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Captain J. Savage

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Everything posted by Captain J. Savage

  1. On women: Love Spell (Victoria Secret; the body spray, not the purfume, they smell different...) On me: I wear Hugo (Boss)
  2. a. 7 b. Same character each time... c. Fantasy (Funny concept actually: I stick out like a sore thumb; I'm the only pirate on a 16th century battlefield. So in a clash of armor, shields, and large swords you'll see a rough frock coat and a cutlass. Aye I be representing ) d. A bit of both, I mostly re-enact for escapism. PM me if you need me to clarify.
  3. The name be James Savage. I be the cap'n of the fiercist 17' sea kayak in Florida, the Jolly Roger VII. Aye the cruise ships never see me commin'... which is prolly why I be on my seventh vessel now that I be thinkin' of it. Grog be eatin away at me brain. OOC: My name is TJ, I'm sure you can tell from my poor characterization that I'm from Florida. Strangely my main interest is a direct opposite of my career choice (Piracy/Marine). I'm currently in college working for my BBA when I'm not in training or at drill. I just randomly surfed on and found you guys. I look foward to getting to know ya all.
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