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Everything posted by 'Bastian Devareaux
What are you reading right now ?
'Bastian Devareaux replied to Patrick Hand's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Of interesting note, the tome that I am currently reading is related to that which you are. The basis for fictitional work was inspired by the historically known Lady Kathleen Ferrers. Monde petit, non? Yes! Give that Smuggler/Gypsy a Blunderbuss! That is correct, 'Bastian. Gosh, this is a kinda creepy Virgo thing we got going on here, don't we impish smile Ah, there are more things in heaven and on earth, etc.... Keeping to the theme and further delving, I am now cracking a rather interesting text called, Stand and Deliver - A History of Highway Robbery by David Brandon. -
Maid giggled to attentions, never let on to true wants of her nearness. As Pinon faded into the hallway, Beggar Prince drew tight so that daint ear lay in closest proximity of hushed words, "Harken closely to me, chere Chaton*. You need give that man wide berth...The man which just passed cloaked in midnight hue." Giggles became staunched and she shifted for better view of his face. Question stroked brow momentarily, but the seriousness with which Dauphin gazed back at her, stiffled any further motion of query. Making show of it, he drew maid close again and cautioned further, "Something is afoot and it is best to keep care of you and yours until all is rendered to rights." Subtle acknowlegement was given, in return. *kitten
Close observation from tossle of legnthy mane was given to the Other's approach and passing. Measure was taken with great care, left hand moving incriments to close on smooth of Hound's tail. Much could be summerized by a man's motion and carriage; much was cataloged with percise notation. Shade made way past...Now was not the time for ill conceived notions. Fate awarded those who played their cards with patience.
Now, now...I did not say without risk, just lesser.
Something struck a chord on instinctual levels; something that vibrated relentless as tuning fork put to practice. Dark eyes narrowed and gave veiled perusal of the area; liting from one form to another. Tankard was given slow draught as hackles began to raise with recognition. Spirit keeper was placed aside as peripheral caught maid unladden, and with quick movement, chair was righted and lass brought to lap. She fussed playfully, but not with much protest; her form used as a blind to those near and further. Wiggle came to calm as silkened words were whispered to her hearing. Dauphin measured dark clad Other carefully from over the shoulder of chosen camoflage.... Sleeping Hounds fondled with more attentiveness than soft flesh banquet.
Oi speak fer yerselves! Here, here...I second that. Some of us perfer higher profit and lesser risk.
Carriage drew up, comming to halt near McDonough’s rear entrance. Nimbly leaving driver's seat, Sabastian gave veiled survey of proximity then continued to portal. The passage of time after soliel retreat had been very little in means of satisfaction. What he desired now was familliar back table and quiet...a conjuring of spirits would not be something to be denied as capper. Navigating to desired local, flirtatious greeting was made by maid bearing tankards; readily received and returned in kind. Seating captured, chair was leaned a tad backwards and balanced with practiced care while note was made of those in Common's keeping. As if by djinn's nod, tankard arrived on wooden surface afore him and banter was traded with bliss' deliverer.
What are you reading right now ?
'Bastian Devareaux replied to Patrick Hand's topic in Beyond Pyracy
Of interesting note, the tome that I am currently reading is related to that which you are. The basis for fictitional work was inspired by the historically known Lady Kathleen Ferrers. Monde petit, non? -
Beggar Prince was not quick to regain seating within private coach. Leaning casually against its' ink hued side; he watched her progress away until darkness shrouded petit form and hid it from view. A mischievous smile played face unconsciously as soon light footstep faded, as well. With deep inhalation of humid night's air offering, he decided forego of elegant cage to take perch on driver's seat. No wish was given for shelter against the late hour's encompasment and he desired relish of the scents, sights and sounds without hinder. Jullian Abercrombe gave nod of appreciation to la fille's existance, readjusting his hold on equine tethers while thoughts of less than puritan nature rattled mental confines. Paired horsepower shook harness confine in unison, ears flicking back and forth to the Port's symphony of the evening. Word was given, at long last, and team was urged forward to appointed destination.
I would almost sell my sister to attend....C'est la vie, perhaps next year... **scowl**
Rising, Dauphin move to carriage door; repositioning chapeau before exiting to terra below. Extending a hand, Charge was brought down from well appointed cage. Not quick to release, he watched her intently from the darkness of wide brim's umbrella. "Remember my words, Petit. I deeply advise caution in your workings..." Retrieving his hand, Sabastian stepped back a pace.
Sabastian rubbed his chin in thought, "Well, Mademoiselle...I cannot negate your suspicians in regard to your daily goings on. And, for that matter, would be lying if I were to say that one as yourself, has absolutely no effect on mine person..." He paused briefly, brow knit. "Nevertheless, I am not one to take what is not willingly offered. No sport or plasir in said pursuite...I do, however, urge caution in your deductions. The nature of the Beast, is the nature of the Beast, after all. And if one in question is attached, it may not be of wisest choice in comfort...The other involved may be far from forgiving." Coach eased to halt and Dauphin eyed his charge carefully.
"That, as I said, is a matter of conjecture, Mademoiselle. What is it that you consider falling into the realm of "stings attached." His amusement gained higher plateau. "Tell me just what you mean by such mentionings, s'il vous plait." Watching companion with good natured humour, he shifted position and rested hands at abdomen. Dark eyes caught hers from across small distance of carriage legnth and he waited for her retort expectantly.
"Non, cherie...is that the boon you request of me?" He returned lightly; mirth played angled features in the dim. "Do you think I ask payment of yourself? If I were to do so, it would surely be something that I would negotiate to proper concensus betwixt both parties involved, Mademoiselle." He leaned a bit deeper into carriage comfort, a hint of smile tugging mouth's corners.
"And that is the aid you request of me? The tithe and boon?" Dauphin pursed his lips in contemplation, making his thoughts only his own as the carriage gently swayed.
View of outside world was forgotten and he turned full attention to her face. "Non, Mademoiselle...You are quite unkind in your judgements. The offer I made was of genuine nature and idle wagging of tongues proves nothing more than tedium. I fear I have far better things to distract my person at any given moment versus such doledrum."
Covering any further notions with a shrouding of aloofness, Beggar Prince perched left ankle upon opposit knee and glanced through blind crevace, once again. "Mademoiselle, I fear that I am but a simple man of business. Murder most foul does not seem to fall under my credentials." And in the fleet of oil lamp passing, another fire of feral wrought danced in visual pools and his thoughts turned to the hunt. The hunt and undoing of those who might be viewed as problem.
"Tres vien, Mademoiselle." He moved blind a fraction to peruse passing surround before continuing. "If I might inquire, who is it that you have such regard and concern for...Perhaps I might be of aid." Lupin features bore sly smile in the dim.
Chapeau of native lands was snagged with chamber departure; wide brim brought lower in the front, causing obscurity once out of doors. Arm was offered and coach brought around to the rear. With charge safely placed within cabin, Sabastian follow closing the door fast and drawing blinds. A light rap gave instruction for vehicle's forward progression and chapeau was doffed to find rest place on seating beside. He regarded companion closely and held tongue for passing of minutes then allowed verbose to play the air. "Mademoiselle, you must forgive my brother's manner....."
Elder maintained reptilian stoicism to her taunts, though there was a tremor that coursed inner being in regard to veiled barbs. Draught was taken from near forgotten crystal and soul's windows maintained her pinning. A wry chuckle rolled forth followed be minute curl of lip. "Maîtresse, of what interest does it hold for Le Cour to interfere in the fate of individual that you leave un-named. Is there profit to be gained by our dabblings? You yourself said that you wish for no accord betwixt ourselves and your holdings...." Gobblet was set aside casually and yawn was stifled. "If there is nothing of profitable nature to be gained, then I will consider this matter closed and deal with this Pinon accordingly if he dares overstep his bounds." Rising to standing, Elder appraised her general being then nodded to enigmatic contemplation, "Merci Maîtresse Greene for taking time out of you busy....schedule. As it is that I have brought you here safely, I shall assure the same in manner of return." Gesture was made toward Burke, who reached for locking mechanisms without further ado. "Non." Single word startled progress, as Beggar Prince moved from silent post. "I shall escort Mademoiselle personally." Twin onyx narrowed as they turned away from concentrated mark and resettled, "Our business is not concluded." Sabastian ignored underlying tone, "It shall be upon my return..."
Andre's expression remained remote, small gesture was made indicating desire. Another, keeping far corner vigil, stood gingerly and retrieving decanter from nearby. Goblet filled, sildelong glance was given to Beggar Prince with hint of query. The silent response called for wait, and injured returned to origin. Elder eased back to chair's support, allowing slow exhalation to escape his lungs. With a casual wave of hand, unsaid thoughts were vanquished and smile proffered that did little to cover predatory nature. "Maîtresse....Do you feel that you are in threat by this....Pinon? For it would seem, that a delicate creature as yourself would be easily preyed upon if a man of such inclinations took to whim. Perhaps....Perhaps we might be of service to each other, non? But do not think that I ask favor of, shall we say, your main occupation." From corner standing, Sean Roberts looked to where kindred countryman remained by chamber portal. A look returned with barely covered amusement....There were just some things that Andre' was not aware of. The sum of such was embodied just behind Elder's chair.
Her statements gained no reaction from Andre's visage; his posture was stone like, expression likewise...But never for an instant did the onyx sights waver from their mark. Younger echoed Brother's stance, but for minute disruption of cool overlay at her final mentionings. An insistent nagging tugged at the corners of his mind that he did well to squelch from outward presentations. Andre' leaned forward, elbows finding support on wooden length; fingers elongating to steepled wrought as he considered what was placed before him. The word Pinon escaped his lips with slow and sneering manner as he continued study of the young woman before him as cat would when pair with mouse. Chin inclined a degree and he seemed to digest slowly the word uttered, as if testing its' texture and body. "And why should some new acquaintance be of concern to you, Maîtresse..." Reptilian smile spread over swarth features. "Are they all not the same? An accord of business that has duration until time runs up...Until another comes to the gate seeking their time in the arena?" From placement behind Elder's chair, Dauphin's jaw line gave hint of rigid bearing; but silence remained golden and the order of the hour.