Tis a right bleedin' sin, that...." He crossed himself with obvious dismay. "Mary, Jayz an' all the Saints preserve us."
  8. He noted the minute quiver of lip; the clouds that passed over artistic facial terra and for a brief, Christophe Tristan Lambert felt moment of preplexity. There was no doubt in his mind regarding the origin of her emotions, a thing that rested not easy in the core of his being. As he gazed upon the cavalcade of tears marring expressive eyes, wood-steel thunder was laid to the side and he rose hesitantly to full stature. Sidelong glance was cast to where Isabella stood near window's reign, her face a picture of sympathy and tinged with female understanding. Frenchman carefully approached ticking border and the wide dark eyes centered on his proximity, lower lip contorted in reflextion of the pain inside. He fleeted a glance to Aurore's pleading expression than away quickly, realigning as smallish hand touched the back of his own. Her voice came to his hearing as tortured whisper, "These things cannot be true. I do not believe their validity..." Fine boned fingers gained purchase, nestling within the crevices betwixt his own.
  9. Voila!!!! The truths are revealed and enigma vanquished! How is it that I missed this joining of puzzle peices until now? How wonderous strange!! I due believe you to be most befitting the bill for Chirurgien's post, William. And I further offer my steadfast felicitations in its' conquest! Bravo, Monsieur! Bravo!! Hmmmm.....Oui, I must agree that one might be hard pressed to find familliar Walgreens placard hanging over any apothocary's door in the Baroque / Rococo time frames... Pauses to scan the surround and drops voice to whisper But you see, there are ways to obtain and quell the desires for wanted things...For, shall we say, things of certain repute. Sly grin
  10. Alas, I am quite sorry to report that another trip to fair Northern lands might be hard to negotiate so soon. And I assure, not for lack of desire to do such...But then again, if one were to aquire fruitful gain with a round of Piquet, or two....Perhaps it could happen. And a tune that reckons tales of "spirit conjuring"? Do tell. I am most curious to the title. Is it of Irish origins? For there are many Irish Traditional songs that deal with such. Perhaps Hills of Connemara?
  11. Christophe draped lithe frame with eloquated poise within simple chair's confine. Nary a muscle twitched, nor waver of focus befell slate tinctured eyes as they gazed raptly upon sleeping form. No acknowledgement given to the room's was stagnant quality; something that could not be urged to change even with shutters flung wide. She stirred in slumber, now and again, but never enough to gain the waking world. Occasionally, his view would be disturbed by Bella's administration of cool cloth to charge's fevered brow and his expression would furrow minutely to interruption. Left hand rested casually over blunder's stock; its' smooth caressed with index finger stroke to and fro. A lapse of hour's time had fleeted since his arrival, though no note was taken and very few words had been traded betwixt himself and sometimes Lover in its passage. With feline grace, near standing goblet was taken from wooden plateau and contents sampled then replaced. She stirred again, this time gaining conquest over Morpheus' grasp; expression momentarily confused then smoothing as recognition of surround took place. Carefully adjusting her posture to sitting upright, attention swung to where Frenchman staked claim. Smallish tempest stroked the planes of fine wrought face just before aqueous diamonds broke the dams and flooded to worn quilt shrouding.
  12. Salut et faire bon accuril a qun, mon ami! It is grand to see that your compass has given you correct bearing to our petit cyber home away from home. Wonderful to be in your aquaints, once more. As to libation, un Pernod will suit me quite well, s'il vous plait.
  13. Salut, William!! And let me not be rude by not acknowledging Gladys and her sweet strains of melodic delight. Has it not seemed an age since gourmet Chinese in subterra den? So wonderful to "see" you and welcome!!
  14. Childermass watched goings on of Marshallsea from sheltered overhang. It was with idle curiosity that viewed the scene that elapsed and spread before him. Far too many years in far to many Squares, made his mental workings click and judge the intentions and possible outcomes. Unconscious and instinctual contemplations whirled in ghostly waltz, slowing to deductions that produced little more than hushed tsk. Conclusion arrived and was punctuated by draught from produced flask; further accentuated by low chuckle. Retreating further into enigmatic clutch, recollection stated that even smaller fortitude would shrug off the impact of such small keg. Oh, it would produce scathing of some qualities...But would suffer as Jericho; nor would it burn as Rome. Movement realigned Seth's focus, as flask was tucked away to the comfort of hidden fold. Wraith's expression pinched, ever so slightly as the man cloaked in evening hues came into view, and if it had been initial intention to wander on towards different venues...such thoughts were brought to halt. Head tilted just to the merest degree, raptor's attention followed Pinon's locomotion with intense interests as the shadows wrapped about scarred visage with Lover's embrace... Maid, Matron and Crone paused their progress, gazing upon mirrored, yet contrasting forms, of the same beast.
  15. If memory serves, average time to cross over the Pond from the Colonies to England was three months....give or take. Perhaps this will be of aid.
  16. The original Winnebego....Two Horse power.
  17. Tres vien....Then this will have to do. This will have to do. smirk
  18. Wrong time period....sorry Truly, mon Frere....It was but in jest.
  19. The door came to close with whispered caress of oak upon Turkish composition below; the well oiled latch falling into secure almost as afterthought. Immediately, the pungent scent of patchouli whim overpowered any invasion of Port perfume and Younger hesitated to allow adjustment to darkened surrounds. The form well placed in high backed support gave no motion or indication of acknowledgment, waiting ever patient for sibling's attendance. Petite breeze riffled velvet rouge hangings, teasing pillared tallow sentinels to Elder's left and right, then retreating from whence in came. Younger neared with feline step, pausing at long burnished expanse of tome support; head tilting to the right minutely as if to study the one afore him. Silence held reign for the beating of moments; the stillness holding its' breath and awaiting Roi's animation. When the deepened tones of commanding airs did disperse what hung heavy the chamber; it was with silkened serpent's smooth....and venom lay within its' character. Sights of noir hue followed kindred's motion and stop...One word pirouetted in suspended buoyancy..... "Explain..."
  20. I will give deep consideration to camping, under the condition that Cheek's sister brings the rig she has stashed away in the Pennsic Trailer...With all proper appointments included, of course.
  21. Good lord man, my profound apologies for not stepping forward to proper introduction. Tis in truth that I loitered about your area on more that one occassion. It seemed that you were all quite occupied with the "signing of the Articles". Perhaps in the future such will be rectified.
  22. Double the trouble....Double the fun. impish grin
  23. Might I be of assistance, Madame? You are correct, for the most part. From Left to Right: False Ransom, Flintlock Jack, Sabastian Devareaux (c'est moi ),....The charming Madame next to me is actually Cheeks Twin sister, Lady Lynn ...Mary Diamond and Captain Pete Staw, ie Evil Peaches
  24. First off, let me say that I found WV quite impressive, even majestic in regard to the scenary....But! I will also say that no time was wasted geting back into the truck after shooting this image and that sign put things into mine mind like: "Ya gotta might pretty mouth there, boy..." Accompanied by the strains of "Dueling Banjos"
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