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Quartermaster James

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Posts posted by Quartermaster James

  1. Billy Connolly (doesn't hurt he's already been in one pyrate movie!)

    Dave Chappelle: ab-so-#@$&-ing-lutley brilliant!

    Lot of old tymers too, from the silent era, the golden age of tv & movies...too damn many to list them all!

  2. Ahoy Captain Zephaniah!

    Firstly, thank ye kindly for the grand invitation.

    Secondly, my congratrulations on the move! It sounds like you are pursuing your dream in true pyratey fashion!

    Thirdly, my condolences...moving is a pain, even in the best of situations. I wish you all good speed and good fortune in this endeavour!

    Best Regarrrds,

    Captain Jigme

  3. Okay, now you've convinced me to get a copy of this movie...it's only about $11.00 anyway...

    Tall Paul - have ye considered an extra DVD drive for yer computer for playing US DVDs? I'm toying with doing something similar for discs I can only find in UK versions!

  4. Tannahill Weavers

    The Final Trawl

    Now it's three lang years since we made her pay

    Heave away my laddie o

    And the owners say that she's had her day

    And sing haul away my laddie o

    So it's heave away for the final trawl

    Heave away my laddie o

    It's an easy pull for the catch is small

    And sing haul away my laddie o

    And we'll join the venture and the morning star

    Heave away my laddie o

    Riding high and empty before the bar

    And sing haul away my laddie o

    And I'd rather beach her on the skerry rock

    Heave away my laddie o

    Than see her torched in the breakers dock

    And sing haul away my laddie o

    And when I die you can lay me down

    Heave away my laddie o

    In a rusty hold where the breakers pound

    And sing haul away my laddie o

    For I've fished a lifetime boy and man

    Heave away my laddie o

    And the final trawl scarcely nets a cran

    And sing haul away my laddie o

  5. Terminal Gravity IPA!!!

    I love Guiness too, don't get me wrong...I can drink pints of Guiness and shoot darts all night long.

    Two pints of TGIPA though, and my game goes all over the board. It's a mighty brew, it is...

    BTW: get it on draft somewhere with good turnover. Don't bother writing back about your experiences with the bottled version; t'aint the same...the bottling kills the hops.

  6. Up here the liquor stores are all state run...no booze from Big Lots for me :lol:

    To add injury to insult, the cost is tied into the proof. Because of this, we have the added privilege of buying 40% versions of various spirits. Of course, if you're springing for the real good stuff, you'll get your 47% still.

    The cost, oh mateys! The cost...a 1.75l jug o' JWR like I used to buy in me local grocery store in CA runs a good 40% more here...

    Fortunately powerful forces (CostCo) are fighting this monopoly on legal grounds. Affordable grog for the masses says I!

  7. I got me some breeches, I did.

    And some music, and lots of pyratey gifts for folks! :rolleyes:

    Oh yeah, and I stocked up the bar real good for the ice-storm we were supposed to have today...but it did na happ'n :rolleyes:

    I need a t-shirt that says: I was promised freezing rain, but all I got was wet! :rolleyes:

    Really could have made good use of that day off work too...

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