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Captain J. Savage

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Everything posted by Captain J. Savage

  1. Reasons we're in Iraq: WMDs which were moved out of country before OIF1. Remove a dictator, which believe it or not kept better control of the country than we have thus far. His methods cruel or not... Oil is mentioned constantly but I've seen no evidence of this as far as our economy goes; I don't see cheaper prices or Citco pumping the fields... Iraq is a major staging area for Saudi, Iran, and Syria. ... Who's to say those are all the reasons? The government keeps a lot of information from the public. Who's to say there's not a "need to know" list of reasons why we're there. That's why I remain neutral on the issue. How can I personally judge something that I may only know 20% of the information about?
  2. ^ WWII Japanese Sniper Rifle my grandfather captured in the Pacific campaign; a General who is a friend of family gave it to him for his birthday not long after the war. < Happy to be home after a 22 day combat training exercise in the field. V Do you get homesick?
  3. Seeking a crew in preferably in Central FL. However, I am willing to join any crew in the state. Will be out of town for a month as of 4AM tomorrow (April 2). I will check my PMs when I get back.
  4. ^ One themed book case for each of the following: Piracy, College (binders and textbooks), Marine Corps (Warrents, Awards, Scrapbooks, USMC Literature, Guidebooks, and photo albums), Middle Ages, and Literature. < I can't wait for my training for 22 days starting tomorrow which involves grenades, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, m240gs, and m-16s. V What is the most powerful live weapon you've fired?
  5. ^ Nothing yet, a bit worried as to why my wife let me sleep in to 11:30am... maybe she feels bad that i'll be training and gettin up at 5am for the next 21 days... < Reading about Navigation right now. V If you were an officer on a ship what role woud be most fitting for you? (IE: Master Gunner, Bosun, etc etc)
  6. ^ Coming from a guy who wears dress blues, yeah... no biggie. They force your to sit like there's a stick up your ass, choke you, crush your chest, and are hot n' itchy... but you get free drinks all night from patriots, and the ugliest SOB can get laid wearing them. (See profile pic for uniform) < I can't decide between red stripe or fosters... V What do you think, red stripe or fosters?
  7. ^ One always seems to lead to another, by the time you are "finished" the thing you started with is either broke, or you want to change your mind and replace it. < Got a rare steak, home fries, and a red stripe waiting for me, woo hoo! V How many pirate themed rooms do you have in your house? If any.
  8. ^ Tried once, my buddy and I were drunk by 7th hole. It was fun though, even before we started drinking. I figured it would be boring as all hell. < Pool felt great today, yay for spring. V Do you have any boats/watercraft?
  9. ^ Rare steaks, and raw hamburger meat on bread with some pepper. Damn good eating. < Think I'm gonna cook a real breakfast instead of cereal and an apple today... V How's you day going so far?
  10. ^ Peter Pan, without the tights. Cause not growing up is a good reason to be immature. I guess having kids gives me an excuse to buy Nerf guns and go see animated movies though... < Sick of packing sea bags and ironing uniforms. Can't wait go train and get it over with. I'm gonna miss my son's first steps; almost missed his first birthday. V Ever had an obligation hold you back from a milestone event?
  11. I usually don't remember... I've gotten standing ovations coming into work hung over after the party the prior night.
  12. I'd sleep in a hammock over a tent anyday... I hope so.
  13. Ah Key West... first time you'll ever seen a man wearing a bananna hammock going down the road on a mo-ped. Funny stuff for the straight guy who's comfortable with his sexuality. Probably paradise for those of the "alternate lifestyle."
  14. Minimum wage is 6.50, I hear it's going up to 7.00.
  15. Yeah, the humidity is another story. 102 here feels like 115.
  16. Hmm, you know I recall hearing that before but I blew it off as BS. I'll have to look into it now.
  17. I'm a Florida resident. So I'll go ahead and voice my opinion. 1. Figure out where you wanna live... for sure. I'd stick to the mainland in FL. I'd love to go to the keys myself. Living there is expensive, and you're taking a gamble with all the storms that pass each year. So some general information about Florida... The surfing is better than most other American locations except Cali and Hawaii; offshore storms can yield waves equal to everyday Cali surf, man do I have some stories about that. Great hobby to take up:) Daytona is awesome, the theme parks are great. No matter where you are in FL there is usually a beach within a two hours drive; that's worse-case, I live 30 minutes from Daytona, New Symrna, Cocoa. There is of course gorgeous days but they seemingly ALWAYS occur at times when you only get to experience them through the window at work. The nickname "sunshine state" is complete bull****, the only time it is sunny on a regular basis is when people come down during the fall and winter to escape the cold. Generally spring is tornado season and summer is hurricane season. Hurricane season is no big deal if you don't live on the coast or in the keys, a lot of people have hurricane parties. Just accept the fact that you'll replace or repair your roof a lot. EDIT: Also, if you get a house make sure it's had a new roof put on in the last 3 or 4 years before signing anything. Florida is expensive and the cheaper places are either ghettos or smack dab in flood/tornado alleys, lower elevations. You're basically paying to live in a swamp, lol. I'd go Central FL if I were you and felt the absolute need to move down here. Central FL is nice and not too hard on the pocketbook. I am 7 hours from the keys. 30 minutes from Disney, Universal Studios, Universal Islands of Adventure, and Sea World and all the Orlando Nightlife. About 30 minutes from the beaches. 2 hours from Tampa. 3 or 4 hours from St. Augustine. Gas prices are still crap, but I don't even notice anymore I'm so used to it. If you smoke, you can't do so indoors except in actual bars. 2. Make sure you got a job waiting for you there. Pretty self explanatory... think it all out, and have a plan. Please don't screw yourself over. I've spent two years recovering from having to have "EVERYTHING NOW" phase of my life. I may not be the wisest; but I know what I know because, I've learned from trial and error. (Had to grow up fast and have made some expensive bad decisions.) Anyway good luck figuring everything out. If you have any questions about specific areas that you're looking into, just give me a ring 407-416-5842 I don't mind at all. Just make sure you do so before April 3 or after the 26th "I'll be in the field on a combat training exercise, no phone access for that time."
  18. ^ Anything but work more hours, lol. < Picked up "Blackbeard: The real pirate of the Caribbean" today, looks like it will make a good read... V Do you have an extensive pirate library? (Either of actual books, or pirate website as every other bookmark on your computer)
  19. I agree with all of the above; Robert Newton is what made the "accent" so common today. Being new to the whole "pirate subculture" I've been researching the dialect and I can't cite this at the moment... but I read it is theorized that only Blackbeard and one other pirate may have spoken like that. I want to say Morgan, but I'm not sure... I'll have to surf through my favorites and skim through my book to figure out the other one later tonight. Regardless the fact that only two pirates may have spoken like this, the "accent" is one of the things that makes the general idea of piracy fun these days just like many other romanticized ideas... plank walking, parrots as pets not cargo, burried treasure, wide spread black flags etc etc...
  20. I'm a double-posting machine today...
  21. No problem guys, I'll be ready by November.
  22. There are very simple shirt patterns in the Captain Twill forum. I recommend you make your shirts out of linen. It breathes very well in warm weather. May I assume that I can officially add you to the roll call? And do you have a camp preference? Yes you can add me to the roll call; I had thought I posted the prior message in there where it would have been more appropriate, I must have hit "reply" in the other window where I was looking the camp information up. Careening camp is my preference.
  23. I'm throwing what budgeted money I have set aside into period clothing and conveniences. Starting off with just a sash in my name, I won't have much left. Besides manual labor in which I already have full intentions on doing so, how can a new lad contribute? I consider workin with people a better way to get to know everyone and make friends, so feel free to tell me what's needed and I'll try to get it done. I consider a 7 hour drive more local than most on the board, would anyone need an extra body to show up early to help set up? I'll run my garb selection by you all before I come to ensure I don't stick out like a sore thumb.
  24. James Savage confirming yes. I did not see anything about private invitations at the careening camp so I'm assuming it's open invitation? I'll be sleeping under the stars, will bring some sail and oars in the case of bad weather. I guess I'd best get to plunderin' for the proper materials seeing as to how this will be me first pirate event.
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