Cap'n Sage
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Everything posted by Cap'n Sage
I know it be a late post for the last Exotic Blend, but the review and the pics are up. Take a gander. Not only did they pressgang me into dancing with them, I also got to MC the show. This Friday in Redlands is the October Exotic Blend Belly Dance event. The theme is creepy or Halloweeny. Sunday is the Nightmare Before Halloween bellydance event and once again, the Crew of the Blue Damsel be dancin' their pirate dance guest dancing yours truly. Check out me website for some more info and drop me a line. It is great to hear from you all. Captain Dunn, The Sage Lion thesagelion.com
How much fer the wench????
What a great weekend last weekend. I now have some pics up in me photo album section and a wee bit of a write up on me site. If ye have any pics y'would like t'share then e-,mail em to me. I would like t'put some names to some faces. I won't be going this weekend but if'n y'like t'see me leatherwork go by the Unique Creations booth and talk with Gwyn. Enjoy the pics and I look forward to hearin' from everyone. thesagelion.com
Hi All, Rain is expected FOR SURE for tomorrow (9/21), sooo.... Exotic Blend will still happen but will be MOVED to: Oasis Dance Studio 3673 E. Highland Ave Highland, CA 92346 909-862-5839 or 909-289-4870 (studio phone) corner of Palm & Highland (Stater Bros shopping center) Show starts @ 7:30pm Theme is PIRATE - ARRRGGHHH!
New Location for the dancing. Due to potential inclement weather . Get more information at the Blue Damsel website. Blue Damsel Website thesagelion.com
Avast me hearties, it is time once again for the monthly belly dance event "Exotic Blend" at the Redlands' coffee shop, at the corner of Alabama and Barton Road in Redlands. This time it is Pirate themed. Aaaaaand, I will be dancing in the show. That is right you scurvy dogs, I will be kicking up me heels with the crew of the Blue Damsel. If'n ye live in the Southern California area and can make it, the more pirates the better. Have some coffee or tea and enjoy some fantastic bellydancing. And yep, I will be dancing as well, then me wife Salma Gundy and I will be heading off to Ojai. It be a late start, but we suffer for our art and pyraty goodness. Check out me site for more info and links. TheSageLion.com
Ye kin always give Black Skot at yordreem.com a holler. I get all me coats and waistcoats from him. Good guy, good prices and well made. Check out me write up on him on me site. He is in me links section as well. In fact, he is the only link right now. I have been a bit lazy. Speakin' of which though, if'n ye have a product or some great info, drop me a line and I will link to ye. thesagelion.com
Here we be!!! Thank ye Black Fox. Now I kin be cool. Lookie there me brothers and sisters. Me Wife Salma Gundi and me are right there on page 6 of Pyrate's Way Magazine. Take a gander. If'n ye don't have yer copy yet, just go to my site. I have the pic there. Cheers all, thesagelion.com
Let's do it. I shall anyhow. Can't hurt. thesagelion.com
Perhaps we should try calling! thesagelion.com
If'n ye get the custom order I don't think ye'll have that issue since yer givin' them your foot measurements. That is what I did years ago and the boots turned out superb. In fact, I will be orderin' another pair coming up. Now, if we kin convince em to start makin' the shoes we need... thesagelion.com
Throw up some pics brother or shoot me an email or pm. Regards thesagelion.com
Hey there, I know many were unable to make it so I figure, I will just keep you all abreast of my adventures when ye can't. I now have a write up and some pics of the Tribal Cafe event. Drop in and check them out. I hope to see many of you at Ojai. Who is goin? This will be my and mine's first. Regards, thesagelion.com
Hey all you So. Californians or those who don't mind traveling, I know it is short notice but there is a great bellydance event going on in San Bernardino, California Saturday the18th of August. The 18th will have workshops and vendors all day and dancing and vendors in the evening. On the 19th there will be more workshops. Go to my website for pics in a few days and for more information about the event you can either go to my website or directly to the Tribal Cafe website at Tribal Cafe TheSageLion.com If you show up, drop by and introduce yourself, I will be doing some leatherwork next to the Blue Damsel booth near the henna booth.
Ah, fer those of ye who missed this get together, ye really missed a fun one. What was said earlier tis true, everyone was in Pyratical garb. (save for the floating heads o' the younguns swimmin' by. We had a great time. And t'boot, everyone was in a good mood that I met. I have me write up and me pics up on me website. Drop in and take a gander. If'n ye know of any other events comin' up, let me know. I may be able to go, however with the school year begun for me it could get a tad tight. Also, I hope everyone here is farin' well. Regards, TheSageLion.com
By any chance, are ye offerin' any package deals? I am a pyrate in me classroom and like to have as many items to draw them in as I can. These do look fantastic.
Superb. Thank ye sir. I have been preparing to grab another cutlass or hanger for the upcoming school year. I am a teacher/pirate in my classroom. I have plenty of swords, however, I can write them off a lot easier as a pirate teacher. I use them to teach many things: Venn Diagrams, adjectives usage, creative writing inspiration, but most of all discipline. This is great. Now, what other lists can we come up with. Thank ye again. thesagelion.com
I have made more than a few tassel belts for me wife. Ye can make the tassels yerself if ye want. Yarn is a good way to go fer those and not hard at all. The nice thing is that ye can weight them how ye like. I made some nice fat ones with good swing to em. Ye can always make tassels out of hair. Yep. I bought extensions and then loop them through a metal washer and tie em tight around. If ye have a JoAnne's fabric near about ye and make it to the embellishment section, there a tons of regular fringe by the yard and as others have said there is beaded fringe as well. I have used both and both work great for different things. Look for some simple kuchi jewelry on ebay. Stuff is expensive as all get out but ye can find deals on some of the hanging pieces that will be nice to add to yer belt. I also made a panel tassel belt--where you take 6-10 panels of rectangular or square fabric and lace them together in some way shape or form. I made a badass one out of leather with skulls and such. I will track it down and get some pics. Keep an eye out for after Christmas sales as well for decorative tassels that are used as ornaments. They are usually very well made and swing like crazy. All in all, have fun with it. Try different things. For good swing, tassel placement is key. Hope this helps. thesagelion.com
If'n ye lay out what ye have in mind I am sure that one of us around here can do something up for ye. What d'ye have in mind? I do leather. Pyrate Leather worx does leather. I am sure there be a few more. thesagelion.com
Ahoy, good to hear from you Greydog. Everyone, I have posted some pics of a few new leather trays I have just recently made. Also, and this will be posted elsewhere, I just did a little write up on a burlesque show that will be coming up shortly. Take a view, drop a line. I would love to hear from you all. May the wind stay in yer sails. thesagelion.com
We did indeed meet up at PyrateCon. In fact, had some of the most pleasant conversation. And I am trying to locate the image for the Jolly Roger as we speak. School year is coming up and I need to get that flag ready. My tooling pales in comparison brother. Thanks for dropping by the site. I would like to do a little write up on you for the blog. Send any info to me and I will link you. For that matter, since my goal is promote adventurous lifestyles, if there is something interesting happening or something interesting you do, drop me a line. And feel free to buy my pouches and other leather work of course.
Good day to you all. I am fairly new to posting, though have been lurking for quite a bit. I would like you to take a look at my wares and tell me what you think. It is my own little home on the Net. I not only am selling my leatherwork through the site but I plan on doing some pirate history tidbits as well. thesagelion.com Please drop a line when you get there. I appreciate all the support. My Webpage]
Get a hold of Michael at No Quarter Given. I believe he can make you a pretty good deal. I was looking for coins for my classroom and Christine told me to talk to him. Give er a go and good luck.
Hey Brother, Have yeh tried Jas. Townsend and Sons? http://jas-townsend.com These ain't latchet shoes but I bought a pair. Straight lasted. Not sure about buckle accommodation as me measurin stick idn't handy, though I would venture to say at the the latchets are about and inch, which mean yeh can cut em down if need be. Hope this was helpful, friend. Now, me shoes feel just fine. Mine are size 13 and they are plenty comfortable, which yeh might think odd for a straight last, but I enjoy em. And the buckles make me look purty. I will keep a weather eye out for ya.