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The WildHair'd Wench

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Everything posted by The WildHair'd Wench

  1. Ask her if she plays drums and press gang 'er into me band. She'd probably keep a meter better than what we've been getting.
  2. Ah, it woudda done me heart proud ta be seen with tha likes of you two! I had a similar experience when I walked into Pavilions in me pirate splendor to retrieve some film.
  3. My story involves a French nobleman as well, however, he's more of an adventurer, by choice because he wanted to see the world. I think he is a cross between Oded Fahr as far as looks and Johnny Depp as far as personality for he's pretty flamboyant, but he's a very fierce fighter. The music would be more 1492 - I loved that soundtrack. I would sit at my computer writing listening to it in my headphones just to put me in the mood. I'm hoping to be done with it by Christmas. The story's written, just going through and correcting all the grammer and making sure everything gels time period-wise. I've been working on it since 1991 because I've added scenes taken scenes out. I probably have about 600 pages so far.
  4. M'lady I bid ye welcome!
  5. For those of ya who still don't have it or want to hear it, you can listen to samples here by Tower Records. They have it on sale for $13.99 and I've ordered music through them before, they're very reliable. Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack
  6. I'm sure that isn't gonna be far off, my friend, if it hasn't already been done.
  7. I'm gonna wait to see what Blockbuster has in store. Sometimes if you pre-order certain videos with them, they'll offer like 10 free rentals or something like that. I did that with Monster's, Inc. for me little ones and since I don't go to Blockbuster that often, it took me almost a year to use up the rentals.
  8. Funny thing about accuracy, me ex hates the movie The Princess Bride, why? He was enjoying the movie with me, but when Vizzini is sitting with the Princess and he is trying to guess which cup has the Iocane powder, he says "Because Iocane powder comes from Australia . . ." oh, he lost his head on that one and refused to watch any more of the movie saying "Australia wasn't even discovered then, the movie's poorly written." I told him it was just a movie and said that there's been tons of inaccuracies in a lot of the films he liked. Oh it wasn't "intelligent" enough for him. In POTC I knew that pirates never really enacted walking the plank, but I enjoyed the film nonetheless and I still consider it a must see. Who cares if it got flamboyant, that scene of them stealing the ship was classic.
  9. Odin's Castle If you're a history buff, Odin pretty much covers every era of history with multiple links all under their own section. This website is easy to navigate. Has a section on pirates and maritime history. He welcomes you advising him of any dead links, to which there a some. I've been using him for over 5 years now.
  10. I smoke cigars and I was just at the shop last week stocking up when I ran across some snuff in the corner and up until then, I had no idea it was tobacco. I was tempted to buy some, but I can't even stand nosespray going up me nostrils let alone tobacca.
  11. I've read so many books on pirates that I can't remember them all. I still have the little note cards I made all my notes on. I'm working on a novel set back in the Restoration period. Most of my research was done over in Europe, so anything with pirate on it I grabbed it from the library. I had one book that was completely fascinating, but I got very little out of it. It dealt with the economy from the period 1500-1700 and the book was written in English, Dutch and French. Of course, all the chapters I needed were written in Dutch and French. I have two books on Louis XIV, The Harem (a book about the Harem system in Turkey since part of it has to do with that), The Barbary Coast Pirates, rented a couple on Henry Morgan as he is featured in my book. I'm still having to read and research, so I'm not done. I will be checking out some of the newer books coming out, because most of my research was done in 1991 and where I was, there weren't very many books on pirates that I came across in Switzerland, so.
  12. And to you, happy birthday!
  13. I coulda sworn I wished a Happy Birthday on thee, oh, anyway Happy Birthday!
  14. Happy Birthday, sweetheart!
  15. Happy Birthday, mate!
  16. Aye the bloody monkeys. One of my wee monkeys got ahold of me camera lens and now it's an expensive morocca. Blast!
  17. Very impressive, indeed, but Jack's spyglass is pointed directly at me bottle of rum!
  18. Me favorite movies in no particular order are: Pirates of the Caribbean Lord of the Rings Legend (The European Version) Brotherhood of the Wolf The Three Musketeers (Michael York, Oliver Reed/Faye Dunaway, etc.) Cyrano de Bergerac (Gerard Depardieu) The Count of Monte Christo (both versions) The Man in the Iron Mask (Richard Chamberlain) The Mask of Zorro Amadeus The Matrix The Mummy (2000?, the newer version) The Fifth Element Restoration Captain Blood Frenchman's Creek Against All Flags Gladiator Hook Moll Flanders (This didn't do too well at the pictures, but it really is a good movie, I thought, I love strong women characters, but then the critics hate most of the movies I like) Forever Amber (An excellent display of manly virtues in that film) From Hell Chocolat (Oh, hell anything with Johnny Depp in it) Blade Interview with a Vampire Queen of the Damned (Not happy that they didn't stick with the book, but I can handle it) The Princess Bride Orlando Prosperos Books Atlantis by Disney (Not many people liked it, but excellent imagination) *************************** Favorite POC line - "But why is the rum gone?"
  19. What me heard, rang like fun indeed! Oh well, time fer another drink
  20. Ah thanks for the account. I used to do the same, however, carting around two wee ones, makes it rather hard these days.
  21. This'll be my first time as well so I'm interested in what's to be had. I've been to mostly Renaissance Faires with the pirates and many of them wouldn't acknowledge pirates at first, but we just got too many - but we still had a good time. I've found the smaller faires in Southern California much more pirate friendly, so I was happy to hear about Lake Casitas faire for pirates only. I used to be a member of the Bretheren, way back when. :) I ran into a number of them last weekend at Dana Point. As far as Dana Point, there really isn't much you can do but parade around but still had fun anyway. Just spot the WildHair'd Wench.
  22. Glad to meet ya, Captain, I be Wild Hair
  23. Oops, I guess I'll see you all in Ojai, I'll be in Dana Point this weekend. Sorry, sometimes, I just reads too fast.
  24. I'll be there with me crew. Now to explain this to the Northern Folk.
  25. Darn too much rum, I think I'm confusing this with Dana Point.
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