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Quartermaster James

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Posts posted by Quartermaster James


    Have you ever taken a little Malibu and poured it between....sorry, mind's wandering.......nevermind.

    Mixing coconut & coconuts...?

  1. Well, my only truly pyratey gifts I got from me Secret Santa. Thanks again Rumba!

    I also got a tavern pipe:


    Which is almost pyratey!

    And some cash, which I was counting on, and which I "pre-spent" on a period shirt from Kass.

    And I got a 23 quart pressure canner, which I have wanted since, like, forever!

    And some really cool Chinese tea aged in a pomelo shell, along with a new tea mug.

    And a battery powered tape measure (who would'a thunk it!)

    And some peanuts and brittle from a fancy Virginia peanut company.

    And some wine, an ornament, some cookies and other treats.

    And, yes, that dreaded stomach bug that's going around!


    I watched "The Deep" last night...good old movie (ok not that old) the bad guy kept pouring Black Seal in the old sailor (Coffin's) glass. Funny how ya notice these things..

    Like Rip Torn's Laphroig in The Man Who Fell to Earth...

    Or the Bulleit whiskey placement in Deadwood...


    Aye, there's no substitute (and no accounting) for taste...

    As to my taste...here's a brief list of tasting notes:

    Tattoo? Strikes me as Captain Morgan's answer to Jaegermeister. :lol:

    Pyrat XO? Mighty tasty, but more a cordial or liquer than a rum. :lol:

    Gosling's Black Seal? Now there's a fyne rum. Don't be messing it up with mixers, water, or ice. B)

    Prussers? Nice spicy note.

    Cruzan 2 Year Old Estate Dark Rum? Economical choice for mixing, making toddies, or sipping with ice. Nothing stellar here, just a good workhorse of a rum. :)

    And there's plenty more rum out there! Of course, I am going to keep reading Bilgemunky's reviews, and trying new (to me) rums!

    Anyone ever had the chance to try Tanduay?

  2. I think one of the interesting things that Pirates and groups that associate with "The Pirate Brethren" are doing is starting to create an "18th Century Impression".

    That is, while they do have their pirate clothes and such, they are also branching out into towns people, magistrates, merchants, smugglers, and Kass is bringing along a Coffee house.

    Not so very long ago, I went out to visit a 4th Virginia Infantry impression.

    While shooting the bangsticks, the guys got a lot of attention. When involving the audience in drills and when educating them on period firearms, yeah...more attention.

    But after that, when they were lounging around or performing drills on the field that didn't involve exploding things...well, the attention span of the audience lasted long enough for a photo-op, at best.

    From then on, the show belonged to the woman with the spinning wheel and her discourse on 19th century fashion. She even managed to hold the younger folks attention by involving some of them in a 19th century fashion show!

  3. Rumba,

    Let me add my voice to the chorus of thanks for all you do.

    Finding this pub, and the good pyrates in it, is one of the very few good things I can recall about 2006.

    Here's looking forward to the new year B) ! May 2007 bring better winds for all!

  4. Damn! I just recently gave away both my bodhran and several tippers to one much more skilled than I.

    Anyway, I wager dunkins (grog) to doughnuts (hardtack) to anyone that the Irish frame drum far predates any Dutch-African connection...

    Long live the afro-celt diaspora!

    Ever notice the evolution of the bagpipes across asia to europe?

  5. Well, I hope this isn't too far off topic (if there's a better thread for this question, I trust our dear lord moderators to inform me!) but, what about period appropriate color schemes?

    Seriously, when we buy a "suit of clothes" in the modern world, what do we mean? To my mind, we firstly think that it will all be cut from the same cloth. But what about to an 18th century gentleman (pyrate)? Would he expect his breeches, waistcoat (thank you Kass!), and frockcoat to be made of the same fabric? Would a fancy brocade be appropriate for one while not the other?

    Seriously, it's been far too many years, and I have drunk far too much apple wine with the gods to be expected to remember such things!


  6. So...post some pictures of your everyday pyratical self!

    It seems I see the wimmin folk in pyratical, or semi-pyratical stylin' gear each and every day.

    Me? If'n I wear my north sea coat over regular "business wear", just to stop a chill on my commute in ta work, mind ya', I get looks as if'n I were a brigand or somethin'...

    For'n example...breeches and stripey socks.

    Acceptable workday fare for gents these daze?

    Ah! But the wimmins...dontcha know we love ya in 'em!

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